blu ray?

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
would anyone buy a re-release of the season 1 or 2 (or even 3) dvds if it was in blu ray format?


  • edited January 2010
    I wouldn't, because I don't have a blu-ray drive. I don't think the games take up that much disc space either, so they fit on a DVD and don't need to be on a 50GB blu-ray disc.
  • edited January 2010
    Well, yeah, the Sam & Max Graphics are so HD and so much detailed, only Blu Ray could do them justice, with the videos too, as the most of them are simple recordings of gamescenes including their great and very detailed HD-Graphics.


    In comparision to any REAL hd-material the gamegraphics SUCKS, so no, there's definitely no need for a bluray-release
  • edited January 2010
    I think the highway meant a compilation of S1, S2 + S3.

    If they included a lot of extras you cant get elsewhere, maybe... but right now I dont have a BluRay Drive (I have a HD-DVD drive -_- *sigh*)
  • edited January 2010
  • edited January 2010
    Until Blu-Ray drives become as standard in PCs as DVD drives, it doesn't make sense. Are there ANY PC games on Blu-Ray discs? The Blu-Ray release of Dragon's Lair can be played on a PC, but that's about the closest I can think of.

    As for the video content alone? I don't see the point either. The only somewhat sensible thing would be containing more of the same content on a single disc, but why would we need that? More than that, why would that necessitate a new purchase?
  • edited January 2010
    A realistic-looking Sam and Max game, anyone?

  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    A realistic Sam and Max game, anyone?

    I believe that's a contradiction in terms...
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