Can I buy the season and get the DVD later?

edited October 2009 in Sam & Max
I would like to buy and play Season 2, but I don't need the DVD in a hurry.. If I buy it just for the downloadable episodes, will I be able to add the DVD in the shipment of the Monkey Island DVD when it will be ready, to pay just one shipping? (Sorry for my English!)


  • edited October 2009
    one: This post goes in the support forum.

    two: yes, you can. Just buy the game for download only and when the monkey island one be ready, add to the order the S&M disc. If you put the sales number in the disc page, will be free! ^^! (Except for the shipping of course)
  • edited October 2009
    Thanks for the answer and sorry for the wrong place to put the topic! :)
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