BBcode question...

edited December 2009 in Site Support
This is driving me insane, someone changed the BBcode IMG tag in an update somewhere and I've never gotten part of it to work sence (I know it was a core update to the original code because this worked on several sites and now fails on all sites...)

How can I post an image but change the size?

I used to use
{IMG height=200 width=400}URLhere{/IMG}
(with the braces instead of brackets, of course)

now when I do that, it breaks the tag... and of *course* the <IMG> tag is banned universally now.... (sorry pet-peeve that I cant use normal HTML on forums like I did for many years)

Can somone clarify how I can specify height/width on a BBCode image tag?


  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Sorry, that's not available within the vBulletin tag. You'll have to resize the image to get it to display as intended.
  • edited December 2009
    David E wrote: »
    Sorry, that's not available within the vBulletin tag. You'll have to resize the image to get it to display as intended.

    crap, I liked that feature...

    Thank you for clearing it up though!
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