Is Full Throttle the easiest game ever made?
In anticipation of ch. 5, I have been blazin' through some classics on Scummvm. Is it just me, or does Full Throttle just feel like a halfassed game? I mean if i skip dialogue, I can get through it in like 20 something minutes. Jeez- ireally hope they bring back this franchise and give it another shot. It just doesn't have the appeal it did when I was a youngin.
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I do think it is quite good, but compared to the shear breadth of the other classics, it seems weak to me. I'm sure someone has suggested this, but it seems like a good franchise for Telltale. The two failures at LucasArts to produce a sequel seem like a pretty big disservice to fans.
I completed Full Throttle for my first time in about 2-3 hours. I generally get more first-time gameplay out of a single Telltale episode. But even though I found both games easy, I still think they're great. Full Throttle is quite replayable too, just because it's so enjoyable, so that makes up for it!
And in all fairness, Pajama Sam and Freddi Fish are aimed at young kids XD
Tim Schafer on a FT sequel in Edge magazine:
Those sections are easily the worst part of FT, but they aren't really hard. There are puzzles involved as to how you take down the guy with the chainsaw and so on.
Either you're using the wrong weapons on the wrong enemies, or the DS emulation is buggy.
Considering what George did to his own franchise (Star Wars), I don't blame Tim for feeling like that!
No, I agree with him. I was actually relieved when FT:HoW was cancelled. It looked so bland and bereft of the atmosphere and attitude that made FT such a good game.
Oh yeah, that's kinda what I meant. Considering how bad Lucas messed up his own franchise I can understand Tim not wanting others messing around with his 'baby' so to speak.
You're assuming that the FT license is for sale, which it obviously isn't.
Two failed attempts at a sequel and a lot of cash put forward for the rights might convince otherwise, or at least a dual-partnership like Telltale have done with Monkey Island, where Double Fine will get to make the game but Lucasarts retains the rights.
Lucasarts has never sold any of it's licenses, and there's nothing to indicate that they are about to start selling off assets now. Sure, they could probably partner up with Double Fine to do a FT sequel the same way they licensed Monkey Island to Telltale, but I really doubt Tim Schafer wants to go back and do another FT game (or adventure game) at all at this point.
So I guess due to my completely irrational refusal to give up on the game and the total atmospheric feeling I had of being stranded just like Herman (without any pants
Looking back I consider the game quite easy. But doesn't mean it's less enjoyable. I'm sure there are some people who share similar feelings for FT.
It was too hard and not logical enough for me. Old school adventure games had very random puzzles...
Also, it's really hard to locate items you need to pick up in such a dark enviroment. XD
But it's true that it's not very long game and it didn't took more than few nights to solve it. But then again only few adventure games take longer than week to solve, if I have time to play on daily basis.
However I did enjoy atmosphere of the game and game has some replay value, so I still consider that it was a good purchase.
Still a good game, if short.
The reviewer was all ooh and aaah over the atmosphere.
And he concluded with:
The game is like Danny Devito, Short but sweet.
I think I might still have the box in my old room at my parents house....
Damn.. Nostalgia kicks in... gotta run!
I told you!!
Sweetest guy ever... :P
The style of a game like full throttle will always trump a borefest.
No joke. By clicking esc through dialogue and cut scenes, 25 min through the other evening. I guess it helps if you get the chainsaw pretty early!
Kinda like Brutal Legend, except Full Throttle didn't have online multiplayer to extend the playtime.
no it isn't.
this game is:
My only complaint about FT is that when you've finished it, you want more. What's there is really good (well I thought so!) but it's not the longest game ever, and fairly easy (I mentioned earlier it only took me 2-3 hours, without hints or walkthroughs or anything). I still recommend it though. It has a lot of strong points, in presentation and gameplay.
I'll be sure to pick it up if ever it is re-released (via steam or otherwise). Didn't it also have Mark Hammil (Luke skywalker/joker) In it aswell?
Yep, he's the main bad guy.