DVD Season 2 question

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
I cannot tell a difference between the DVD and download versions of Sam and Max season 2 other than that the DVD version has a launcher page with all of the episodes on it. Is that the only difference or am I overlooking something that is blatantly obvious?


  • edited November 2009
    Well... the disc has some goodies you can access

    1- Exploring the Disc instead of Open it.
    2- Play it in a DVD Driver.

    But, for the games itselfs.. nope, that all the difference.

    But don't worry! The DVD and the Download Version at Telltale come together and you don't have to choose ^^!
  • edited November 2009
    thanks. i already knew about the extras but i just thought "why should i download this again if the game is the same?"
  • edited November 2009
    thanks. i already knew about the extras but i just thought "why should i download this again if the game is the same?"

    Well... I have installed the download versions instead of use the Disc Version because I trying to take care of my discs, if you understand me.

    My discs are there, without been touched by the humanity, while I use the downloaded versions. It's just for take care of them ^^!
  • edited November 2009
    thanks. i already knew about the extras but i just thought "why should i download this again if the game is the same?"

    It want to upload them to another computer later, you won't need an internet connection to play them. I'm pretty sure the discs come with an installation code you can type in instead. I could also be remembering this wrong and be totally off. (Can't find my discs to check)
  • edited November 2009
    my only problem with the DVD version is that you have to have the disk in to play the game but that is a small complaint.
  • edited November 2009
    The discs use SecuRom disc checks instead of internet activation. Some of us prefer this method of protection. Others have reported issues with it on certain drives.
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