Intelligence is irrelevant, we're all just animals!
We really are just animals. Just look at us, "wife swappers" governed by our sexuality, violent, predators and prey, hunters and gathers. Our intelligence is irrelevant we're just a bunch of animals. We are nothing more than intelligent and attractive apes in human form.
In fact if you threw a giant party and invited several monkeys a lot of people would probably feel right at home. When you cut to the chase and get to the bottom of things, what we really are/ in simplicity, without all the cake, we're just animals.
Apes in clothes, with table manners.
In fact if you threw a giant party and invited several monkeys a lot of people would probably feel right at home. When you cut to the chase and get to the bottom of things, what we really are/ in simplicity, without all the cake, we're just animals.
Apes in clothes, with table manners.
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EDIT: Just wanted to be sure. I'll reply depending on the answer I'll get.
Often with topics like this a misunderstanding leads to a fight.
It's not sarcasm, we evolved from monkeys/ apes, whatever and we still are monkeys. Intelligence has nothing to do with it, the idea of free will is also an illusion. Yes, we are more complicated than many other life forms but we are still ruled by impulses and instincts rather than a mind that's free to make its own decisions. No one wants to think of it that way but it is how it is. Your body and your mind has already made the decision when you start thinking about it and you will agree with the decision.
Under all the charm and bling bling, when you get down to our genetic make up we're nothing but evolved monkeys and to be frank we're all still just animals.
Sex in advertisements, etc etc, we think, act and are driven like animals and we are animals.
I agree with bits of what you are saying, we are just animals. Pretty awesome animals, but animals nonetheless. A lot of advertisments and other things do appeal to primal urges, but I don't think intelligence is irrelevant.
I mean, humans are fantastic. We've made so much and created awesome things such as the internet. And that's due to our superior intelligence, which is increasing each generation. Although we are animals, we're the damn best animals out there.
I think that if we took you, and took away your posessions, table manners and moved you to the jungle, you'd die in a week due to no videogaming.
(And in response to your first post, don't invite a monkey to a party. I went to a guy's 18th once, and there was a pet monkey, but I left after 45min once the poo flinging started...)
Someone has had fun with photoshop. Or paint. It's not very well done.
We humans will always be intelligent as long as we set the rules for what "intelligent" is. It's like making up a game that only you can win. The only way to beat that game is to make a new game and set new rules.
I want to know how strongly we are controlled by our sexuality and impulses and instincts rather than a mind that's free to make its own decisions. I seriously wish I could see the percentages. Then again you can't really separate the two.
What we are capable of creating isn't what defines us as a race of animals, it's not who we really are. Our ideas and thoughts are simply evolved but we have not evolved beyond the animal. Behind our thoughts and all of our inventions is something much stronger our nature, the very essence of what we truly are. We have not evolved beyond that and we still act like animals, we're still inspired as animals are. Nature is the substance of life and we are animals, evolved from a common ancestor to monkeys/apes, whatever....
I refuse to acknowledge our "accomplishments" as a excuse for the sorry race of beings we truly are. Half the time the way we treat marriage, relationships, we could very well be in a zoo together with the monkeys. We aren't all that different on a natural level.
2012 here we come!
Funny about the monkey at the party.
There is a fact. There is, actually, something differs that you're missing, if you ask me. We know that everything that lives evolves. Evolution is something that can most likely be explained by modifications that's caused by the environment around the life form. So, modifications are not actually done by the lifeforms, it's not their option. They just evolve thanks to the nature. All of their lives are driven by the nature, and they don't want to have options. The cycle that created by itself, is giving them a chance of living. Why they live? They don't know, they don't care, because they don't think, and they don't want to think.
But then, humans surfaced. We are able to think, we want to think, and we want to evolve ourselves not by letting nature help us, we want to evolve so greatly that we can surpass nature. We want to choose, we want to break the barriers, and we evolve in every decision we make. How could we gain that ability? Only speculations. Most likely we surfaced in a time when rapid evolutions were happening, thus we born as a type of lifeform that's based on evolution.
But we're not perfect. We want to be gods (philosophically speaking, not religiously), but we're still in a shell that's made of flesh. Our shell has needs, so we have to aim for god AND we have to satisfy our shells like other lifeforms. That's why, humanity is so unbalanced and tend to change in itself. We can't balance out ourselves between our needs and our actual aims, that causes a change between the each individual of human race, personality we call.
Free will is not existent, but to acclaim it we broke most of the barriers, and currently we're the only race that tries to broke'em down. And we're doing it in every second. Other lifeforms will evolve into different things, but still they'll stay the same. Because nature never stops changing, and they will only draw circles in their gene pool. Intelligent race that's human, on the other hand, wants to overcome nature, and in the end they will possibly destroy it.
