201: Ice Station Santa in crossover

edited December 2009 in Sam & Max
okay, so I got the free thing, Installed it in Regular crossover (where alls mah telltale seem to work) but it has a problem with the splash screen. when it tries to log me in with that thing instead of letting me put in the SN myself. so my request (well more of a desperate plea) is 2 fold:
1. Does anyone know how to bypass this?
2. Is there a way to get it with the splash screen for other episodes like Abe Lincoln must die?

note: the whole Crossover Games fix doesn't work for me


  • edited December 2009
    Click the "Go straight to demo' at the bottome right. Also, change your avatar as I have noticed 2 new posters with the same avatar I hate, and I almost was about to not help because of it.
  • edited December 2009
    tried it, did nothing, trying the Crossover Games fix again, looks like it might work this time

    EDIT: and the so called fix broke Crossover Games... going to try one more thing before asking for help again
  • edited December 2009
    HAve you tried WiNE? I've used it to play numerous Windows games and have had no problem (though admittantly I've not tried it with any of hte S+M games)
  • edited December 2009
    Reinstall Crossover Games and try again.
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton, Crossover uses WiNE, and there is no way to get WiNE on a mac, since DarWiNE has been discontiued.

    City of Delusion, this is the third time I've reinstalled Crossover Games, I'm Reinstalling the telltale bottle to try first

    EDIT: LeSigh, I give up, anyway for me to get regular Crossover to like this?
  • edited December 2009
    Sorry, I assumed you were on Linux. (Also last time I checked ---some years ago--- crossover office used it's own propriatary code that was different from WiNE) Cant really offer much assitance on Macs....
  • edited December 2009
    well, let me rephrase then, it uses a modified WiNE, I wish I had a linux box in this house that could handle Sam and Max, but they are all in the description of suckfest... will the DVD work in crossover?
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