It's a toss-up between Tales and Curse for me, but I'll need more time to completely process Tales. In the meantime, I flipped a coin and chose Tales.
The thing that CMI has and Tales doesn't is remarkable...I want to say art style, but it's graphics. I do think the engine needs a major update now. Don't get me wrong, I do think TMI is gorgeous, but there's a few issues.
This is important because, if you replay a section or something, it's not as good as first time around because you already know what's going to happen; and then there's no timeless art style to fall back on. The art helps. I swear, it helps.
A part of me hopes that they'll find a way to make future games look 2D but have the advantages of 3D, but I can't see it happening soon.
In the meantime, I'll shut up and say what a great job Telltale did with Tales. It looks amazing, plays amazing, and the story is something else. But, for future games, the graphics engine does need an overhaul. A 2d-looking would be a nice thing to have.
(PS: Ten bucks says a good chunk of you will pick MI2 simply because it was Ron Gilbert's last game as project leader on the series.)
LeChuck's Revenge. Best music compositions, best puzzles, (ones that I spent the longest on where the solutions weren't the most bizarre) it made me laugh the most. Curse comes in at a close second. All in my opinion of course, but let's see how the 5th episode plays out and Tales might just take over in being my favorite altogether.
A part of me hopes that they'll find a way to make future games look 2D but have the advantages of 3D, but I can't see it happening soon.
In the meantime, I'll shut up and say what a great job Telltale did with Tales. It looks amazing, plays amazing, and the story is something else. But, for future games, the graphics engine does need an overhaul. A 2d-looking would be a nice thing to have.
yes, and by the gorgeous concept art we know they can do amazing 2d, so why not make it 2d background with 3d characters, like in 'A Vampyre story' or 'runaway'? seems plausible.
as for my choice, i picked MI2, and I bet that MI2:SE will be just as awesome if and when it comes out.
yes, and by the gorgeous concept art we know they can do amazing 2d, so why not make it 2d background with 3d characters, like in 'A Vampyre story' or 'runaway'? seems plausible.
There's loads of reasons. Do a bit of Googling and you'll find out why.
I'm just doing some wishful thinking. "Monkey Island in 2009" has become my own version "Of nothing is impossible," and Monkey Island having a beautiful 2D-look while retaining all the advantages of 3D is Monkey Island in 2009.
You guys bring up a good point about the art style, which could be another reason why Curse and LeChuck's Revenge won't move from their position over Tales for me. I mean Tales does an amazing job with their character designs and expression which to me top all the other games on that subject, and while everything else graphics-wise (such as backgrounds and settings) isn't too bad it doesn't feel as lively and colorful as say, Curse. It's not just about the good graphics, it's the style.
It's tempting to pick Tales after that latest chapter, but... I'm still going to go with Curse. That game was simply one of a kind - the art style contributed to that greatly, but it got everything else right too. Tales would actually come second on my list now, and who knows where it'll end up after the final chapter.
It's not just about the good graphics, it's the style.
I think the art style was one thing, in terms of how it looks, that they got absolutely right. It's a beautiful blend of CMI, MI2 and, on Flotsam at night, SMI. It looks like it's stylised realism at times, like an animated Pixar film at others, but it also very consistent with the series. In the plane that the characters exist in, it's very realistic.
This may be a coincidence, but I thought it was really cool how there's all these little swirly symbols on everything, when the game largely revolves around Guybrush decoding things from ancient civilizations and voodoo curses he doesn't understand. It gives the game a distinct look while complimenting the storyline. I like that.
To me, while the settings in Tales did capture the overall style well, it didn't feel as lively as Curse. The color application might have something to do with it but I also feel the camera angles or overall setting design might have something to do with it also. Things in Curse such as how we recently got zoomed out angles of the great design of Puerto Pollo made for the best environmental feeling.
To me, while the settings in Tales did capture the overall style well, it didn't feel as lively as Curse.
I think...There's this thing in Monkey Island, that there's almost always a lot more going on in the background (of the story and environments) than you know. And this is certainly true in Tales, but it's only because of the story. Whereas in MI1-3, the art helped. Know what I mean? The dense background art, which looked very...alluring. I remember when I was eight, I would always try to go visit the back forest at Puerto Pollo, and one of my favourite moments was using the scissors to cut through the shrubbery to actually get to the background. The fact that it didn't disappoint helped. And so did the idea that I hadn't seen everything, hence my love of El Pollo Diablo.
