CSI: Deadly Intent troubles...

edited September 2011 in Game Support
I recently picked up CSI: Deadly Intent for PC. I installed it without a hitch on Windows 7 Home Premium. When I finally got around to playing it, it loaded without problems and came up to the menu screen. I went to New Game, clicked on Case #1...and hey, the opening menu screen is back...No error windows, no weird effects. It just clicks back to the main title menu.

Now, I've gone back to the disk to try and uninstall it, to reinstall it, and...well, it won't let me. Clicking "Uninstall" just exits the application window. Now, it appears to have uninstalled the base files on my C drive, but the main game itself isn't installed there - it's on an external hard drive like my other games. Nothing comes up to remove these files, and removing them manually doesn't change it. So, I can't play the game OR remove it.

Is there a way of manually uninstalling the necessary files to make the disc recognize "your game is in another castle" and NOT actually on my computer anymore? That way, I can reinstall it and see if that fixes the problem.


  • SegSeg
    edited January 2010
    What you seek is in the registry!

    Click the Start button and in the search box, type in "regedit" and hit enter.

    You need to delete this key's folder. Make sure there's no "CSI5.exe" folder when your done. If you have other Telltale Games installed, make sure the other folders are still there.

    ~\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Telltale Games\CSI5.exe\

    Reboot the computer, then try it again.


    I'm concerned that this didn't work the first time, but let's try this before we look into it further.
  • edited January 2010
    That seems to have done the trick...I wonder if something didn't install correctly with the game because I used an external HDD drive. Now I've installed it to the regular C:\ drive and it works fine. In fact, a video that wasn't playing before has magically appeared as well. So, no problems now.

    Thank you! :3
  • SegSeg
    edited January 2010
    Weird that a different drive didn't work. I know that's been tested before, though only on XP and Vista that I know of.
  • edited January 2010
    I have Windows 7 and was having the random rebooting issue. It seems to happen mostly when I'm switching locations. I uninstalled and reinstalled, got through the first case just fine, but when I started the second, I started having issues again.

    Any thoughts?
  • edited July 2011
    hey got problems with my csi deadly intent i cant go to the menu it replays
    case 1 over and over again if i press menu it starts case 1 and if i finish case 1 it starts all over again help
  • edited September 2011
    I have recently also purchased csi deadly intent I have a windows 7 home premium also. I have playing ther game absolutely fine until case 2 when I need to enter Horace Willingham's office it goes to load but sticks on the page and no green square appears. I can go into any other room but evertime I try to go to his office my computer freezes and i have the quite the game. it is tellgames not responding...csi5.exe not responding. Any ideas was really enjoying game but this drives me crazy!:)
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