Tweaking Vista
Heya, all. I'm a mac user and double boot in windows XP so I never used this on my own computer but I was reading an article on optimizing for vista and came across this url, if someone has a bad machine running vista they should be able to get some more juice out of it following some of the stuff on this site:
Enjoy! Hope it helps someone
Enjoy! Hope it helps someone

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Hence why windows 7 went back to an xp ish core..
my advice if you have vista... either convert back to XP if you have issues... OR wait for win 7 compatibility to rise.
Right now the OS works, just tons of stuff crashes on it as drivers and apps werent designed for it yet.
speedyvista doesnt do much if you already optimize your pc and os btw :P
but for those that dont know how just be careful :P
thanks johan for helping those with vista.
if you are like me and hate it when vista just asks permission 90000 times to open an app or whatnot TURN OFF UAC... this causes tons of issues(while claiming to protect you) which it does but... its more of a problem causer.. not solver
google TURN OFF UAC... see if it helps anything.. or if you like it better.. if you dont turn it back on.
also get rid of the toolbars and side bars... as awesome as they are.. they take up tons of memory for the slower dellish models... esp GOOGLE CHROME and GOOGLE desktop crud as well..