Whereas in Tales, it feels like you're on an isolated island with everything happening near you. The story adds a lot of that needed background mystique, and the art style helps a little, but it's not as freely available as it was in the first three.
The positive points of Tales more than make up for that, though.
It feels like there's something going on back there. See?
i voted TOMI but it might be becuase im all in the hype atm. but i know MI2 will win lol I WOULD WAY MI2 CMI TOMI are my fave. i like MI1 but not as the others and EMI is my least fav but i like it too
Brilliant art style
Brilliant atmosphere
Brilliant puzzles
Brilliant cast (although Dominic Armato seems retrospectively a little unenthusiastic with his lines. That's probably just because his talents have improved since then, in Tales/escape)
Funny Dialog
A story that felt Epic, from start to finish
You felt part of a much bigger world.
My second favourite is probably Tales, but only after the last episode.
Good Art style
Good atmosphere (the constant load times in the wii versions of the first two ruined it for me)
Some pretty Clever puzzles, but some uninspiring (treasure hunting for example) ones as well.
Brilliant Cast
Funny Dialog
A story, that feels Epic, but only really picked up in chapter four.
The world just seems smaller that Curse.
Third is Escape.
Awful 3D
Good atmosphere in places (Jambalaya), totally absent in others (lucre, melee).
Some clever puzzles, but they were a tad longwinded (Marshes of Time)
Good cast (american Elaine was just wierd)
No memorable lines of dialog
Weird storyline
Large world map.
And the horrible Monkey Kombat (well, it wasn't that bad, it was just complex insult sword fighting, only unfunny)
Poor EfMI.
I hope it gets an extra-big clap like they did for the fat kids at my primary school in sports-days.
... Really, though, what did the fat kids do to deserve applause?...
I've had to vote for ToMI. I thought SoMI was a very nice idea and a quaint little thing. SoMI-LCR was pretty epic, and CoMI was beautifully balanced between lighthearted and serious (the mood-enhancing through colours/music was v.v.good). EfMI was like a racing car which is beautifully built, but someone forgot the roll-cage and half of the body-work; I wasn't too bothered by the anachronisms (like some were) and the whole resort idea was fun until we got past Lucre.
But then ToMI is great so far. I've been without internet at the hovel I live in from late August to last week. I played the first ep. and I wasn't enamored by the click-drag controls (which I thought was the only way to do it for a while). The ep was reasonably fun but it lacked that je ne sais quoi that was the result from a few other outings. The backgrounds didn't help the sense of immersion. Nothing as far as the eye can see (yes, technically what else could they put there? But some of the more favoured islands of the community such as Blood Island didn't have this feature, because the darkness/camera angles allowed the isolated island to have its own snug feeling). The other characters weren't all that memorable.
But then I downloaded ep 2/3/ a couple of days ago. Spinner Cay was a vast improvement even though the merfolk idea was a tad out-there. Lair of the Leviathan was another insular location which allowed for story-development and atmosphere building. New characters who were much more memorable than the glass-blower/freaky cat-man/etc. And great character-dynamics between Guybrush and Morgan which gave the game a fresh feel after the old status quo of Elaine/Guybrush. It really blew my mind how far the game could come over 2 eps.
Then Ep4 comes out and the atmosphere is again handled beautifully, and I resort to something I haven't with games for half a decade: I stayed up until just before normal people get up just to finish it. The trial was a brilliant brain-teaser giving a great sense of purpose.
Chucky/De Singe/La Flay/Poxy Elaine/Poxy-everyone-else build a feeling of insecurity, even Voodoo lady could be an enemy.
A rather "Icaran" feel presides over the ep, as fans are riveted by epic cut-scenes using (for cut-scenes) clumsy graphics.
ToMI isn't polished. CoMI had v.v.few pitfalls in it for me. But ToMI is biting more off, and really giving the players a story. The new characters aren't better than in CoMI (the Barber-pirates, the hotelier, the smugglers etc.), but they've shaken up the comfortable formula (whether temporary or lasting).
