I literally just saw an ad for it on TV, and it looked full of personality as always with Tim Schafer games (yes, personality often draws me in to games). It sounds like it's an interesting mix of genres too. In the way of presentation, the graphics looked good, and I get the impression that the music will be awesome. I've deeply respected Schafer's taste in music ever since Full Throttle.
I'm tempted. I do enjoy games of mixed genres, and the whole metal theme has me interested!
I love the soundtrack, the story and the world Double Fine has created. It's one of the few games that I actually enjoy spending time with after finishing the main story just cruising around exploring the world trying to find everything.
Brütal Legend's weak point to me is the gameplay mechanics. There is no real flow in the combat and although the stage battles can be fun you see it's flaws as soon as you become the underdog.
It was an interesting game. I hope Schafer goes back to adventure games now that he has tried out this experiment. I'd like to see another grim fandango game. He has already stated his reluctance to do sequels but brutal legend can prove to him that everything he makes isn't made of gold (I'm sure the game has done well enough in sales though)
Dare I ask how events near the start and end of World War II relate to Yahtzee's review of the brütality?
The way you phrased your post just made it sound like this mindblowingly horrible thing, to me anyway. I realized you didn't mean it that way, but if there's a chance to be melodramatic to the point of ridiculousness then I'm there!
It was an interesting game. I hope Schafer goes back to adventure games now that he has tried out this experiment. I'd like to see another grim fandango game. He has already stated his reluctance to do sequels but brutal legend can prove to him that everything he makes isn't made of gold (I'm sure the game has done well enough in sales though)
Is it kind of an adventure game, though? I mean, with inventory and stuff like Psychonauts? The game looks incredibly awesome anyways, and with the soundtrack listed...ooo...
Is it kind of an adventure game, though? I mean, with inventory and stuff like Psychonauts? The game looks incredibly awesome anyways, and with the soundtrack listed...ooo...
Brutal Legend has much fewer adventure elements than Psychonauts did.
The way you phrased your post just made it sound like this mindblowingly horrible thing, to me anyway. I realized you didn't mean it that way, but if there's a chance to be melodramatic to the point of ridiculousness then I'm there!
Ah, the eternal problem of non-visual and non-auditory communication. Tone and phrasing are virtually impossible to communicate and thus easily misconstrued. You're right; there was no mindblowing horror intended, just a statement of fact. I leave the interpretation of mind-blowing horror to the critics of his criticisms. And of course, to the PR department of Electronic Arts.
Not to mention the lack of any Pantera or early Metallica.
I'm tempted. I do enjoy games of mixed genres, and the whole metal theme has me interested!
I love it and can't wait for his next game.
Germany has invaded Poland.
America has dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Yahtzee has reviewed Brütal Legend.
I love the soundtrack, the story and the world Double Fine has created. It's one of the few games that I actually enjoy spending time with after finishing the main story just cruising around exploring the world trying to find everything.
Brütal Legend's weak point to me is the gameplay mechanics. There is no real flow in the combat and although the stage battles can be fun you see it's flaws as soon as you become the underdog.
The way you phrased your post just made it sound like this mindblowingly horrible thing, to me anyway. I realized you didn't mean it that way, but if there's a chance to be melodramatic to the point of ridiculousness then I'm there!
Is it kind of an adventure game, though? I mean, with inventory and stuff like Psychonauts? The game looks incredibly awesome anyways, and with the soundtrack listed...ooo...
Brutal Legend has much fewer adventure elements than Psychonauts did.
Ahhh the guy who says point n click adventures are dead. I know him.
He can be funny if he doesn't try too hard
Ah, the eternal problem of non-visual and non-auditory communication. Tone and phrasing are virtually impossible to communicate and thus easily misconstrued. You're right; there was no mindblowing horror intended, just a statement of fact. I leave the interpretation of mind-blowing horror to the critics of his criticisms. And of course, to the PR department of Electronic Arts.