oh please make bosco a playable character

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
i sooooo looooov him ..


  • edited December 2009
    I'm not sure how it would work. I'm sure viewing every object as a threat, as part of a conspiracy or as a good form of defence could be quite amusing at first, but could become quite boring after a while.

    Furthermore, the fun aspect of Bosco lies within crushing his beliefs of setting him into a place of denial, with Sam and Max's harshly amusing conversation options.

    That's my view anyway, oh yeah and Bosco isn't a priority right now - we need Max as a playable character, he's the other main character to Sam, yet he's never been able to do anything! ;)
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2009
    B.O.S.C.O.: The paranoid conspiracy

    It could work.... not!
  • edited December 2009
    I think it would be entertaining to have a puzzle where you play as bosco. I think _ANY_ character could be majorly entertaining for a single puzzle. I dont think a whole game dedicated to him would be that great though...
  • edited December 2009
    I wanna play as Buster Blaster.
  • edited December 2009
    [...] we need Max as a playable character, he's the other main character to Sam, yet he's never been able to do anything! ;)

  • edited December 2009
    I wanna play as Lefty.
  • edited December 2009
    I wanna see Lefty.
  • edited December 2009
    I wanna play as Buster Blaster.

    oh yeah that would be exciting... there was an old game called Geist (Giest?) where you *could* possess inanimate objects... trust me it wasnt exactly hte highlight of the game... (though good game none the less)
  • edited December 2009
    considering the only time you could play as someone other than sam was when we played as max in (forgot how to use spoiler tags, if you don't want to know, scroll down or up) notrd when sam was in his body, i dont see how this is going to be considered.
  • edited December 2009
    Buster Blaster isn't inanimate, since he has a personality and soul or ... something, he's just immovable. I think. Though the C.O.P.S. do seem to get around a bit.

    Anyway, I want to play as the De Soto! And The Highway, you do spoiler tags by [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ]
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Buster Blaster isn't inanimate, since he has a personality and soul or ... something, he's just immovable. I think. Though the C.O.P.S. do seem to get around a bit.

    Anyway, I want to play as the De Soto!

    ehh... technically your right about Buster...

    The Desoto would be hilarious! Since it's possessed right now that's not impossible! :eek:
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    The Desoto would be hilarious! Since it's possessed right now that's not impossible! :eek:
    A little side-note, I'm hoping Sam and Max are at least considering an exorcism for their car, even if it fails it would be nice to at least see some plot development in that "character". Although, to be fair I can see many advantages to having a posessed car in contrast with a non-demonised one. :D
  • edited December 2009
    A little side-note, I'm hoping Sam and Max are at least considering an exorcism for their car, even if it fails it would be nice to at least see some plot development in that "character". Although, to be fair I can see many advantages to having a posessed car in contrast with a non-demonised one. :D

    Indeed! A car that eggs houses for you is a decent amount of win!
  • edited December 2009
    One think I would like is being able to go from Sam to Max.
    I know Sam is the steady man and Max is just crazy, so usually you control Sam and Max is just out of control.

    But I like the idea that with their different personalities, they would do different things.

    I don't know if it would take away from Max being out of control. One way to implement it would be not controlling him completely. Like, you can throw a theme but not a specific dialogue line. Or you can tell him to go towards something but he might decide to stop and do something else.

    Of course that would get annoying fast...

    I kinda miss the "use Max" thing though so if we could control him a bit that would be nice.

    Controlling other characters could be interesting as a one-time puzzle I guess but I don't think I would like that for a whole episode.
  • edited December 2009
    Avistew wrote: »
    I know Sam is the steady man and Max is just crazy, so usually you control Sam and Max is just out of control.

    That's the best description I've seen of Sam vs Max.

    I agree it would be interesting, especially considering the insane dialog Max has on the rare occasion we get to use him in conversations. I personally think it's not as much a matter of the plot as it is the fact that controlling 2 characters means they have to more than double the code needed for that part of the game.

    It would be a lot of fun though, kinda like in Secret of Evermore where you can control the Dog ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I personally think it's not as much a matter of the plot as it is the fact that controlling 2 characters means they have to more than double the code needed for that part of the game.

