Sam & Max Season 2 on XBLA Sucks

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
I thought that Sam & Max Season 1 on the Wii was bad, but this is terrible. The Xbox 360 is a system that is fully capable of playing games such as Gears of War, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Assassin's Creed & SoulCalibur IV (IE: Gorgeous & fun games with amazing framerates). Either Sam & Max pushes the system to its graphical limits (not likely) or this is just a very shoddy port. The frame rate is atrocious, there are missing graphics, the cursor speed is ridiculously slow, more often than not when trying to move Sam he just fidgits around when the camera angle changes, considering that the game is $20 you would think that there would be more than 12 achievements & most importantly I find the dialogue cutting off on certain sentence before they are finished. You have any idea how annoying that is? Did nobody test this before it was released? If they did, they need to seriously consider taking up a new profession.

In short: This is the worst $20 that I have ever spent on a game (& I have bought plenty of crappy $20 games in my day... believe me).


  • edited January 2010
    Erm... there's a trial for a reason. If you don't like it, don't bother buying it.
  • edited January 2010
    Erm... there's a trial for a reason. If you don't like it, don't bother buying it.

    Well, that doesn't change the fact that the game doesn't run on the console as it should be...
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well, that doesn't change the fact that the game doesn't run on the console as it should be...

    Not to mention that you can tell jack shit from a Trial.
  • edited January 2010
    Apart from the framerate and the cursor speed...
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Apart from the framerate and the cursor speed...

    It wasn't that bad in demo actually, mainly because it only lets you play a small portion of the first episode.
  • edited January 2010
    It wasn't that bad in demo actually, mainly because it only lets you play a small portion of the first episode.

    And, by small portion, you mean a bit over half. The game isn't bad if you don't look for things to complain about.
  • edited January 2010
    Well you don't have to look very hard.
  • edited January 2010
    Well, the thread is about the quality issues of the XBLA release of S+M:S2, so let's give emphasis on that subject instead of... you know, discussing personal traits of each other.

    ...though I more think like StLouisRibs is the one who should observe this issue a little more perfectionisticly, hehe *runs*
  • edited January 2010
    I really thought the port to 360 was gorgeous =\
    The only thing I have to complain about it is the decal mini games, because they are HARD without a mouse.
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, erm... I had none of these problems, because my Xbox isn't broken like yours is.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    I had some popcorn earlier. Would have gone nicely with this thread. Keep going.
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, erm... I had none of these problems, because my Xbox isn't broken like yours is.

    Ok drama queen, if you want to start a fight, I can go all night long. There is nothing wrong with my system, because as stated above it plays games more than 200X powerful than Sam & Max with little to no problem.

    I hate this damn forum anymore. If a person so much as questions anything about this company, then it is all out war. People tend to have a habit of

    1. Insulting you
    2. Insulting your Family
    3. Stating everything is your fault
    4. Display fanboyism that puts Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony fanboys to shame.

    The humor is good, but the overall gameplay experience is terrible. I actually looked up some reviews about 30 minutes ago... & guess what? They agree!!!

    I have a sneaking suspicious that you/Paleman are Telltale employees in disguise who's only purpose on this forum is to weed out people who are against something with cheap insults & making it seem as we are always to blame for Telltale's failures.

    Here is an idea.... test a game before it is released. If it isn't complete, push back its release date... it is as simple as that. GOOD companies who care about the fans experience do it all the time.

    Ban me if you want, but then the truth will be known to everybody. You can't handle criticism.
  • edited January 2010
    I have a sneaking suspicious that you/Paleman are Telltale employees in disguise who's only purpose on this forum is to weed out people who are against something with cheap insults & making it seem as we are always to blame for Telltale's failures.
    I highly doubt it.
  • edited January 2010
    Here is an idea.... test a game before it is released. If it isn't complete, push back its release date... it is as simple as that. GOOD companies who care about the fans experience do it all the time.

    Good companies also has to release games when they cannot absorb the cost of the development anymore.

    Here is another idea: If you are that angry, don't buy anymore Telltale Games in XBLA. That actual paying costumers do that when they aren't satisfy enough, instead of putting a post in a forum where obviously you gonna start a somesort of flamewar (In fact, I really surprised this post is quite short than I was expecting).

    Go, relax, take some hot cocoa (or a nice juice with ice cubes if you are in the south hemiphere) and don't visit the forum anymore. That what I do when I hate something.
  • edited January 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Good companies also has to release games when they cannot absorb the cost of the development anymore.

    Here is another idea: If you are that angry, don't buy anymore Telltale Games in XBLA. That actual paying costumers do that when they aren't satisfy enough, instead of putting a post in a forum where obviously you gonna start a somesort of flamewar (In fact, I really surprised this post is quite short than I was expecting).

    Go, relax, take some hot cocoa (or a nice juice with ice cubes if you are in the south hemiphere) and don't visit the forum anymore. That what I do when I hate something.

    My aren't you intelligent. Stand back & let a company release terrible ports of games without saying anything.... I never would have thought of that. They will certainly fix the flaws in there games if you don't mention them right? Thank you for your enlightening post. I will get right onto ignoring the many flaws in video games & just let the companies release whatever garbage they want to. Never again will I question anybody or anything responsible for a terrible video game experience & just let them continue on the terrible path that they are currently on. Surely that will satisfy both ends right? I mean the consumer will be stuck with one terrible game that they spent too much of there hard earned money on, but will never again buy any of the companies products & the company will load there pockets with the money from the first terrible game but go bankrupt due to nobody buying the rest of there games. It is all clear to me now. Thanks for your care & concern. I think I will have that hot cocoa now.
  • edited January 2010
    My aren't you intelligent. Stand back & let a company release terrible ports of games without saying anything.... I never would have thought of that. They will certainly fix the flaws in there games if you don't mention them right? Thank you for your enlightening post. I will get right onto ignoring the many flaws in video games & just let the companies release whatever garbage they want to. Never again will I question anybody or anything responsible for a terrible video game experience & just let them continue on the terrible path that they are currently on. Surely that will satisfy both ends right? I mean the consumer will be stuck with one terrible game that they spent too much of there hard earned money on, but will never again buy any of the companies products & the company will load there pockets with the money from the first terrible game but go bankrupt due to nobody buying the rest of there games. It is all clear to me now. Thanks for your care & concern. I think I will have that hot cocoa now.

    Shut Up! You don't understanrd! Is like play on the wii but on diferent console
  • edited January 2010
    Lucoshi wrote: »
    Shut Up! You don't understanrd! Is like play on the wii but on diferent console

    Thank you for proving the point I stated earlier.

    "I hate this damn forum anymore. If a person so much as questions anything about this company, then it is all out war. People tend to have a habit of

    1. Insulting you
    2. Insulting your Family
    3. Stating everything is your fault
    4. Display fanboyism that puts Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony fanboys to shame.

    I would also like to point out that the wii port of Sam & Max: Season One was terrible & Telltale even admited it. So if it is true that it is just like the Wii, then you have once again proven my point perfectly.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    I think this is escalating a bit and going into a non-productive direction, therefore I'll close this thread.

    If you have good intentions you are invited to open a thread about your quality issues in the game support forum. It is more likely to be seen and answered by Telltale Games there.
This discussion has been closed.