Help with PayPal payment

Hello there,

I've played the demo of Sam and Max and decided to purchase the whole game, so I filled in the ordering form. When I completed my order it was stated that I would get an e-mail with the details of my order. This was yesterday but still I didn't get any e-mail. So I decided to go through the process ones again today, but still no mail.

I can't play the full game because I need to pay for it, but I do not have the paypal details to send the money to TellTalegames. Can anybody help me?



  • edited November 2006
    On the last page (where its say order confirmed or something) there is a little button. You are suppose to click that and it takes you to paypal where you enter your email and password for paypal. Hope i helped :)
  • edited November 2006
    Thank you Zero for your Reply. But when I'm on the conformation page there isn't any small button or anyother link then the confirmation button that I can press. When I press it is is retrieving the key and gives the error that I've to pay. anyother ideas??
  • edited November 2006
    Hi Bertus,

    We're still trying to get this fixed, but Paypal through the game wrapper is still broken. You can buy the episode via paypal from though. Don't worry, you haven't been charged anything for the failed attempts through the wrapper. You shouldn't have to re-download the game, either. Once you finish the order, click "I've already purchased this" on the demo screen and enter the order id and password from your order through our store.

    Sorry about the troubles :(
  • edited November 2006
    Hi! i have just ordered Culture Shock with PayPal (and i going to send a PM to Emily for the pre-order offer) and i get this final message: "Thank you for your purchase. Your order is currently being processed. You will receive an email shortly confirming your purchase and including delivery information."

    I have received no mail after waiting 30 minutes, is there something else i'm supposed to do? i only used paypal once so i'm not sure, but shouldn't i receive an update on my paypal account asking for payment confirmation or something? no funds have been withdrawn yet...


    PS: There's nothing on my past purchases page on the Telltale site, does that change after receiving the email confirmation or what?
  • edited November 2006
    Thanks for the help and information Tabacco, I'm going to order it via the webpage then. I'm looking forward playing the whole episode!

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Hi DarkPhobia,

    I just looked you up using the email address you use for the forum, and see two orders for you that are "in reivew". I don't know exactly what this means, but no money has been transfered from your PayPal account yet.

    Did you try to make these purchases through or store, or through the game demo?

    Also, do you have enough funds in your PayPal account to cover the purchase? Have funds been removed from your PayPal account?
  • edited November 2006
    hi, i only want to buy one copy, i tried once with firefox, and after a couple of hours i tried again with internet explorer, i don't know what else i'm supposed to do, i entered the same email address from my paypal account, and i have enough funds in it, nothing has been withdrawn from my paypal account, and i've only use paypal with ebay till now? is there anything else i should do?

    Thanks Emily!!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Hi DarkPhobia,

    The orders are both showing as "pending payment" now, and due to the bug we're experiencing, if you placed the order through the game demo, they're going to stay that way. :(

    Please place an order through our online store instead. I will make sure the other two orders get canceled for you.
  • edited November 2006
    but i didn't do it through the demo, i did it directly from the site! can someone post some paypal payment instructions here? because i entered my paypal email address as requested but nothing happened :(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Sigh. :(

    I have emailed DR asking for instructions on how pending PayPal transactions can be completed. It doesn't make sense for them to just hang in limbo like this.

    When you did it, I'm hoping you saw these instructions at the end of the checkout process:
    Do not close this browser or view another page until you complete your payment and see confirmation of your order on your screen. Payment is handled on behalf of Telltale Games by Digital River, Inc.

    1. Click on the "Buy Now" button to go to the PayPal website.
    2. If you have a PayPal account, enter your e-mail address and password to log in. If you do not have a PayPal account, enter the information to create one.
    3. Confirm your payment method and complete payment. PayPal will e-mail you a receipt and return you to Telltale Games.
    4. On successful payment, you may download digital products or await shipment of your physical products.

    You then clicked "Buy Now" and a PayPal page opened in a separate window? And you completed all the info on that page?

    This might seem odd, but try using a different email address. If you use an email address that isn't linked to a PayPal account, the checkout process on the PayPal side is a little different. Maybe it'll work where the other one hasn't been. (We can change the email address on your order later on to match it up with your My Telltale account.)
  • edited November 2006
    No, those instructions never appeared, after filling my data at the end of the checkout process i received the following message: "Thank you for your purchase. Your order is currently being processed. You will receive an email shortly confirming your purchase and including delivery information."

    And there was no link to paypal nor anything similar to that... i'll try entering another email address like you said, thanks!

    Update: i tried with a different email, no success, no separate window for paypal nor anything like that...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Okay, let me follow up with Digital River about why you're not getting the PayPal window.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    DarkPhobia, could you please PM me the password you're using for your order? DR has sent a possible solution but I want to test it out and see what happens before I make you go through it... on the off-chance that it doesn't work. ;)

    I won't submit your order, I just want to see what you should see when I enter the information.
  • edited November 2006
    ok thanks emily! :D
  • edited November 2006
    Hi there. I feel kinda bad that my first post is a support request, but here goes:

    I dl'ed the demo, tried to pay via paypal through the demo. Didn't work, I didn't I just went through the store site, paid successfully through paypal on November 3rd.

    Downloaded the game, enjoyed it, looking forward to the further adventures...

    ...this evening I get a somewhat sternly worded (not really, but it does make me nervous) e-mail from Digital River ( stating that they have not yet recieved my payment.

    I check all my records, paypal, bank checking account, etc. As far as I can tell, the money's changed hands. All I can think of is that my bank processes each payment starting on Tuesdays. So, I can assume that Digital River WILL get there money within the next couple hours or so as this posting...

    Digital River's solution however, is that I should order AGAIN. I wish to refrain from doing this, unless I see the 8.95 pending in my bank account disappear into ether instead of being processed.

    So, am I doing the right thing, or do I order again?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    The email you got is probably an automated response regarding the transaction that didn't work when you tried to purchase through the demo. Their system apparently doesn't check and see that you DID make a successful purchase after that.

    Could you please forward the email you received to me? emily -at-
  • edited November 2006
    Okay, it's sent.
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