Secret of Monkey Island – The Deleted & Extended Scenes (script)

edited November 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
My name is Adam Bormann, and I was one of the designers on the Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition. One of the things I worked on was the new hint system, which meant a lot of digging through the old original SCUMM source code to figure out how Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer and company were tracking the state of different puzzles and whether Guybrush had completed something or not. One thing I quickly noticed was that Ron and Tim had left a lot of notes in the code, explaining why things were the way they were, or putting a date when a certain bug was fixed. This was fascinating to see and read. The other thing I noticed is that when they made some changes, they left the original versions of the code in there, but commented out, so that it wouldn’t be used.

Now I know some of you are wondering why we didn’t add this content back into the game for the Special Edition. But we felt like Ron Gilbert and the team had good reasons for removing them in the first place, and a lot of it doesn’t really fit with the game that shipped or puzzles the game had. We did want to share the deleted and extended scenes with you though, because we were excited to discover them, and we think they’re pretty cool.

The script content at:


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    Very interesting, thanks for posting the link! What a cool job that would've been. My favourite bits were the deleted exchange with Elaine and the deleted "No, we’re industrial spies from Sierra On-Line" :)
  • edited November 2009
    Wow, that really was interesting! He, he, I giggled about the additional dialog lines in the scene with Elaine, and in the scene with the crew.

    Thanks for publishing them! Hope we'll get to see some more of it when the Special Edition of "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge" is coming out. ;)
  • edited November 2009
    BeeKay84 wrote: »
    Wow, that really was interesting!
    Thanks for publishing them! Hope we'll get to see some more of it when the Special Edition of "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge" is coming out. ;)

    According to this article

    SCUMM will interpret the data files from the unplayable MI2 demo in such a way that you can "play" part of it, and access other parts of the game using the Debug Mode - but because the demo was taken from an earlier verson of the game, the data files contain alternative script and artwork
  • edited November 2009
    According to this article

    SCUMM will interpret the data files from the unplayable MI2 demo in such a way that you can "play" part of it, and access other parts of the game using the Debug Mode - but because the demo was taken from an earlier verson of the game, the data files contain alternative script and artwork

    Another link (with pics!) about this:
  • edited November 2009
    The Meathook conversation with "Screw 'em, let's go loot the town!" was brilliant.
  • edited November 2009
    from the world of Monkey Island Website:

    In an interview Ron Gilbert has said that in the original version of MI1, Meathook gave you three trials to complete if you wanted him to join your crew. Ron Gilbert then realized that it was too much and cut two, leaving only the funniest one.

    I always assumed that was why it looked like you could walk over to that cavern path in the right side of Meathook's house. I wish I could find out what trials you had to do.


    Didn't know if everyone knew that...
  • edited November 2009
    I always wanted to see what was in that tunnel...
  • edited November 2009
    I always wanted to see what was in that tunnel...
    Yeah, they still haven't revealed that... When you walk to that tunnel in the actual game, Meathook thinks you're chickening out. Too bad. They could at least have left some kind of clue about what was in that tunnel.
  • edited November 2009
    BeeKay84 wrote: »
    Yeah, they still haven't revealed that... When you walk to that tunnel in the actual game, Meathook thinks you're chickening out. Too bad. They could at least have left some kind of clue about what was in that tunnel.

    Something tells me they were probably trials based on spoofing Indiana Jones.
  • edited November 2009
    Okay, I say we stop trying to find the Secret of Monkey Island™ and start looking for the Secret of Meathook's Tunnel™. It's probably more interesting anyway.
  • edited November 2009
    I love this dialogue bit:

    Guybrush Dialogue Option “I could explain if you’d all just SHUT UP!”

    “Ooooh…Well excuse us, Captain Bligh!”

    (turns to look at ship)
    “Geeze, I hope no one’s on that thing.”
    “It looks like it’s about to go under.”

    (turns to look at ship)
    “Maybe they need some help.”

    (turns to look at ship)
    “Maybe somebody should row out there and check.”

    “What a great idea!”
    “Let’s all go!”
  • edited November 2009
    Here there are the deleted dialogues from The Secret of Monkey Island! I don't know if this was already posted, if you sorry.

    There is a very interesting scene about Guybrush and Meathook
    looting the town

    Hopefully someday they will make The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition Remix Turbo Plus and add those scenes and dialogues as I think they are quite top-notch!
  • edited November 2009
    So, any opinions? Do you share my opinion that those missing dialogues are quite funny and fit very well with the rest of the game? Would you like those scenes added later? As soon as they don't include a digitized Hayden Christensen as Guybrush in cutscenes I think they can make the game even better.

    I wonder what else was cut considering that both The Secret of Monkey Island and Le Chuck's Revenge were going to be one game and were splitted later. I think there was going to be a ship battle like that in COMI too.

    I wonder if there isn't some hints about what the end of LCR is all about?
  • edited November 2009
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure this thread existed a few days ago. Or maybe a week? My internal clock is sorta foggy.

    Here you go:
  • edited November 2009
    Eduardo wrote: »

    Oops, sorry then. Just ignore it. :-D
  • edited November 2009
    Eduardo wrote: »

    You linked this very thread! XD
  • edited November 2009
    You linked this very thread! XD
    Yep, because this used to be two threads that were merged together.
  • edited November 2009
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Yep, because this used to be two threads that were merged together.

    If you can't win them, join them. :-D

    Sorry it's just a little mess I created by posting another thread about the same subject.

    Someone was kind enough to merge them two.
  • This is the video that contains all of these

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