We're not animals. Our shells are animals that prevents us to know nature completely -and become nature itself-.
It bothered me, perhaps I'm not being open minded. Also I've noticed that things are so simple that I complicate, dating, asking women out, what people really want, it's really so simple that I'm having a hard time not seeing it as animalistic and just natural instinctive behaviors that people learn as they grow older if they don't get socially screwed over from hardships.
Good posts in here, something to think about. Thanks guys/ or girls, I don't know. In a sense of security I was trying to limit the scope and see us as animals, because we are. Often we don't act too intelligent and we act naturally and I figure that in my situation, physical attraction, dating is natural and so the rant was born. I don't mean that, we don't always act intelligent but I don't mean that doesn't mean that we act outside of our intelligence, I think some times we are just driven naturally as animals and that intelligence is quite irrelevant until only after the decision how to act has been made.
I stop here, so that I don't embarrass myself lol. I get carried away.
We are a race that has the potential to overcome nature. Some of us wants to use it, some of us don't. If they want to stay as animals, it's their choice. Don't bother yourself for them. It's bad for your brain, seriously.
I believe everyone can find their significant other, and the ideal way of determining it is the similarities in thoughts. Most people just want to have some nasty good time and they think coupling is only about it. Actually, they too, also find their significant other by doing so, because in a relationship that's based on sex; both people are just dumb. The reason why they find their pairs in a faster way is simply because, well, dumb people are majority. But in the end EVERYONE finds their other half.
Actually, I think I like intelligent people being rare. When you find one, it can be more meaningful.
Never looked at it that way before, see, being introverted for 15 years or so you get kind of confused. I don't really know what to think or expect from most other people. Thanks for sharing.
Everything we do today is a response to what previous generations has shown us. What's okay and what's not.
If next generation got a clean slate, what would they do? I mean if we took away all the rules, all the technology, everything we take for granted, how we interact, how we react in certain situations. What would determine what is right and what is wrong? Would they do the same as us? Does all this stuff really matter in the end?
I have a lot of questions, and everytime I try to speak of them, people either don't understand or just think I'm silly of thinking this stuff. So I hope you guys respond better than most of the people I know.
This stuff is actually bothering me.
Starting over comes to mind. They will set their own rules, they'll express new ideas and they won't have the same common logic with us. However, whatever happens, if some survives, something non-living will survive either. That may either be some books, some rubbles of a technology of ours, and if we lived near them for some time, some memories. Because their source is limited, they will try to work on those but in order to fill the gaps, they'll add their own material. The source eventually will lack a very big amount of information, which means in order to re-gather the lost information, humanity has to spend some time. Probably some hundred years.
The possibilities are just too much, thinking it is a bit pointless. We have to worry about making them continue our legacy and history. It doesn't matter what we do is right and wrong, in the end they are humans, and they'll correct our mistakes anyway, but they HAVE to have a point to start. And we have to protect that point for them to use.
The biggest issue is, what's the point?
Animals as in... that's the kingdom we come from. We're not plants or fungi or from any of those other kingdoms. We're animals and that much is a biological fact.
I actually have a little theory about animals and intelligence. Now, this is only my belief (I don't know if this comes under any real religions, or how many people will agree with me on this if any) but I believe that all animals are capable of using both intelligence and instincts. Intelligence being using the ability to think, and instincts being using the ability to sense. However, not all animals can use these to the same strength.
You know how animals are supposed to be able to sense fear and whatnot? I think that's what the so-called "sixth sense" is, and that humans have it too. But because we've evolved to depend on intelligence over the years, we simply don't have any use for our instincts now that we understand so much.
I think it takes intelligence to recognize and understand words and whatnot, and that humans aren't the only creatures that have intelligence. Take dogs and pigs for example; they can understand words and actions, but even so they don't have the same level of intelligence as humans, and they seem to rely on their instincts too. Likewise, there are certain survival things humans are capable of doing without having to think about it (things as simple as eating, reproducing, and even breathing, for example). Any animal can do those things, no matter what their intelligence is like.
So yes, we are "just animals", so to speak. But I don't think I could call intelligence "irrelevant" as such. It has had a lot of impact on how we've evolved.
(I just want to note again that this post was about my own theory; I'm not preaching, I'm merely sharing my thoughts and you're free to decide whether or not you agree with them, and I'm open to other people's theories and beliefs too. I am not by any means saying that my thoughts are correct, or the only possibility.)
On a lighter note, I must admit that after Fury's post I'm not all that crazy about the idea of partying with a monkey. I mean, it seems like a fun idea at first, but ew...
No need to be afraid. If somebody uses the term 'Scientology' right after that, everyone would take those as a joke.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. It's perfectly logical for this universe to have been created by a being of some kind, we're just pathetic mucus to the Gods!
