Can't run disk for some reason...

edited December 2009 in Game Support
I finally managed to dig out my copy of Sam & Max Season 1 today, having been feeling the urge to replay it for quite some time.

But I stuck it in the drive and was reminded of something that's been impeding my use of this PC for some time now.... My DVD drives just don't seem to be registering. I go to My Computer and can't see either drive from there; I put in a disk that's set to autostart and it won't happen; I try to burn off an audio CD and I can't.

It's even more annoying seeing as I never uninstalled it; I just need the disk to run the game.

So I was wondering... Is it possible to download the season for free, being that I already have a copy of the game and can't play it? I can't find a copy of the Key Code either on the disk or manual (well, there's one code repeated on the back cover and the disk itself that could possibly be the one I'm looking for but it's so small and discreet, in both cases, that it seems a little unlikely) however being that I have both I can quote anything on any page or from the disc itself in quite small detail to a TTG representative in order to prove that I own it. (I’m really hoping it wasn’t on some extra slip of paper that would have come with the manual that I’d have since lost).

If you can’t help me with this because of lack of proof of ownership then I guess I understand :(

Either way; thanks in advance :)


  • edited December 2009
    Marduk wrote: »
    But I stuck it in the drive and was reminded of something that's been impeding my use of this PC for some time now.... My DVD drives just don't seem to be registering. I go to My Computer and can't see either drive from there; I put in a disk that's set to autostart and it won't happen; I try to burn off an audio CD and I can't.
    Does the drive even show up in Windows' device manager? If it does, it could be that you simply haven't set up a drive letter for it...

    If that's the case, right-click on "My computer", choose "Manage", go to "Storage / Disk management", find your CD drive in the lower half of the window, right click on it, choose "Change drive letter and paths..." and use the "Add..." button to give it a drive letter.

    np: Robert Henke - First_Contact (Atom/Document)
  • edited December 2009
    Thanks for that, but I can't find my disk drives on there. Attached is a screen shot of what I do have; the C & D drives are (of course) hard disk while the E drive is a USB memory stick. None of the other drives listed have any function I've ever been able to divine; they've been there since I got this computer and show up as removable drives for some reason.
  • edited December 2009
    Marduk wrote: »
    None of the other drives listed have any function I've ever been able to divine; they've been there since I got this computer and show up as removable drives for some reason.
    You might want to take a closer look at the flash-thingy-icon in your system tray, because Daemon Tools' job is to emulate up to four CD drives so that you can directly mount up to four CD images - I use it myself quite a bit.

    Anyway - the other thing you could check is if the drive is connected correctly or if any of the cables for it came off by accident; though if it opens if you push the open button at least the power cable has to be connected. From the dated look of your desktop I'd hazard a guess you've got an IDE drive and those cables rarely come off by accident, but it's not unheard of either...

    Also - does the drive show up in the BIOS settings? Maybe it's just that the IDE controller it's connected to has been disabled via BIOS setup...

    Just my 0.02 EUR...
  • edited December 2009
    Yeah I just downloaded that this afternoon but I haven't really played around with it, yet. I'm not sure how it's supposed to help me in this situation, though, without ripping off the disk's contents how does it emulate what's on the disk, and (if that is indeed what I need to do) how would I go about ripping it off without a working CD drive?

    As you can probably tell; I'm a comparative novice with computers. I don't even know how to check my BIOS.

    I don't recall every messing with the cables of any disk drives, however this computer is several years old and has had to get repairs several times now. I can't say for sure what might be going on inside and I don't want to open her up without further guidance.
  • edited December 2009
    Marduk wrote: »
    Yeah I just downloaded that this afternoon but I haven't really played around with it, yet. I'm not sure how it's supposed to help me in this situation, though, without ripping off the disk's contents how does it emulate what's on the disk, and (if that is indeed what I need to do) how would I go about ripping it off without a working CD drive?
    I'm afraid you can't do that, Dave - unless you happen to have another computer (with a working CD drive) nearby, and even then you'd still have to bypass the copy protection which is a big legal no-no...

    (I'm basically in the same boat as you with having bought S&M season 1 on DVD from JoWood thus not being able to download the installers, but if my drive failed I'd just replace it - then again, if you were wondering what to do with those 50% off codes from the ToMI treasure hunt maybe you could use them to get the downloadable version for dirt cheap?)
    As you can probably tell; I'm a comparative novice with computers. I don't even know how to check my BIOS.
    Uh oh... I'm afraid you'd have to look in your computer's manual (if you have one - if not, try digging around on the site of the mainboard's manufacturer) on how to get into your PC's BIOS setup (it's some key like F2 or Delete you have to press after turning it on) and how to change the IDE controller settings...
    I don't recall every messing with the cables of any disk drives, however this computer is several years old and has had to get repairs several times now. I can't say for sure what might be going on inside and I don't want to open her up without further guidance.
    In that case you really might want to have it looked at by someone at least semi-professional, I'm afraid...

    (I built all my machines myself except for the very first 486-based computer I got when I was in my first year of high-school so I always kinda take it for granted that people know what to do...)
  • edited December 2009
    Well it leads me to my other question...

    Could TTG be gracious enough to allow me to download the games?
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