And no, as others have argued, it's not revolutionary story-telling. But then, neither is it 2-d "safe" story-telling. Playing with characters etc. To the extent that TTG are doing is very brave as it could easily push some fans away. The worst (and easiest) thing would have been for the series to stagnate along the same formulae for the equivalent of 10 TV-seasons.
Oh, and even if ToMI was just a blank screen except for the bit where
Winslow goes 'I like it when you point at the map'
and Guybrush goes 'You're making us look bad! Just go!'
it would still get my vote as best game. That was legendarily funny for me.
yes, and by the gorgeous concept art we know they can do amazing 2d, so why not make it 2d background with 3d characters, like in 'A Vampyre story' or 'runaway'? seems plausible.
[off topic]
Indeed, I just bought a game drawn completely by hand and thus in 2D, it was even made in flash: Machinarium.
It's an excellent adventure game and well balanced. The puzzles are more varied than Tomi's and really strikes that cutesey chord which is such a rare thing. TOMI has that too sometimes but not as much as machinarium. Machinarium is like a hand drawn Wall-e crossed with siberia puzzles and cuteness/story. And the soundtracks are really good too and fit well into the atmosphere.
If you've finsished chapter 4 and you're waiting for ch. 5 I'd give Machinarium a try.
I'm not affiliated in any way btw, just thought to share what I thought is a good game.
Just as ab asude, I really thought the 3D Stan doesn't work as well as in 2D, the cartoony style quick gestures don't translate well into 3D. But TTG has done a terrific job of getting the best out of it.
My choice is between MI3 and TOMI, but since I haven't finished the 4th and 5th chapter I'm going to hold off voting for a while yet
^already played Machinarium and didn't really appreciated the 'myst-like' puzzle system. Also, it reminded me too much of 'the neverhood' which I also didn't like. I gave up on Machinarium on the part where you're in the elevator. no real reason, just felt like i couldn't take it anymore.
If I ranked the MI games, it would go:
1: Tales
2: Curse
3: Revenge
4: Secret
5-46: Massive gap
47: Escape
When Chapter 1 came out, Tales was on place 4, under Secret. Fun and interesting, but not as good as the first 3. Spinner Cay elevated it beyond Secret with the great merperson jokes, Winslow, "good guy" LeChuck, and some great puzzles. Episode 3 was so much fun and had such great characters that it got to place 2. But Chapter 4's sheer epicness elevated it over Curse.
Aww man, I'm the only one to vote for Escape. But there's a reason, you see!
It was my first ever Monkey Island game, that my older bro bought for me one christmas, and I loved it so much I replayed it over and over. The characters, the voices, the jokes, are all ingrained into my mind. I will never forget Guybrush's little ditty as I sent him down the lava flume for what must have been the hundredth time.
After that, probably Curse, then Revenge, then Secret. Probably because of the graphics, but also because I don't really remember laughing at the first two as much as the others.
It's hard to place Tales. When I heard it was coming out, I was overwhelmed. Finally, a new Monkey Island! But it feels so apart from the rest of the series that it's like a different game altogether.
Aww man, I'm the only one to vote for Escape. But there's a reason, you see!
It was my first ever Monkey Island game, that my older bro bought for me one christmas, and I loved it so much I replayed it over and over. The characters, the voices, the jokes, are all ingrained into my mind. I will never forget Guybrush's little ditty as I sent him down the lava flume for what must have been the hundredth time.
Escape wasn't that bad (although they had recycled the soundtrack IMO) but the Monkey Combat thing didn't fit into the MI universe, the controls were awkward and the whole time you knew Charles L. Charles is LeChuck but were forced to pretend you wouldn't. The dialogues were ok, the puzzles acceptable but the monkey combat & secret of the monkey heads absolutely misplaced.
