What are the chances that so many of the women here have reddish hair?
makes me curious to see what some others of you look like.... Maybe we should make a picture sharing thread or a facebook friend request thread or something.
What are the chances that so many of the girls here have reddish hair?
How many girls have reddish hair? Mine is brown. Maybe the cam screwed it up.
But apart from that, there's only Lennie I've seen so far
So a thread like that might be a nice idea
I'm a female. And I know of several females on here.
We shall take over.
Maybe if I get the chance, I'll upload a picture.
Someone should do some Sam & Max fanart pictures for this thread.
Yarrmeister, why don’t you edit your first post and collect all the previous entries? Like Nick did in the Wallpaper-Forum. Because this thread is AWESOME!
By the way, thank you guys for the many posts! It’s great to see how piratey we fans really are!
here's my 1st attempt: (the image quality isn't very good as I'm just using my basic web cam set on VGA snapshots which are taken by pressing a button on the back of the camera, which doesn't help keep the picture still!)
I wasn't happy with that one, so I tried one without my glasses:
I'm not entirely happy with that one either, but it'll do for now.
You people make the best threads. I love this website.
I'm fairly certain that I might know you...creepy for you. MUAHAHA!
I'm not certain entirely though, so it doesn't really matter...or does it? I think I might hound you down now! I got my scent now and I'm all rabid DOG! DOG!
I'm not certain entirely though so...I'm just messing with you, possibly...maybe....don't stay on the edge of your seat or anything though....but please keep your windows open and don't hide around any corners from my view!
Anyone else want to show theirselves to me? I just might happen to know you too! Another person to put on my...list....??
What are the chances that so many of the women here have reddish hair?
He, he, I just noticed that on one of the previous pages... Well, here's another one!
But, I have to admit, red is not my natural hair color. It just so happens to suit me much better.
What about you showing yourself to us...? MUAHAHAHA!!!
And give up the paranoia of posting your pictures online with a bunch of strangers, knowing some one here might know you, who is looking at your photos whilst you make stupid faces? NEVER!
I'm going to sit back and save these to my computer! Then I'm going to post them EVERYWHERE on the internet! MUAHAHAAH!
You rock hard, girl! I really love the last picture!!
Power to the female MI fans!
I'm somehow getting the feeling we are too few. But maybe that's just me. And because this is just pointless rambling, take another:
I think there are at least 4 of us!
4 is a good number. There will be more, muhahaha.
Here's my lame attempts:
Love it, esp.the first. Seems to say: D'oh!
makes me curious to see what some others of you look like.... Maybe we should make a picture sharing thread or a facebook friend request thread or something.
How many girls have reddish hair? Mine is brown. Maybe the cam screwed it up.
But apart from that, there's only Lennie I've seen so far
So a thread like that might be a nice idea
He's got the... angry... lazy-eyed... monkey!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing! So good!
We shall take over.
Maybe if I get the chance, I'll upload a picture.
Someone should do some Sam & Max fanart pictures for this thread.
Us, just after graduation. If anyone is curious, I am second from the right, getting squished.
And finally it's the...SQUINTY...ZOMBIE-EYED...PORKER.
And, some guests. Yes. They always make faces like these in photos. You should see their Facebook.
Feel my bad photoshoop skillz
Loved them. Especially the second is price worthy. You should enter a pirate beauty competition
*LOL* Awesome, Majus!
Attachment not found.
By the way, thank you guys for the many posts! It’s great to see how piratey we fans really are!
I wasn't happy with that one, so I tried one without my glasses:
I'm not entirely happy with that one either, but it'll do for now.
I will wear eyepatch, I will wear bandana, and I will post pictures.
Best... Sister Agnes... impersonation... EVER!!!
I've been trying out some pirate faces, maybe I'll post some later.
SO far the only one we know of!!
I know, but I doubt there'll ever be a better one.
Though that's just a theory, so, I'm looking forward to being proved wrong.
But for now, here are my Pirate Faces from yesterday... I put on my bandana, too, for better effect.
She's got the.... ARRR!!!
I didn't even know my face could do that... :eek:
Not quite what I intended, but yeah...
Er, and in this case, total piratey! YARRR!
ARRR! Thank ye!
I LOVE LOVE the second. Makes you win by default bc of cuteness
Man, you people totally beat me to it.
And I love that. This is epic!
I'm fairly certain that I might know you...creepy for you. MUAHAHA!
I'm not certain entirely though, so it doesn't really matter...or does it? I think I might hound you down now! I got my scent now and I'm all rabid DOG! DOG!
I'm not certain entirely though so...I'm just messing with you, possibly...maybe....don't stay on the edge of your seat or anything though....but please keep your windows open and don't hide around any corners from my view!
Anyone else want to show theirselves to me? I just might happen to know you too! Another person to put on my...list....??
But, I have to admit, red is not my natural hair color. It just so happens to suit me much better.
What about you showing yourself to us...? MUAHAHAHA!!!
And give up the paranoia of posting your pictures online with a bunch of strangers, knowing some one here might know you, who is looking at your photos whilst you make stupid faces? NEVER!
I'm going to sit back and save these to my computer! Then I'm going to post them EVERYWHERE on the internet! MUAHAHAAH!
Sleep soundly tonight!
It's the.....Confused.....Twitching.....Hillbilly
I like it