I feel like this whole thread is one massive mine-field, filled with cluster-bombs and chemical warheads buried in shallow pits below the sand...
Life has always evolved into the best fit for its environment. Intelligence is just another evolutionary advantage, like backbones or fur. Some apes got better at figuring out the consequences of their actions, and it was an advantage in their environment, so it spread. The end result was Homo sapiens.
I don't see humans as being apart from the environment. Humans are still part of the environment, we just have the tools to utilise it better than most living things. We also have the intelligence to notice that we're changing the environment. I think we're doing the best we can with the skills we evolved with, just like any other animal.
I don't think intelligence is irrelevant. I just think intelligence is a thing.
Intelligence cannot be irrelevant if it shapes who and what we are. Ever have an errant thought change your entire mood? That's relevancy in it's purest form. It may be on a small scale as far as the universe is concerned, but something as tiny as a mood swing can set an entire chain of events in motion. No other animal can lay claim to that sort of influence over the planet. They are in a perpetual loop of eating and breeding. We, on the other hand, can go beyond what instinct tells us. We can, for better or worse, affect all life on Earth.
Now, whether any of this is good or bad, I can't say. My own views on the subject change several times an hour. I try to see it as a good thing, but my pessimism gets the best of me at times. We are an extremely self-destructive species, eschewing survival for convenience. We'd rather kill than risk being proven wrong. It's hard to see the bright side of that sort of thing.
But yeah... I'm not sure where I'm going with this, or if it even makes sense. Just putting my thoughts down, and I know how erratic said thoughts can be for me.
I however am a mild-mannered city gent
Ohhhhhh shit... bring out the tinfoil hats
Some of it was just improvise material, some of it was BS, some of it was probably attention whoring. Some of it was probably compelling and interesting...over all I have no idea what the hell this thread was even about...
Now, look at me, I'm rambling on with a wall of text in a thread with lots of walls of text in it...well, I guess we all have to post a good rant some time?
Thanks for sharing guys/ girls.
"And a Happy New Year!"
Monkeys? Related to humans? As a monkey I'm deeply offended.
Is that Tee available for purchase?
It was in the LucasArts shop, but I don't see it anymore.
City gent #1: "Well, I've been in the city for over forty years and I think the importance of looking after poor people cannot be understressed."
City gent #2: "Well, I've been in the city all my life and I'm as alert and active as I've ever been."
City gent #3: "Well, I've been in the city for twenty years and I must admit - I'm lost."
Where's Acey?
He's upstairs taking a bath
"Get down on yer knees and tell me ya love me."
First, I'll try to answer the questions above. Most of my answer is based on my studies, I study Bioinformation technology, or Bio-IT.
Quite a big part of our behavior is coded to our genes. Our brain will evolve largely the same way regardless of upbringing. So our primal behavior would be very similar - we'd be the same gregarious (live in herds) creatures we are now.
That's not to say that our upbringing is irrelevant, on the contrary. Pretty much all our skills, abilities and ways of thinking do shape up as we grow up. It's just that some features have evolved over such long periods of time that they're kind of built into us. However, what we make out of our life and what kind of people we are will be determined mostly by what we do and experience in life.
Hope this gave some insight to the question.
This is the way I think it is as well. Considering that an animal is basically any creature that has a will that is not human, it's kind of hard for us to be animals. But let's entertain the thought.
We act with the exact same motives as all animals. We have the same primal urges as animals. Our intelligence is a tool that just enables us to perform a million times better than animals. Hence, our intelligence is hardly irrelevant. It's the sole thing that can be used to distinct us from them. We want pleasure, we want to live, we want to reproduce. We just have an incredible tool to do all that in ways animals couldn't even imagine.
I guess the original post's thought was that don't we all just want to act like animals? My answer is that we already do, all the time. We're just intelligent to boot, and that shapes our actions into something way more interesting.
Also, just as animals have their way of behavior between male and female, human women like manly men and men enjoy being in the leading role. Our intelligence can be in the way of this equilibrium and it is most of the time a good thing. It does create some problems sometimes, and the situation is escalating, at least in certain western cultures (Nordic countries are an example). You can clearly see that if you go too far out of touch with your primal instincts, you can get pretty lost. Due to the outside pressure from our society for equality, men who think like women and women who act like men, a lot of folks are troubled and don't really know how which way is up. While the intentions are mostly good, pushing for equality and a more stable and less 'animalistic' way of thinking can have an awful effect on people if they're pushed too far.
Actually, now that I look again, it is still available:;product_id=1312790
You know, the whole 2012 thing is basically the only crazy conspiracy theory that doesn't really bother me at all. I think it is mainly because it has a specific date, which will actually allow me to say "I told you so!" to all the nuts out there on December 22nd 2012 - the day after the world was supposed to end.