TMI is fun but it's just not as fun as the originals for me. TTG have made a memorable series but it has nothing to do with the original great trilogy in its tradition - sure we see references to that trilogy but the references are all that bind them together. When we see Stan, Murray etc it's a cameo. I hope Lucasarts make some more MI adventures and I hope TTG carry on but it's not the same right now, I'm admittedly older now but I have to force myself to log in and play, same with Sam n Max, there was no pull there for me to find out more and progress. When I played the original MI series and solved a puzzle I was excited and knew I had to travel far to try out my new theory or to use a new object I had uncovered, with TMI the locations/adventure space are tiny and the object/puzzle options are very limited and sadly it feels very adventure lite (tm). It's a tough thing to say as a lot of time and passion has obviously gone into these chapters and yes they are slick, but as as an old school adventurer I'm not feeling it I have to admit. Too much talking, too few locations, too little object/item chemistry and a huge pain having to go to another screen at that. When you have a smaller geography with a few characters and a few items in inventory, it becomes a clicking exercise. You could say this of the original but the scope was much larger and things just seemed more traditional.
To be fair to TTG, after playing the first episode which I enjoyed (yet felt it was too small and thought the next chapter would be bigger only to find the opposite was true) I installed my old copy of curse again and played it though largely not remembering the puzzles and it was a real challenge to get to the end, but it was charming, taxing and felt epic, it really is a classic game and I can see why people put it at the top of their MI list. I used a few hints but the puzzles are lovely and everything is right there on one screen - the object manipulation, movement, save/load game etc. Next I tried revenge and well damn, that was an experience, such a classic yet the graphics were so dated BUT everything was logical and the story unwinds so well and again it feels epic. I played the remake of secret after this and had forgotten the puzzles and yes it feels a little 'wooden' but it has the Monkey Island feel and I would buy another lucasarts remake in a heartbeat.
So it's 2009, I'm an older fart and I'm not in love with this series yet they are objectively-speaking very good. What would happen if Lucasarts or TTG released a curse fuelled 2d sequel (or whatever) to escape that was made lovingly over several months and stuck to the curse format yet solved after a week (a day??) or two by even the most ardent old school adventurer? Things have changed - the internet means you can click a solution in 5 seconds if you are really stuck and the newer generation will not accept the graphics of that older game. I feel you can still do a 2009 2d new point and click game but all those months spent for someone to walkthrough in 1 hour with no replayabillity? Need to get real on that front, it's not going to happen.
I hope season 2 sees some drastic changes as I probably won't sign up at this point, having said this I am in the minority so they must be doing something right.
Monkey Island 2 is my favourite, with SMI on second place. Depending on how TTG wraps up TMI with chapter 5, TMI could very well knock CMI down from third place on my list.
1. Curse of Monkey Island;
2. Escape from Monkey Island;
3. Tales of Monkey Island;
4. Le Chuck's Revenge;
5. Secret of Monkey Island.
- The reason I like CoMI most is simple: It was my first MI game, and the first point and click adventure I've ever played... So, it was my introduction to the adventure games' world, and add to that the cartoon graphics, clever puzzle design, the atmosphere and the humour... It was the real thing for me, the one that made me love these games . I also like EfMI, loved the chapters that take place on Melee, Lucre and Jambalaya island. As far as SoMI is concerned, I ranked it last because I only really enjoyed it while on Melee Island, on Monkey Island I found all that travelling between places and the cave where Le Chuck pretty tiresome.
Escape wasn't that bad (although they had recycled the soundtrack IMO) but the Monkey Combat thing didn't fit into the MI universe, the controls were awkward and the whole time you knew Charles L. Charles is LeChuck but were forced to pretend you wouldn't. The dialogues were ok, the puzzles acceptable but the monkey combat & secret of the monkey heads absolutely misplaced.
I have to admit, the monkey combat DID get a little boring, but I thought the concept was brilliant.
The only thing that really got me was trying to retrieve the right file at the Palace of Prostheses. It was pretty much trial and error all the way through until I found out the real method online.
While Tales' latest chapter is holy crap amazing, to the point that I considered making it 1st, the rest of the chapters bring it down to the 3rd place. The puzzles are... okay. A little hard at times, and tedious at others, but sometimes pretty cool. The storytelling, though, is breathtaking compared to what I was expecting. However, I'd still play Curse and SoMI over any of Tales' other chapters aside from the 4th one, and if I consider Tales to be a full game, it really doesn't live up to their challenge.
Unless something happens to make Tales REALLY jump the shark in episode 5, it's emotionally involving storyline and humor put it above all the previous games in the series. I actually think that Tales is superior to the old Monkey Island games in just about every way, the only exceptions being soundtrack and some of the puzzles.
