Playing the DVD without a DVD player

edited November 2009 in Game Support
Howdy folks,

I finally got around to inserting the Sam & Max season 2 DVD I ordered some time ago in my drive (I played most of the game downloaded directly from the site - I couldn't wait :) ) and I noticed that it says "play this in your DVD player for bonus video content."

That's all fine and dandy, except that some folks like me just have a laptop and want to keep it that way.

I for one would much rather like to have a button in the launcher that just plays the DVD in Windows Media Player, by doing something like "wmplayer /play /fullscreen /device:dvd" behind the scenes.

I came across this blog post on Google, maybe it's of some help to somebody.

Just my 2 cents.
(I wanted to insert U+00A2, but I remembered that the forum doesn't support Unicode; a problem that I complained about here.)

Y'all take care now.


  • edited November 2009
    You can just open the VOB file in your favourite software DVD player - VLC is a good example of a free video player that will also handle such files :)
  • edited November 2009
    Sure you can; that's not the point :)
    I just want a button in the launcher. Maybe when Monkey Island is finally released on DVD.
  • edited November 2009
    Why would you want a uniform solution when right now you have a choice what player to use?
    Having DRM-free VOB files on the disk that the user can chose how to play for himself is basically as convenient as you can get, right?
  • edited November 2009
    Call it a déformation professionnelle; I think all options should be available from the menu :)

    I did know that you can play it on a PC, I just found it annoying to start the player myself. (Yes, I am quite lazy.)

    As for Media Player, that was just a ideea how to implement it. If there is a generic way to start the user's preferred player, that's even better.
  • edited November 2009
    Call it a déformation professionnelle; I think all options should be available from the menu :)

    It's amusing that you put it that way. I am biased the other way around ;)

    I am a Linux user and I have to band over backwards to run DirectX games. I am always very thankful when I am offered a generic solution so I don't have to use a specific Windows-only tool for the job.

    TTG games already call Internet Explorer (the launcher is an IE thingy). It's ugly and inconvenient (for me) but I guess they need it for the DRM.
    If they also integrate WMP, I'll cry......
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