Pumpkin Stencils?

edited October 2009 in Sam & Max
I want to make a Max-o-lantern this year. Can you guys put out some stencils for us? Pretty please with sugar and candy and whatever else you guys like on top?


  • edited October 2009
    Why not just print out an image of max's freakish head and use that?
  • edited October 2009
    Why not just print out an image of max's freakish head and use that?

    That remembers me the day I draw a "Cute" Max in class. A classmate looks at it and said "Get away the killer rabbit from me!" and I was all "But he's pretty good. A Sociopath Bastard but pretty good!"
  • edited October 2009
    Why not just print out an image of max's freakish head and use that?

    It doesn't work like that. If you cut out certain parts the wrong way, it'll screw the whole thing up.
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