1. LCR - Dark humour, hardcore puzzles, twisted ending, backgrounds, sentimental value.
2. CMI \ TMI - Can't decide. Both have great stories, nice graphics and some memorable scenes.
3. SMI - Great introduction to the series, but now seems a little too short.
4. EMI - Good adventure game in great series. It's nice, just isn't as good as the rest.
^already played Machinarium and didn't really appreciated the 'myst-like' puzzle system. Also, it reminded me too much of 'the neverhood' which I also didn't like. I gave up on Machinarium on the part where you're in the elevator. no real reason, just felt like i couldn't take it anymore.
Each to their own of course, but I liked that game too, though not as much as the monkey island series
The elevator is about at 80% of the game, so you're almost there.
Curse with revenge as a close second, then secret, tales and escape.
I like tales and I don't want to sound like one of the whiny idiots, but..
Tales is too short, there aren't many puzzles and they aren't as creative with the puzzles as the other 3 MI games. The strongest point is the humor and storyline - if the puzzles were better and the game had more of them it would be perfect.
I loved the static electricity puzzle but I ended up solving it by accident.
What would be awesome, is if an expansion of tales were released later on patching over each episode, like the lite/easy versions revenge and curse had. The puzzle issue could be fixed.
It has been promising from the start, but I just finished episode 4 and I really begin to think this series is the BEST MI GAME EVER
The storytelling of this series is the best of all the games (see for example the closing lines of this last epidose... superb! Ok,
it's yet another variation of the same quotation from MI1
, but perfectly rendered and made apt to the context, and even engaging and climatic), and the atmosphere is there... maybe more in this episode than for example in the first... but this one is very enjoyable, warm and really monkey-island-eque
As for the puzzles: again in my opinion this series is the best of all the games. Engaging but never too far-fetched (well, maybe
The only thing that really got me was trying to retrieve the right file at the Palace of Prostheses. It was pretty much trial and error all the way through until I found out the real method online.
There was a system. Each symbol corresponded to a small portion of the alphabet. You have Pegnoses' initials. You had to figure out which symbol had which initials (banana might have a-d for example) and line it up. Simple, really
The thing that CMI has and Tales doesn't is remarkable...I want to say art style, but it's graphics. I do think the engine needs a major update now. Don't get me wrong, I do think TMI is gorgeous, but there's a few issues.
This is important because, if you replay a section or something, it's not as good as first time around because you already know what's going to happen; and then there's no timeless art style to fall back on. The art helps. I swear, it helps.
A part of me hopes that they'll find a way to make future games look 2D but have the advantages of 3D, but I can't see it happening soon.
In the meantime, I'll shut up and say what a great job Telltale did with Tales. It looks amazing, plays amazing, and the story is something else. But, for future games, the graphics engine does need an overhaul. A 2d-looking would be a nice thing to have.
(PS: Ten bucks says a good chunk of you will pick MI2 simply because it was Ron Gilbert's last game as project leader on the series.)
yes, and by the gorgeous concept art we know they can do amazing 2d, so why not make it 2d background with 3d characters, like in 'A Vampyre story' or 'runaway'? seems plausible.
as for my choice, i picked MI2, and I bet that MI2:SE will be just as awesome if and when it comes out.
There's loads of reasons. Do a bit of Googling and you'll find out why.
I'm just doing some wishful thinking. "Monkey Island in 2009" has become my own version "Of nothing is impossible," and Monkey Island having a beautiful 2D-look while retaining all the advantages of 3D is Monkey Island in 2009.
I can see it happening, just...not anytime soon.
I think the art style was one thing, in terms of how it looks, that they got absolutely right. It's a beautiful blend of CMI, MI2 and, on Flotsam at night, SMI. It looks like it's stylised realism at times, like an animated Pixar film at others, but it also very consistent with the series. In the plane that the characters exist in, it's very realistic.
This may be a coincidence, but I thought it was really cool how there's all these little swirly symbols on everything, when the game largely revolves around Guybrush decoding things from ancient civilizations and voodoo curses he doesn't understand. It gives the game a distinct look while complimenting the storyline. I like that.
I have to say Revenge is my favorite. After that it's hard to say...Tales could easily be #2 or 3 for me, with Curse and Escape tied for 4th.
