Strange bugs in chapter 5

edited December 2009 in Game Support
Helloooo! (here be spoilers! Don't look if you didn't played chp. 5 yet!)

Finished chapter 5 yesterday! Whoa what a ride! :) Thanks Telltale!

I just had some strange bugs of which I made some screenshots. Some material for the Telltale team to examine. ;)

At the Treasure hunter corner, when I grabbed the little parrots with the net, the net got stuck on Guybrush's hand! Just look at the screenshots! This was over when Guybrush jumped on the boat.

And in the finale part, when I made this trampoline plank with the broken door, LeChuck suddenly dissapeared and didn't punch poor Guybrush back up in the mast. This meant I was stuck and had to reload the game, and right after loading he punched Guybrush.

Also, I noticed that some subtitles didn't match the actual spoken words.


  • edited December 2009
    I had the fishnet one as well. Plus when trying to examine the Banang barrel Guybrush first takes a walk around the whole Club before walking towards it. Nothing as bad as to have to reload a game though.
  • edited December 2009
    Haha, thanks for sharing those screenshots! Those ones where Guybrush won't let go of the net made me laugh.

    I've heard about a few people who have found glitches, but I don't recall finding a single bug throughout the whole game, and I did quite a bit of exploring and was clicking on everything. I had a few bugs in chapters 2 and 4 though. Guess I was lucky with this one.
  • edited December 2009
    Also, guybrush partially disappears behind the rift with the spohnghe stuck in it.
    Oh, and the shovel suddenly appears next to the treasure hunter dude when you end your conversation with him.
  • edited December 2009
    The banang barrel was the only one the that jumped out at me.
  • edited December 2009
    i also did notice that bug, but i think it was the Grog barrel.
    i also saw some minor clipping errors(the island where flowting 1mm above the horizon when you jumped in to the water at the narwhal meeting point and the flame of the candel did disapear behind guybrush when he goes through the Rip in the Bar)
  • edited December 2009
    I also had the bug with the see-saw.. before releasing the barrels I picked it up, tried using it with items onscreen, then tried to talk to elaine while holding it - i started talking, it hovered in mid-air, then after talking I grabbed it again and it went back to sitting on the ground. But I sat at that screen indefinitely with no LeChuck until I relaunched and loaded from that spot.
  • edited December 2009
    I climbed the mast to Morgan, talked to her, and went on the boom again. But then Guybrush disappeared, leaving the circular pointer at the end of the boom. Had to reload the game. Didn't really annoy me though, I was enjoying myself too much.
  • edited December 2009
    barchetta wrote: »
    I climbed the mast to Morgan, talked to her, and went on the boom again. But then Guybrush disappeared, leaving the circular pointer at the end of the boom.
    I had that, too, but didn't have to reload, because I just clicked and dragged to the right of the screen, as if he was still there, and on he went! Felt funny dragging around the empty circular pointer for a while, though.

    I didn't get the fishnet one, but hey, this looks hilarious! :D

    I thought I had a bug during the finale, but I'm not sure if I was just too slow. Every time I wanted Guybrush to step on the broken door, he just approached it and commented it ("A seasaw. At sea. Ha."), but then he just stood there, like on your screenshot, and when I clicked on the broken door again, LeChuck appeared, so Elaine lighted the cannon in vain. When I played the finale again (and knew exactly what to do), it worked.
  • edited December 2009
    I thought I had a bug during the finale, but I'm not sure if I was just too slow. Every time I wanted Guybrush to step on the broken door, he just approached it and commented it ("A seasaw. At sea. Ha."), but then he just stood there, like on your screenshot, and when I clicked on the broken door again, LeChuck appeared, so Elaine lighted the cannon in vain. When I played the finale again (and knew exactly what to do), it worked.

    You don't get much time if LeCheck just threw you off the crow's nest. I'm not sure if you get enough. It seems you get a little more time if you slide down the rope first and LeCheck punches you from the deck above the cannon. I got the idea to do that from the walkthrough, sigh.

    It was pretty annoying that Guybrush stops and takes time to make a wisecrack about the seesaw (even when he's made it before), not leaving himself enough time to step on it before LeChuck gets there.

    Edit to clarify: You have to talk to Elaine, then click on the broken door twice. The first time you click, Guybrush makes a wisecrack about it; the second time he steps on it. You may not have enough time to do all three steps before LeChuck shows up.


    Also, FWIW, I also had the bug when trying to leave Morgan that was mentioned above. The camera follows Guybrush down the mast, but then sometimes jumps back up to where Morgan is, with Guybrush out of the frame. I had that happen several times and had to go back to saves, but I was wary of it after the first time and so always had a save ready.
  • edited December 2009
    i had a slight problem, when using the ask elaine to light the cannon, but when i click on the door, Guybrush would laugh about sea-saw and doesnt stand on it, but when i dont ask elaine to light it,and i click the door, Guybrush would stand on it and get catapulted out...i did it several times until i got shot through the rip
  • edited December 2009
    I got the Morgan one as well.

    Another one that I got and don't think anyone else mentioned was, during the final battle when I was standing next to LeChuck's Cabin (before making the see-saw) and Elaine is fighting the skeleton army up above, she and one skeleton suddenly showed up next to the mast and were standing perfectly still, not fighting or anything. After clicking on both of them though, they disappeared and showed up again where they were supposed to be. I got this bug twice. If anyone needs a screenshot, I'll see if I can take one when I get a chance to replay the game.
  • edited December 2009
    I definitely had the barrel of banang bug--where Guybrush, standing to the left of the barrel, would walk all the way around club 41, then to the right side of the barrel before commenting on it.

    I also had a similar bug to the see-saw bug, but it happened in a different part of the final puzzle--before I had the key to get into LeChuck's grog stash, for some reason the game wouldn't trigger LeChuck to punch me or keelhaul me again, so after about 5 or 10 minutes of sitting there I reloaded the game and everything was fine.
  • edited December 2009
    Hey everybody, thanks for the information. We're looking into everything you've mentioned and hope to get them resolved soon.
    John Francis Dodge
  • edited December 2009
    I got similar issues in TOMI Chapter 2 - disappearing eyeballs, a doorway mysteriously appearing in the water, cannonballs frozen in midair. Weird stuff.
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