Installing ToMI 3 to C:\Telltale Games

edited October 2009 in Game Support

I am trying to install ToMI 3, however I want to put it in C:\Telltale Games\Tales of Monkey Island but the installer refuse to do that by graying out the 'Install' button as if it is an invalid directory. It seems to be fine with anything else off route e.g. C:\Capcom and with C:\Program Files\...

The strange thing is it seems to reject it as soon as it contains Telltale, hence C:\Tale is fine as is C:\Tell but not C:\Telltale.

For reference both ToMI 1 & 2 are in there along with Sam & Max Seasons 1 & 2.

Any ideas? Thanks


  • edited September 2009
    Forgot to post I have redownloaded twice just to be sure.
  • SegSeg
    edited October 2009
    Well this is a new one.

    The installer forbids installs to the location with any of the following conditions:

    * The %WINDIR%
    * The Windows System folder
    * If any of the no-no characters and names listed in the Microsoft Basic Naming Conventions.
    * The target directory doesn't have enough space to install the game
    * The current user doesn't have permissions to write in the target.
    * The root of a drive.

    Now that I typed this all out again, I have to ask if you included a leading slash when using "C:\Telltale\". That may have been the difference.
  • edited October 2009
    Yes I did include the leading slash hence why C:\Capcom\ works. For reference as the directory already exists I get the same behaviour if I attempt to browse for it (except it is the OK button), again another directory such as C:\Capcom\ works fine.

    I've tried various combinations to attempt to sort this out and it clearly seems to be rejecting 'Telltale' (and is case insensitive). Intrestingly enough I've now also tested it on two other machines and I get the exact same anomaly (one with the same installer, the other with a new download).
  • mremre
    edited October 2009
    *ahem* Bump.

    I'd like to install MI103 to the same folder, "C:\Telltale Games\Tales of Monkey Island\", where all the other Telltale games have been installed without any issues but the installer won't let me. Any solution? Or will I have to *shudder* install somewhere else?

    The aesthetics... :(
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2009
    Unfortunately, the only one who can answer this question is Seg, who is currently out of town for a week and a half. Sorry!
  • edited October 2009
    Ok, so we wait then.


    Although it need sorting so we don't have the same issue with ToMI 4, I have come up with a work around (although not for the faint of heart), basically it involves installing it to an alternative directory such as C:\TellTal Games\ (the missing 'e' is very important!), then copying it to C:\TellTale Games\, followed by some registry editing (to correct the file paths [mainly for Games Explorer and possibly uninstall although having gone through this I'm not planning to unistall it yet]) and it appears to work (although I hope I haven't missed an entry).
  • mremre
    edited October 2009
    Oh well, I'll see if I'll install it before then anyway.
    Q_Division wrote: »
    Although it need sorting so we don't have the same issue with ToMI 4, I have come up with a work around (although not for the faint of heart), basically it involves installing it to an alternative directory such as C:\TellTal Games\ (the missing 'e' is very important!), then copying it to C:\TellTale Games\, followed by some registry editing (to correct the file paths [mainly for Games Explorer and possibly uninstall although having gone through this I'm not planning to unistall it yet]) and it appears to work (although I hope I haven't missed an entry).

    Hm, yeah. Since Telltal has a habit of recording progress made in registry entries that are used in future episodes, I don't think I'll risk this one. Thanks for the tip though.
  • SegSeg
    edited October 2009
    Well, egg's on my face. A check that we have for the studio was causing this issue. Specifically, "c:\telltale" was the problem string.

    This won't happen again in installers for future PC releases for any Telltale game (including Monkey Island) and epically the DVD release. For MonkeyIsland103, you'll have to work around it for now.

    This doesn't effect settings. These settings are independent of where any one individual episode is installed as each episode is installed in a different location. For reference, they're stored here. Of course, shortcuts and some registry settings refer to the install location.

    Registry Keys:
    ~\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Monkey Island Season 1\
    ~\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Telltale Games\MonkeyIsland103.exe\

    %Documents%\Telltale Games\Lair of the Leviathan\
  • edited October 2009
    Thanks for letting us know Seg.

    I think I caught all of the relevant registry changes (which is presumably why my workaround worked), although thanks to you additional info I'll cross check it later (just to be sure).

    Thanks again.
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