I think...There's this thing in Monkey Island, that there's almost always a lot more going on in the background (of the story and environments) than you know. And this is certainly true in Tales, but it's only because of the story. Whereas in MI1-3, the art helped. Know what I mean? The dense background art, which looked very...alluring. I remember when I was eight, I would always try to go visit the back forest at Puerto Pollo, and one of my favourite moments was using the scissors to cut through the shrubbery to actually get to the background. The fact that it didn't disappoint helped. And so did the idea that I hadn't seen everything, hence my love of El Pollo Diablo.
Whereas in Tales, it feels like you're on an isolated island with everything happening near you. The story adds a lot of that needed background mystique, and the art style helps a little, but it's not as freely available as it was in the first three.
The positive points of Tales more than make up for that, though.
It feels like there's something going on back there. See?
also LOL at EMI getting 0 so far
Great graphics.
Amazing atmosphere.
Great cast.
Brilliant characters.
Hilarious humour.
Magnificent music.
Tales is catching it up though...
Brilliant art style
Brilliant atmosphere
Brilliant puzzles
Brilliant cast (although Dominic Armato seems retrospectively a little unenthusiastic with his lines. That's probably just because his talents have improved since then, in Tales/escape)
Funny Dialog
A story that felt Epic, from start to finish
You felt part of a much bigger world.
My second favourite is probably Tales, but only after the last episode.
Good Art style
Good atmosphere (the constant load times in the wii versions of the first two ruined it for me)
Some pretty Clever puzzles, but some uninspiring (treasure hunting for example) ones as well.
Brilliant Cast
Funny Dialog
A story, that feels Epic, but only really picked up in chapter four.
The world just seems smaller that Curse.
Third is Escape.
Awful 3D
Good atmosphere in places (Jambalaya), totally absent in others (lucre, melee).
Some clever puzzles, but they were a tad longwinded (Marshes of Time)
Good cast (american Elaine was just wierd)
No memorable lines of dialog
Weird storyline
Large world map.
And the horrible Monkey Kombat (well, it wasn't that bad, it was just complex insult sword fighting, only unfunny)
I hope it gets an extra-big clap like they did for the fat kids at my primary school in sports-days.
... Really, though, what did the fat kids do to deserve applause?...
I've had to vote for ToMI. I thought SoMI was a very nice idea and a quaint little thing. SoMI-LCR was pretty epic, and CoMI was beautifully balanced between lighthearted and serious (the mood-enhancing through colours/music was v.v.good). EfMI was like a racing car which is beautifully built, but someone forgot the roll-cage and half of the body-work; I wasn't too bothered by the anachronisms (like some were) and the whole resort idea was fun until we got past Lucre.
But then ToMI is great so far. I've been without internet at the hovel I live in from late August to last week. I played the first ep. and I wasn't enamored by the click-drag controls (which I thought was the only way to do it for a while). The ep was reasonably fun but it lacked that je ne sais quoi that was the result from a few other outings. The backgrounds didn't help the sense of immersion. Nothing as far as the eye can see (yes, technically what else could they put there? But some of the more favoured islands of the community such as Blood Island didn't have this feature, because the darkness/camera angles allowed the isolated island to have its own snug feeling). The other characters weren't all that memorable.
But then I downloaded ep 2/3/ a couple of days ago. Spinner Cay was a vast improvement even though the merfolk idea was a tad out-there. Lair of the Leviathan was another insular location which allowed for story-development and atmosphere building. New characters who were much more memorable than the glass-blower/freaky cat-man/etc. And great character-dynamics between Guybrush and Morgan which gave the game a fresh feel after the old status quo of Elaine/Guybrush. It really blew my mind how far the game could come over 2 eps.
Then Ep4 comes out and the atmosphere is again handled beautifully, and I resort to something I haven't with games for half a decade: I stayed up until just before normal people get up just to finish it. The trial was a brilliant brain-teaser giving a great sense of purpose.
ToMI isn't polished. CoMI had v.v.few pitfalls in it for me. But ToMI is biting more off, and really giving the players a story. The new characters aren't better than in CoMI (the Barber-pirates, the hotelier, the smugglers etc.), but they've shaken up the comfortable formula (whether temporary or lasting).
