Why does PS3 get the cold shoulder, when it comes to adventure games?

edited December 2009 in General Chat
Xbox 360's audience is very similar, yet the PS3 has yet to receive the numerous point n click adventures that have been released thus far.
And you'd think with Heavy Rain on the way, that we'd at least see Secret of Monkey Island:SE or Broken Sword:DC.


  • edited November 2009
    Because nobody loves you guys. Sorry to be the one to break the news :(
  • edited November 2009
    There's gonna be Blue Toad Murder Files, which is episodic, starting next month!
  • edited November 2009
    If a Telltale Worker Drone™ were to come along and say why they haven't ported their games over to the PS3, I suspect that'd probably be your answer.

    Honestly though, I'm not sure. The only thing I can think of is that the PS3 Dev Kit isn't as user-friendly as the X-Box 360 one, which I think I read somewhere, but beyond that...
  • edited November 2009
    One reason could be that the Xbox 360 has a larger user base, and therefore it is a higher priority. I have also heard that the 360 is easier to develop for than the PS3, but I know nothing about game development so maybe I'm wrong.
  • edited November 2009
    Huh, I always thought it was the other way around, 360 being centered mostly for FPS games. Guess I need to get my facts straight. :D
    (My brother has a 360 and mostly shooters there so I can see where that thought came from)

    It's a shame that PS3 is so hard to work for. Must definitely be the main reason why most companies go for Xbox. Well, loving my PS3 anyway!

    Plus I'm sure it will get better over time when people learn to use the hardware.. in fact, PS3 is definitely getting more and more games nowadays than it did during its launch :)
  • edited November 2009
    I read somewhere that 360 games and PC games share a lot of the same framework and gubbins, whereas PS3 is a nightmare of sorts to work with (Valve outsourced the Orange Box for it to EA because they couldn't be bothered with it I believe)

    So developing on PS3 = investment
    Adventure games = not so big returns (maybe)

    That said Heavy Rain looks awesome and it makes me jealous
  • edited November 2009
    If any company is struggling to develop for the PS3 they should just Rent the Naughty Dog team, those guys have cracked the PS3 and got some pretty amazing things out of the console, give them any game on Xbox Live Arcade and they'll be able to port it in like two days!
  • edited November 2009
    Oddly, the Xbox 360 seems to have been getting more JRPGs than the PS3. I'm not a big fan of JRPG's myself, but I do like all the western RPG's on 360 like Mass Effect.
    Trica wrote: »
    Huh, I always thought it was the other way around, 360 being centered mostly for FPS games. Guess I need to get my facts straight. :D
    (My brother has a 360 and mostly shooters there so I can see where that thought came from)

    It's a shame that PS3 is so hard to work for. Must definitely be the main reason why most companies go for Xbox. Well, loving my PS3 anyway!

    Plus I'm sure it will get better over time when people learn to use the hardware.. in fact, PS3 is definitely getting more and more games nowadays than it did during its launch :)
  • edited November 2009
    PS3 is a growing platform. With the launch of the PS3 slim, the sales skyrocketed. I wouldn't be surprised if some Adventure Games are already being made for it. PS1 had some adventure games... maybe they'll be released on PSN.
  • edited November 2009
    Oddly, the Xbox 360 seems to have been getting more JRPGs than the PS3. I'm not a big fan of JRPG's myself, but I do like all the western RPG's on 360 like Mass Effect.

    I'm a big JRPG fan, but ps3 is the place to be for them. PS3 has a bunch of exclusives such as Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea and the upcoming Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and all the JRPG's that have been released on 360 were released a year later on ps3 with bonus additions (Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean, Last Remnant).

    PS3 has a pretty big fan base, and the majority of 360 users are just after FPS's. We should probably start a poll to find out, but I imagine more adventure game fans have ps3s over 360s. Still, I'm not sure.

    PS3 costs a lot to develop games for. Didn't seem to daunt double fine though...
  • edited November 2009
    You have a good point about the JRPG's eventually going to PS3, but I'd say it is a generalization to say the majority of 360 users are after FPS games. I am not really sure what this would be based off of. I think the fact that there are so many JRPG's, western RPGs, puzzle games and adventure games on the 360 would show other wise.
    Fury wrote: »
    I'm a big JRPG fan, but ps3 is the place to be for them. PS3 has a bunch of exclusives such as Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea and the upcoming Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and all the JRPG's that have been released on 360 were released a year later on ps3 with bonus additions (Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean, Last Remnant).

    PS3 has a pretty big fan base, and the majority of 360 users are just after FPS's. We should probably start a poll to find out, but I imagine more adventure game fans have ps3s over 360s. Still, I'm not sure.

    PS3 costs a lot to develop games for. Didn't seem to daunt double fine though...
  • edited December 2009
    ^ Fury, I'm glad I wasn't the only one feeling that way.

    I really have no idea, I guess it's also the view the internet has given us. Everytime there's a Xbox vs. Ps3 fight going on, xbox fans go on about all the FPS titles released on the console. (mostly Halo, can't remember the rest of them.)

