How is Monkey Island Written?

edited October 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
Okay so a book goes:

On a dark and stormy night Guybrush walked up to the lookout station and said "lo there stranger, you're beard is long and might catch fire. Also I am fancy."

And a movie goes

SCENE: The lookout post atop a mountain. A sheer cliff looks out onto the empty Caribbean Sea at night. LOOKOUT stands watch in a dark clothes and a sweeping white beard.

GUYBRUSH enters from the stairs.

Lo there strange, your beard is long and might catch fire.

He pauses.

Also I am fancy

But how is a game written?


  • edited October 2009
    I think it's the same way as a movie.
  • edited October 2009
    I remember Tim Schafer mentioning he writes his dialogue in Excel. I would assume it's less of a traditional screenplay and more of a flowchart with dialogue written-in (aka something like Excel).
  • edited October 2009
    For the specific dialogue trees yes, but what about the game as a whole? It has to be some sort of script showing how the story goes, then trees and separate files for each character or item you can interact with.
  • edited October 2009
    Ideas and storyboarding at the start maybe. Then key dialogue and dialogue trees....maybe
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