My Halloween Contest Entry

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
I already linked to this in one of the Halloween contest threads in the general chat forum, but here's my entry. I made a text adventure.

I'm posting it here instead of General Chat because it's entirely about Sam & Max. Seems more appropriate here.

I hope you don't hate it!

Also, five hundred posts


  • edited November 2009
    Ok, I'm loving it so far buuuttt... for some reason
    I can't shoot the werewolf!. I can't open the cage (Because the werewolf is here) and I can't shoot at anything because I have a silver bullet!

    By the way, I'm *lol* in this moment. Good work ^^!
  • edited November 2009
    Sorry about that, it wasn't adequately tested. I would really like to drag my anxiety out the back and shoot it some day.
    You can shoot at it through the cage.
  • edited November 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I already linked to this in one of the Halloween contest threads in the general chat forum, but here's my entry. I made a text adventure.

    I'm posting it here instead of General Chat because it's entirely about Sam & Max. Seems more appropriate here.

    I hope you don't hate it!

    Also, five hundred posts

    I liked the game very much, it was fun, and considering the schedule, it was surprisingly communicative! :)
  • edited November 2009
    I haven't got a chance to finish it, but I like it so far! Very fun to play, and the Sam & Max humor is spot-on.
  • edited November 2009
    Hey, that's really cool! I haven't got very far yet, but I'm enjoying it. I've been trying a bunch of random commands I knew wouldn't work just to see what the responses would be. I agree with Maxilyah, the humour is perfect!
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