And no, as others have argued, it's not revolutionary story-telling. But then, neither is it 2-d "safe" story-telling. Playing with characters etc. To the extent that TTG are doing is very brave as it could easily push some fans away. The worst (and easiest) thing would have been for the series to stagnate along the same formulae for the equivalent of 10 TV-seasons.
Oh, and even if ToMI was just a blank screen except for the bit where
and Guybrush goes 'You're making us look bad! Just go!'
[off topic]
Indeed, I just bought a game drawn completely by hand and thus in 2D, it was even made in flash: Machinarium.
It's an excellent adventure game and well balanced. The puzzles are more varied than Tomi's and really strikes that cutesey chord which is such a rare thing. TOMI has that too sometimes but not as much as machinarium. Machinarium is like a hand drawn Wall-e crossed with siberia puzzles and cuteness/story. And the soundtracks are really good too and fit well into the atmosphere.
If you've finsished chapter 4 and you're waiting for ch. 5 I'd give Machinarium a try.
I'm not affiliated in any way btw, just thought to share what I thought is a good game.
Just as ab asude, I really thought the 3D Stan doesn't work as well as in 2D, the cartoony style quick gestures don't translate well into 3D. But TTG has done a terrific job of getting the best out of it.
My choice is between MI3 and TOMI, but since I haven't finished the 4th and 5th chapter I'm going to hold off voting for a while yet
1: Tales
2: Curse
3: Revenge
4: Secret
5-46: Massive gap
47: Escape
When Chapter 1 came out, Tales was on place 4, under Secret. Fun and interesting, but not as good as the first 3. Spinner Cay elevated it beyond Secret with the great merperson jokes, Winslow, "good guy" LeChuck, and some great puzzles. Episode 3 was so much fun and had such great characters that it got to place 2. But Chapter 4's sheer epicness elevated it over Curse.
It was my first ever Monkey Island game, that my older bro bought for me one christmas, and I loved it so much I replayed it over and over. The characters, the voices, the jokes, are all ingrained into my mind. I will never forget Guybrush's little ditty as I sent him down the lava flume for what must have been the hundredth time.
After that, probably Curse, then Revenge, then Secret. Probably because of the graphics, but also because I don't really remember laughing at the first two as much as the others.
It's hard to place Tales. When I heard it was coming out, I was overwhelmed. Finally, a new Monkey Island! But it feels so apart from the rest of the series that it's like a different game altogether.
2 revenge
3 secret
4 tales
5 escape
TMI is fun but it's just not as fun as the originals for me. TTG have made a memorable series but it has nothing to do with the original great trilogy in its tradition - sure we see references to that trilogy but the references are all that bind them together. When we see Stan, Murray etc it's a cameo. I hope Lucasarts make some more MI adventures and I hope TTG carry on but it's not the same right now, I'm admittedly older now but I have to force myself to log in and play, same with Sam n Max, there was no pull there for me to find out more and progress. When I played the original MI series and solved a puzzle I was excited and knew I had to travel far to try out my new theory or to use a new object I had uncovered, with TMI the locations/adventure space are tiny and the object/puzzle options are very limited and sadly it feels very adventure lite (tm). It's a tough thing to say as a lot of time and passion has obviously gone into these chapters and yes they are slick, but as as an old school adventurer I'm not feeling it I have to admit. Too much talking, too few locations, too little object/item chemistry and a huge pain having to go to another screen at that. When you have a smaller geography with a few characters and a few items in inventory, it becomes a clicking exercise. You could say this of the original but the scope was much larger and things just seemed more traditional.
To be fair to TTG, after playing the first episode which I enjoyed (yet felt it was too small and thought the next chapter would be bigger only to find the opposite was true) I installed my old copy of curse again and played it though largely not remembering the puzzles and it was a real challenge to get to the end, but it was charming, taxing and felt epic, it really is a classic game and I can see why people put it at the top of their MI list. I used a few hints but the puzzles are lovely and everything is right there on one screen - the object manipulation, movement, save/load game etc. Next I tried revenge and well damn, that was an experience, such a classic yet the graphics were so dated BUT everything was logical and the story unwinds so well and again it feels epic. I played the remake of secret after this and had forgotten the puzzles and yes it feels a little 'wooden' but it has the Monkey Island feel and I would buy another lucasarts remake in a heartbeat.
