Sam and Max custom skin?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Ever since I was introduced to Windows Blinds, the program which changes the skins of your windows and your windows Toolbar (including the Start menu), I wonder if there could possibly be a "Sam and Max"-style skin.


  • edited November 2006
    It can! If someone takes the time to make one ;)
  • edited November 2006
    what font is used for Sam and Max? I could take a shot at it... I might need some help if I were to do this especially when it's about colors and that sort.
  • edited November 2006
    I have no idea, but you can PM emily, Jake or someone else at TTG and ask them. Maybe they can contribute something to the skin?
  • edited November 2006
    okay, perhaps I'll show some of this stuff to the public

    First Sample
    Second Sample

    what do you think?
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, I see that the stuff needs some work.
    The letters also needs to be lined up, right now it's a little too messy.

    Regarding the start-up screen, I have never heard that phrase.
    Maybe replace it with Mind if I drive? / Please wait for the Commissioner. That's the only thing I thought of right now.

    Regarding when emptying the trash can, you could have the LucasArts 2nd box of files as they disappeared into emptyness.

    Switch User - Picture of Sam & Max
    Log off - Night?
    Stand by - Gun pointing at you
    Turn off - Bomb
    Start - DeSoto

    That's all I can think of so far.

    Good luck.
  • edited November 2006
    okay this is a pic of the shutdown icons. The restart is still pending...

    shutdown buttons
  • edited December 2006
    oh crap! I think I inadvertently deleted the skin while testing it... I tested it and found that there were some minor problems (i.e. the please wait background was missing...). I deleted the skin hoping I can see the stuff with the newer version, but I realized I deleted everything... I'll try to salvage as much as I can.
  • edited January 2007
    okay I managed to salvage most of the stuff lost in the Sam and Max Windows Blinds skin. I'm just trying to figure out how to get those .tga files to appear right.
  • edited February 2007
    I decided to make the official title of the skin "Freelance Randomness". It has that Telltale Sam and Max style. Can anyone give me feedback on these new screenshots?


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