    When I was doing the choice between 360 and Ps3, I just almost immediately got a vision that Ps3 would be better for me, since I love adventure games.

    Maybe it's also because ps1 and ps2 were, in fact, quite centered in those genres, if I'm not all mistaken. Ratchet & Clanks, Jak & Daxters and Final Fantasies (+ tons of other jrpgs) made ps2 quite popular. I got a ps2 around 4 years ago and I came to love it even more than my Wii and DS, so I kind of felt safer to go on with Ps3 next.
    (Plus, with FFXIII and The Last Guardian on their ways, I knew I would long for a ps3 sooner or later. :D )

    But yeah, I don't know. Xbox has Fable, and I rememember seeing some other fantasy titles on the 360 self last time I went for game shopping, so it's quite possible that it's getting a little more popularity on the genre. (and heck, they already got Sam & Max too, one thing that Ps3 is still missing. )
    However, I still think Ps3 as a main "adventure gaming console", with all these exclusive titles that are slowly following it from the ps2 era. :D I don't mean to underestimate Xbox, though, so don't get me wrong. There are quite a few titles there that have got my interest on it! But it just.. doesn't feel quite worth to spend my money on, at the moment.. not that I'd have the extra money for another console, anyway.
  • edited December 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    But it just.. doesn't feel quite worth to spend my money on, at the moment.. not that I'd have the extra money for another console, anyway.

    Lost Odyssey is definetly worth the money! :D
  • edited December 2009
    I tried Lost Odyssey on Xbox 360, but I had a hard time getting into it. I night consider a PS3 in the future, since I want to play the Uncharted games and Metal Gear Solid 4. I have so far found that the 360 is the main console for adventure games so far though. I think Project Natal could be really cool for adventure games.
  • edited December 2009
    The PS3 is doing well in sales at the moment so I'm hoping that will provide the incentive..
  • edited December 2009
    Fury wrote: »
    and all the JRPG's that have been released on 360 were released a year later on ps3 with bonus additions (Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean, Last Remnant).
    Not all, actually. Blue Dragon has been on the platform for nearly three years now without a port in sight as far as I know. Same with Lost Odyssey for two years.
    PS3 has a pretty big fan base, and the majority of 360 users are just after FPS's.
    There's actually a really big Western RPG fanbase on the 360, which generally correlates more with the adventure fans than the JRPG fans. Mostly because Western RPGs and adventures kind of came out of the same place and time period, is all.
    We should probably start a poll to find out, but I imagine more adventure game fans have ps3s over 360s. Still, I'm not sure.
    I have a 360, though I'm not really zealous about it or anything. Now that Blu-Ray is the big new theater standard, I am kind of miffed that I need a separate device in my theater set-up to play my disk-based movies than I use for all of my network media streaming, and there are definitely PS3 titles I'm interested in(Heavy Rain, 3D Dot Heroes, Demon's Souls, Little Big Planet). But I'm certainly not unhappy with my 360, or its set of exclusives that I own.
    PS3 costs a lot to develop games for. Didn't seem to daunt double fine though...
    It also costs a lot of money to hire big-name actors and run a giant advertising campaign, but when you have EA fully backing your project you're more or less able to dip your balls in gold if you so choose.

    I'm certainly not trying to make a pro-360 console argument, by the way. I honestly don't care what model of game machine you use any more than I care what kind of toaster you use. The PS3 definitely has some nice benefits, with some good exclusives, the more "open" nature of it(I really wish I could swap out my hard drive that easily on the 360), and I like the fact that it plays and is one of the best current options for playing what is now the standard for high def content. Just noticed some exaggerations, generalizations, and factual errors in the post.
  • edited December 2009
    Another advantage PS3 does have is blue ray, it would be a logical choice for anyone that wanted a blue ray player.
  • edited December 2009
    Ps3 plays games? I just thought it was a cheap blue ray player.

    In all seriousness, I own all 3 current gen consoles & rarely touch any of them other than the 360 *& no... I don't play FPSs. As a matter of fact, there are only 6 FPSs across ALL systems that I actually like*.
  • edited December 2009
    Ps3 plays games? I just thought it was a cheap blue ray player.

    In all seriousness, I own all 3 current gen consoles & rarely touch any of them other than the 360 *& no... I don't play FPSs. As a matter of fact, there are only 6 FPSs across ALL systems that I actually like*.
    It's not a cheap Blu-Ray player anymore. Entry-level and refurbished players are reaching and going under the $100 point. Cheapest I've seen one was $80. And the PS3 is $299, a $200 upgrade.
  • edited December 2009
    Oddly, the Xbox 360 seems to have been getting more JRPGs than the PS3.

    I could be wrong about this, but I vaguely remember hearing that MS was trying to woo over the Japanese market by paying for exclusivity, timed or otherwise, on JRPGs. That's why it's been getting so many.
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