Would it be possible for someone from TellTale or someone who's in the know to throw us a bone here? Not to be rude but I think we deserve it considering most of us have actually paid for the full series.
Patience young padawan ... even if they told us it wouldn't make time run any faster. If you really have such a tight schedule play the last episode once more or go to bed and dream about Elaine and Morgan fighting in your bedroom ... that's what I'll do when it takes much longer still.
Yep I just think there should be some sort of deadline as to when it should be avaliable so that it is actually made available while both Europe and America are still within the day of it's supposed release i.e. it should be released before midnight here in the UK/Europe or there abouts.
I wanna know whether to go to bed and go to work tomorrow or ring up now and pull a sicky because I know I'll be playing chapter 5 until the time that I usually wake up to go to work
Is anyone else largely disappointed in Tell Tales customer service here?
Although the game designers do an amazing job themselves I think the people who's job it is (or perhaps should be) to keep us informed on when it's coming out at least approximately or at least let us know how things are progressing with this should be hung drawn and quartered. :-p
Funny non natives use that "Fräulein" all the time when speaking German. Officially, it was done away with like 20 years ago and replaced with "Frau".
"Fräulein" actually means "missy". Before you got married, that's what you were officially called in letters etc. Deprecative. I think this is why we got rid of it.
Äh...:eek: Bekomm ich diese Bilder hochauflösend und größer per E-Mail damit ich sie mir ausdrucken und eingerahmt aufhängen kann (meine ich ernst!!!) :eek:
Nuja jetzt komm ich grad von nem Konzert als Zeitvertreib und ToMI5 is immer noch nicht da... meinen Chef wirds freuen... bin ich morgen auf der Arbeit wenigstens einigermaßen fit
Äh...:eek: Bekomm ich diese Bilder hochauflösend und größer per E-Mail damit ich sie mir ausdrucken und eingerahmt aufhängen kann (meine ich ernst!!!) :eek:
Patience young padawan ... even if they told us it wouldn't make time run any faster. If you really have such a tight schedule play the last episode once more or go to bed and dream about Elaine and Morgan fighting in your bedroom ... that's what I'll do when it takes much longer still.
I wanna know whether to go to bed and go to work tomorrow or ring up now and pull a sicky because I know I'll be playing chapter 5 until the time that I usually wake up to go to work
I had a hallucination like that about ten minutes ago
Me too me too me too me too!!! Come ooon Telltale! It's the middle of the afternoon at PST! 3pm is a grrreeat time for a release!
Ugh, look at those FINGERS! They're CREEPY..
(...) I've only realized that now...
I be hungry...
Ditto to that, wait I was hungry 5 hours agp and haven't eaten a thing.
That is awesome
Although the game designers do an amazing job themselves I think the people who's job it is (or perhaps should be) to keep us informed on when it's coming out at least approximately or at least let us know how things are progressing with this should be hung drawn and quartered. :-p
Äh...:eek: Bekomm ich diese Bilder hochauflösend und größer per E-Mail damit ich sie mir ausdrucken und eingerahmt aufhängen kann (meine ich ernst!!!) :eek:
Well there are some cuter words for that meaning, like "Geile Schnalle" or "heisse Tusse" or "guck mal die alte die wuerd ich am liebsten knallen"
Just an example.
Don't listen to him..
How do you do these? I'd love to see Elaine and Morgan in a tight sword clench and then all three pasted together as a wallpaper please. You rock.
Posting these words in english could get you banned
Its meaning "hot chick" and "i want to get late with her"
Cant see how this can get me banned.
Mal sehen... bis dahin kannst du meine anderen Bilder ausdrucken und aufhängen.
@thiz: sehr milde übersetzt...
i would love to b*** her!
wäre wohl vom Wortlaut richtiger...
you want to get late?