    Well, they did that at some point in Wallace and Gromit, in Muzzled you control Gromit, and Wallace briefly. (And it's the opposite in other episodes).
    So it seems possible code-wise to make it fit in an episode.

    Now it's a different issue if you control them depending on the story (that is, you can only control Sam at some point, then only control Max) or if it's a la Day of the Tentacle, where you can switch from one character to the other, which seems to me like it would be more complicated.
  • edited December 2009
    Avistew wrote: »
    Well, they did that at some point in Wallace and Gromit, in Muzzled you control Gromit, and Wallace briefly. (And it's the opposite in other episodes).
    So it seems possible code-wise to make it fit in an episode.

    Now it's a different issue if you control them depending on the story (that is, you can only control Sam at some point, then only control Max) or if it's a la Day of the Tentacle, where you can switch from one character to the other, which seems to me like it would be more complicated.

    If hte game mandates you play as Sam during scene 1, max in scene 2, and sam in scene 3, then no, it's not that complex (unless there are special inventory rules in place)

    If you can hit a button and switch control to the other character, then essentially they must make 2 versions of every set, character, etc based on if Sam or Max is approaching them. (oversimplified, but easier to understand)
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    If hte game mandates you play as Sam during scene 1, max in scene 2, and sam in scene 3, then no, it's not that complex (unless there are special inventory rules in place)

    If you can hit a button and switch control to the other character, then essentially they must make 2 versions of every set, character, etc based on if Sam or Max is approaching them. (oversimplified, but easier to understand)

    It wouldn't be that hard, considering the fact that they've made a system where you can talk as Sam or Max for S1 and S2. It was rarely used in its full potential, but still it was something possible.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    It wouldn't be that hard, considering the fact that they've made a system where you can talk as Sam or Max for S1 and S2. It was rarely used in its full potential, but still it was something possible.

    It was only dialogue, though, and specific ones. For the whole game, you'd need to have different description for each item they look at, different dialogues, and so on.
    Assuming they're in the same place of course. If they're separated it's not two version but actually two different sets.

    Hey, just thinking, there could be a part where they're separated, one episode is just Sam, the next is just Max at the same time and there are stuff from one influencing the other (that you understand after playing both), and in the end they meet again...

    Not sure if that would work, but that could be a lot of fun. Wouldn't really be Sam AND Max thought I guess...
  • edited December 2009
    An interesting idea, but would be really challenging to get it right as you said.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    An interesting idea, but would be really challenging to get it right as you said.

    Yeah, you'd need to work on both games at the same time, really. Which makes me wonder if it would work better as two halves of the same episode. But with the games being episodic already, having oe of these episodes split into two again might be too much...
  • edited December 2009
    Max is psychic now, by the way.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Max is psychic now, by the way.

    What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?
    EDIT: Never mind, Lena. I understand how this is relevant. Since Max has a new ability, it may be easier to play him than Sam.

    While I don't think making it possible to switch characters is a good idea (could take a lot longer, which equals more bugs and more problems, therefore more complaining forumers), I like the idea of being able to play Sam for part of the game in one area, and then Max for the other. Maybe a mandatory switch when you hit a certain plot point?

    EDIT (again): Or perhaps this season, we'll be playing as JUST Max. (Which I think is more than fair, considering Sam has had two seasons to himself)
  • edited December 2009
    I dunno... Max being the President, a religious leader AND a psychic... The possibilities would be endless. In a way, it's better that's he's not being controlled, as if we controlled him we could do virtually anything we want.

    Of course, it's easy with a game to just leave an option out. Sure you're the President, but if the game doesn't let you make a call to get whatever you need, that doesn't change much.

    At any rate, I'm not sure I'd want a whole game of Max... Although I agree it would be fair, it would also make less sense since Max tends to follow Sam's lead, not the other way around.
  • edited December 2009
    Avistew wrote: »
    At any rate, I'm not sure I'd want a whole game of Max... Although I agree it would be fair, it would also make less sense since Max tends to follow Sam's lead, not the other way around.

    It's practically imposible (from a plot PoV) to control Max, he's a raging psycopath with the attention span of a Gnat.

