I keep clicking on "Leak" but the drop-down menu doesn't have any "download" options, (why would I want to private message a leak??) anyone got any ideas?
Everybody should, by just highlighting the text. Unless it is written in size 0, but even then, you could uncover it by using the quote feature. Pretty much any forum works that way.
Funny opening scene, btw.
Just kidding............. ................................. .......................... .......................................................... ................................. ............................... ............:)
I'm afraid my brother has passed away. 2 minutes ago, he had a cardiac arrest and died instantly.
duel Haggis.
Edit. fastest "leak" game reference I could think of at the moment... anyone got better ones?
Telltale should so do that.
Everybody should, by just highlighting the text. Unless it is written in size 0, but even then, you could uncover it by using the quote feature. Pretty much any forum works that way.
Funny opening scene, btw.
I am going to be good and not check if it is up. I am going to wait until it comes out.... but
* checks the usenet groups *
(Nah, bought my 28 TTG games legally from their store)
Funny.... But that kind of looks alot like a crumpled Nintendo DS...
Where did nintendo get their ideas from?!?