So it's 2009, I'm an older fart and I'm not in love with this series yet they are objectively-speaking very good. What would happen if Lucasarts or TTG released a curse fuelled 2d sequel (or whatever) to escape that was made lovingly over several months and stuck to the curse format yet solved after a week (a day??) or two by even the most ardent old school adventurer? Things have changed - the internet means you can click a solution in 5 seconds if you are really stuck and the newer generation will not accept the graphics of that older game. I feel you can still do a 2009 2d new point and click game but all those months spent for someone to walkthrough in 1 hour with no replayabillity? Need to get real on that front, it's not going to happen.
I hope season 2 sees some drastic changes as I probably won't sign up at this point, having said this I am in the minority so they must be doing something right.
jaded of ye olde ripe age of 2 score minus 2
But I think Le Chuck's Revenge is the winner.
2. Escape from Monkey Island;
3. Tales of Monkey Island;
4. Le Chuck's Revenge;
5. Secret of Monkey Island.
- The reason I like CoMI most is simple: It was my first MI game, and the first point and click adventure I've ever played... So, it was my introduction to the adventure games' world, and add to that the cartoon graphics, clever puzzle design, the atmosphere and the humour... It was the real thing for me, the one that made me love these games
I have to admit, the monkey combat DID get a little boring, but I thought the concept was brilliant.
The only thing that really got me was trying to retrieve the right file at the Palace of Prostheses. It was pretty much trial and error all the way through until I found out the real method online.
2. SoMI
3. Tales
4. LeChuck's Revenge
5. Escape.
While Tales' latest chapter is holy crap amazing, to the point that I considered making it 1st, the rest of the chapters bring it down to the 3rd place. The puzzles are... okay. A little hard at times, and tedious at others, but sometimes pretty cool. The storytelling, though, is breathtaking compared to what I was expecting. However, I'd still play Curse and SoMI over any of Tales' other chapters aside from the 4th one, and if I consider Tales to be a full game, it really doesn't live up to their challenge.
That being said, can't wait for chapter five! ><
2. Curse
3. MI1
4. TMI
5. MI1:SE
And never finished EMI.
2. Curse
3. Secret
4. Revenge
5. Escape
Unless something happens to make Tales REALLY jump the shark in episode 5, it's emotionally involving storyline and humor put it above all the previous games in the series. I actually think that Tales is superior to the old Monkey Island games in just about every way, the only exceptions being soundtrack and some of the puzzles.
2. CMI \ TMI - Can't decide. Both have great stories, nice graphics and some memorable scenes.
3. SMI - Great introduction to the series, but now seems a little too short.
4. EMI - Good adventure game in great series. It's nice, just isn't as good as the rest.
1 Revenge
2 Curse
3 Tales
4 Secret
5 Escape
Each to their own of course, but I liked that game too, though not as much as the monkey island series
The elevator is about at 80% of the game, so you're almost there.
I like tales and I don't want to sound like one of the whiny idiots, but..
Tales is too short, there aren't many puzzles and they aren't as creative with the puzzles as the other 3 MI games. The strongest point is the humor and storyline - if the puzzles were better and the game had more of them it would be perfect.
I loved the static electricity puzzle but I ended up solving it by accident.
What would be awesome, is if an expansion of tales were released later on patching over each episode, like the lite/easy versions revenge and curse had. The puzzle issue could be fixed.
edit: Steverin0 basically nailed it.
Great Music, atmosphere, dark , humor, epic style ever.
Too early to evaluate Tales Of Monkey Island. Until Now augur well as a Best Monkey Island Of all the times!
But , for now, Mi2 is in the peak, without enemy
The storytelling of this series is the best of all the games (see for example the closing lines of this last epidose... superb! Ok,
As for the puzzles: again in my opinion this series is the best of all the games. Engaging but never too far-fetched (well, maybe
I'm really enthusiast of ToMI!!
There was a system. Each symbol corresponded to a small portion of the alphabet. You have Pegnoses' initials. You had to figure out which symbol had which initials (banana might have a-d for example) and line it up. Simple, really