Tales of monkey island DVD release - episodic vs monkey island 5 full game Poll
Just curious who wants to see tales of monkey island blended into one full game for the hard copy and who don't. :cool:
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Having said that, the option to play single chapters wouldn't be a bad thing.
I'm actually fine with that if it means we get the game as a whole, bug fixed, in better quality, etc.
No, they're not written as episodes, they're written as chapters. The Sam & Max games have episodes in that you can choose any one and play it without missing much, just like a TV series. In Tales, however, you can't do that. It's much more like a movie than a TV show.
I wouldn't say they are episodes, they all link and flow naturally as a game, events in Chapter 1 are brought back in Chapter 4, you can't just jump into Chapter 4, you wouldn't know what the hell was going on, the endings for Chapter 1 through 3 can even be stitched together in a video editor and look seamless (except for Morgans and Guybrushes change of lines at the end of chapter 1, that took some dodgey cuts).
Yep, that's the first priority. Bug fixing and polisihing the actual game means a lot more than menu options.
True, many TV series (especially miniseries with just 5 episodes) tell a single story and in some way those miniseries are just long movies, which have been cut to episodes for practical reasons (who would watch 5 hour TV movie?). Start watching such series from the middle and you have no idea what is going on.
Tales is similar with miniseries in many ways.
But that's not what's going on. They're not making a five hour movie and then cutting it up into five one hour bits, they're writing five episodes which, together, tell a single story. But the episodes themselves each have their own three acts, tension arcs, cliffhangers, etcetera. Writing a story in five subsequent episodes is entirely different than writing a single five hour story. Re-editing them to make one complete thing just doesn't work.
IMO Tales forms a single story and I see it as a single adventure game which was published in five chapters. When I compare it to chapters of previous Monkey games I don't see much difference. For example CMI's chapters form their own smaller story archs. Grim Fandango's four years which could be easily be divided as episodes of an episodic adventure game etc. Even in games where story isn't divided to obvious chapters, plot and puzzles usually divide the story to smaller archs.
The "Treasure Hunt" button changed into "Play Next Episode" (after finishing the episode) is a good option
I quite agree, I just can't see the point of glueing the episodes together (unless you're some kind of Murray-hating anti-episodic ungrateful hate monster, of couse...
This man speaks wisely.
Yes, but if that was the only option, i think being able to skip the credits would be a necessity (at least for chapters1-4). Sure TTG deserve alot of credits, but it gets tiresome watching the same credits, repeatedly, with a different backdrop. If they were to do away for the 1-4 credits entirely, there could be a credits section in the bonus features, with the murray version, or alternatively just have esc being a skip/fastforward button.
And for those of you who have never bought any of the other Telltale DVD's, they do tend to make a new splash page where all the episodes are listed at once. So when you're booted out at the end of the game you can just click the next episode and jump right into it.
I Have a couple of those DVDs, I still find it annoying that the game forces me to quit and then select the next episode
Yeah, that too (I can't believe I forgot to add that feature) AND for all the episodes but with a small modification:
If the episode has post credits sequences, then it should play the sequence first
These changes require some coding but only coding (plus maybe some static art for the buttons and some messages). The episodes will remain untouched.
Editing Tales to make it "one game" requires coding plus rewriting and redoing some art (and probably new choreography) AND people will complain for missing or changed parts => The episode must remain untouched (I won't complain if TTG squashes some bugs in the process)
Anyway, this idea came up on the forums quite a few times already and now with a poll it looks like the majority of the community support it (more than double "yes" votes than "no" votes).
And to those who are fearful of losing the "Murray credits" and other extra stuff. There is no reason that the original episodes can't be included on the DVD as well! All five of the TOMI chapter installers take up about 1GB of data together. A DVD9 (which Telltale have used in the past) can hold about 8GB of data. So about 2-2.5GB of data for both possible TOMI versions, plus 6GB for extras.
The only obstacle to this idea is the fact as Jake explained (in one of the other numerous threads devoted to this subject) linking the episodes together might be very difficult to do technically. But I still hope that they can overcome the difficulties and go ahead with this plan. TT always were attentive to their fans and community, and that's one idea that seems to be supported by an overwhelming majority of the TOMI community.
They could include the credits at the end of each episode if you play an episode individually, and then if you play the "long play mode" they could condense them all at the end with "Chapter 1 credits" "Chapter 2 credits" etc. in their own sections.
Not yet I don't think. I think the only official word has been "not before the end of the year". I'd give it a few months.
And while they're at it, they could also add right click to move Guybrush in good old fashioned point and click manner...
I hear they're going to turn it into a text adventure that only runs using DOS so you may be disappointed.
I have my DOSBox ready exactly for that occasion!
I don't want a DVD without the intros, or the credits scene, or the voodoo lady tarot scenes.
If you want the full game, simply when an episode is finished, play the next one
The idea is for them to be Extras, or Outtakes on the DVD, so we get both the full game as one, and the options to view those as extras as a bonus.
unless there to be continued...
Ok, but I don't want them as extras...i like them because they are INTO the game...
I'm okay with the credits and intro scenes being kept but I'd like it better if you could play the next chapter directly, it would feel more like one full game, like the previous MI games (which had chapters too).
The first Runaway game was like that, you could choose to install all chapters at once when you installed the game, or to install each chapter right before playing it. And there was an ingame menu to select which chapter to play, with each chapter unlocking after you finished the previous one.
I'd like that kind of thing, if it's doable. It shouldn't require any change in scenes or removal of credits.
A lot of people keep saying this isn't MI5, but if it could be played seamlessly as one big game, I can't see how they can say it's not MI5.
All the bonuses & extras on the DVD will be nice, but for me personally, I've always wanted ToMI to be one complete game. It's the most important thing for me & if it happens, It will make my year.
Why would anyone want to remove omnious voodoo lady scenes, those are part of the plot of the game and add a lot to the Voodoo Lady character. Those scenes work extremely well with the ending of the game.
If I have to be honest, they arn't really a part of the plot, they are more like catch up segments, which makes sense for a Monthly release, a brief catch up from the Voodoo lady reminded people what happened in the previous episode. The only time they are a part of the plot is during the Chapter 5 intro, which only features the cards and sound clips from Chapter 4.
The actual story is seamless, Chapter 1 ends with a sword at Guybrush's throat, Chapter 2 starts with that sword being pulled back as Morgan reveals herself, Chapter 2 ends with the ship being ate by the Manatee, Chapter 3 starts off by actually replaying that scene and continuing it on, Chapter 3 ends with Guybrush being knocked out, Chapter 4 starts a few hours later with Morgan rowing Guybrush back to Flotsam Island. If that could be combined into one long game it would work.
Even though it won't happen, at least having an option to skip the credits and Voodoo Lady Intro's would be nice.
The story is seamless, but the narrative is episodic. The games are designed to end with cliffhangers; what would be the point of hiding Morgan's face at the end of Chapter 1 if you were going to reveal it three seconds later? There's some really good structural work in this game, and I don't think that should be thrown away just to satisfy a desire for it to be something it isn't?