    Sam, on the other hand... can pay attention longer. :D

    ...sam is more calm and thinks things through more than max... though honestly, imo he's just as big of a psyco :cool:
  • edited December 2009
    Okay, well, you guys have good points there. Maybe just a single episode at a time, though? (As in, you switch the point of view every episode?)
  • edited December 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    (As in, you switch the point of view every episode?)

    The way you phrased that got me thinking... very amusing idea...

    Episode 1 you play as sam. Fairly standard gameplay.

    Episode 2 you play as Max. Psyco _and_ Psychic!

    Episode 3 you play as Bosco - paranoia meter + inventing ability

    Episode 4 you play as Sybil witht he ability to switch creers and swap out her abilities.

    episode 5 you play as the desoto! lots of driving and demon-powered mayhem!

    I think it owudl be amusing, though it would also be confusing and a bugger to program... still... it has some good points too...
  • edited December 2009
    I think it would be difficult to play a whole episode as a car, though.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think it would be difficult to play a whole episode as a car, though.

    well... to be honest I was left with either the desoto or Abe, and I figured hte desoto would be funnier...
  • edited December 2009
    I'd love to play as Flint Paper, but that will push the game to the M-category.
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    well... to be honest I was left with either the desoto or Abe, and I figured hte desoto would be funnier...

    What about Jimmy? He can do more than a car and still have an interesting point of view.

    I don't know how well that would work though. It's still Sam and Max after all, not "Sam and Max and Cie"
    I won't deny it would be interesting, but it would also mean changing the gameplay each episode, which sounds like hell for telltale to pull off.
  • edited January 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    I'd love to play as Flint Paper, but that will push the game to the M-category.
    Avistew wrote: »
    What about Jimmy? He can do more than a car and still have an interesting point of view.

    I'd not thought of Jimmy (or possibly Timmy), but thinking now... while it would make for a fun perspective, it would be very difficult to pull off since he's mouse-sized... excuse me... rat sized ;)

    Exactly, Flint was not even considered for that reason. Likewise I didnt want to do Satan. As hilarious as I think it could be, I also didnt think Jurgen would be content appropriate...
    Avistew wrote: »
    I won't deny it would be interesting, but it would also mean changing the gameplay each episode, which sounds like hell for telltale to pull off.

    Gameplay wouldnt be that much trouble (excluding the Desoto), selling the season would be. most newbies to the S+M franchise would likely be turend off by the constant change in PoV.
  • edited January 2010
    Spin-off series, anyone?
  • edited January 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Spin-off series, anyone?

    Which character would you want to see spun off?? some of us might get so bored me make you a 3-puzzle game staring them :D
  • edited January 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    I'd love to play as Flint Paper, but that will push the game to the M-category.

    Flint would be cool character for game/episode of his own. I like his attitude and style.
  • edited January 2010
    Flint would be cool character for game/episode of his own. I like his attitude and style.

    I have this odd feeling his game would be Goldeneye-meets-lesure-suit-larry... not that I wouldnt play it, I'm just sayin'....
  • edited January 2010
    I do think they need to make more use of Max. Maybe not as an independent character, but with more dialogue choices and actions. As it was mentioned before you should be able to use Max on things, partly as puzzle solvers, and partly as a way to get more of his insane insight into things.
  • edited January 2010
    Out of all ideas suggested I like the "switch leader" idea most (a la Day of the Tentacle). And yes, I understand that requires about twice the dialogue and has several technical difficulties, but I also liked the "Whole MI season as one game" idea so I guess TTG already knows I am such type of fan :p.
    Still, with all the experience done up so far I doubt it would be beyond TTG's reach, if they would want to.
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    As it was mentioned before you should be able to use Max on things, partly as puzzle solvers, and partly as a way to get more of his insane insight into things.

    I second that tremendously

    I wouldn't mind seeing Flint Paper as a playable character. or as the character to get a spin off *cough* Maybe with him the player can the unique option of physical fighting instead of just shooting. Or a combo of both :D
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I wanna play as Lefty.

    F&?K yeah! Lefty! Sensless Beatings, Thug Bruising and Violent Interrogation Scenes!
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