Alternative take on... Who's the hotter "chick"?
Before answering, please pause just for a moment to ask yourself:
What Would Santino Do?
(PS: If you don't get the "In Soviet Russia..." joke:
What Would Santino Do?
(PS: If you don't get the "In Soviet Russia..." joke:
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I'm not entirely happy with her design for Tales either, but I don't know that sexier is the answer I'm looking for. Really, my favorite incarnation of Elaine is from SoMI: Special Edition (which, incidentally, is my least favorite Guybrush). I like her character design better overall, plus I've always loved green eyes with brown or black hair, which is a major reason Morgan appeals to me so much.
Even as I type this, though, I'm realizing that this Elaine has started to grow on me a bit. That last scene after she was cured really brought back the Elaine I loved from the older games. I guess I've been underestimating how much poxed Elaine has been getting on my nerves.
Chuck Norris doesn't have a chin, his beard covers up the shattered remains left over from Santino's last friendly punch.
I agree unfortunately, original closeups of Elaine were the best, still amazed they managed that with them back then.
Nonetheless, I really find this is the best incarnation of Elaine ever.
It's not about how she looks, but how she behaves. Think about
Morgan is sexier, but Elaine is still a very strong, engaging and lovable character, more so than Morgan in fact... and the perfect love interest for Guybrush, in my opinion
That been said.... guys, Morgan is hot!!
EDIT: I also agree the original closeups in SoMI were the most beautiful rendering of Elaine
She most certainly is
I think she is most fascinating one out of the three of them... both Elaine and Morgan kind of just 'happened' into Guybrushes life, their interaction with him seem to be very one dimensional, they both never leave their 'modus operandi', whereas Krebbs has an interesting story behind her, interesting motives, a tale of betrayal and suffering, an uneasy relationship with guybrush ulysses threepwood and she certainly a character that I wish that telltale would (but probably won't) develop further
having said that though, I have a feeling that she was only a 1 episode sort of gal
Go Krebbs
Mmmmh, you could put up a couple of photos and make a poll out of it!
A poll about a poll, a meta-poll... breaking the fourth wall... that sort of mojo thingies.
... At least to see how many un-gallant unrepentant scoundrels will have the nerve to vote for Winslow!
Yeah! I've been really fascinated by Kate myself, in fact
Why not?
Yep. Morgan and Kate contend among themselves the title of the "hottest chick", but Elaine is the most loveable and overall most fascinating woman character in ToMI, in my opinion too
Logistics, mainly.
its not the size of your megalomania its how you use it
He can Van my Winslow any day
Truly the best design of Elaine, and Guybrush. This is why this games are classic.
Someone should make a poll like this for the females (hottest male character). Monkey Island fans aren't all guys, you know. I'd do it, but I'm too lazy and I'd probably leave out important characters.
Well, once I admitted that she wasn't so bad as I've been thinking this whole time, it got me thinking about why I didn't like her in the first place, and I think I got it. She does have a very good character design, but damn if the hair hanging in front of her ears doesn't look like mutton chops.
I've always thought that close up Elane looks remarkably like Liv Tyler. (Well I haven't always thought that because Liv Tyler hasn't been known for as long as that picture. What I mean to say is in the recent times I've played the game I've found the resemblance uncanny.)
Edit: Moved the photos so they are next to each other.
Apparently they chose to leave her, and her glass bottom boats out of this.
but i love her bottom. i mean...err...uh...boat...yeah...her boat
Maybe because I've seen her whining on screen too many times.
I'll take care of it.
Maybe she forgets to blink.... and breath