A Brand New Year, A Perfect Time for an Announcement?

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Here we are, the year 2010 (is this 'Twenty-Ten' or 'Two-Thousand Ten'?); it still has that new-year smell. Wouldn't this be a perfect time to announce the next TellTale game release? Or at least tell us when the announcement will be? :confused:

Enquiring Minds Want to Know!


  • edited January 2010
    I think it's too early to tell, wait till about the end of January and then maybe there will be an announcement.
  • edited January 2010
    RoadRunner wrote: »
    (is this 'Twenty-Ten' or 'Two-Thousand Ten'?)

    I say "Two thousand and ten", personally. I think it will only change next century, but I could be wrong.
  • edited January 2010
    We've pestered them and pestered them, they're pissed now. We likely wont know anything untill the day it's released... thanks a lot all you buggers... :mad:
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    We've pestered them and pestered them, they're pissed now. We likely wont know anything untill the day it's released... thanks a lot all you buggers... :mad:

    They're pissed now? I guess that means they'll just hold up releasing the game. That will show us "buggers" when we can't buy the game, and TellTale makes no money. That makes no sense whatsoever.

    Haven't they heard of marketing? Advertising? You know, getting the word out about the product? Maybe building a little anticipation? I'm personally about ready to delete the TellTale bookmark from my browser and give up. I may check back in a year or two to see if they've released anything. And the way that TellTale's been handling it so far, I'll be able to buy the game at a discount.

    "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!" Cartman
  • edited January 2010
    ...I think Ashton was joking.
    And RoadRunner, it's been less than a month since their last game was released. Give it some time. Have a little patience. They've told us that Sam & Max is (are) coming. You can't expect them to just release it at this very moment.
  • edited January 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    ...I think Ashton was joking.

    I'm glad somone here has a sence of humor.

    And I Agree with Maxilah, even DURING the season it's a month between games, give them some time!

    Would you rather they rush out a half-finished product full of bugs
    would you rather they take their time and make a game that is interesting, challenging, and acctually works?
  • edited January 2010
    And, also, exist RSS. So, you don't have to check out all the time for updates. The thing will tell to you is updated ^^!
  • edited January 2010
    Well, the Sam and Max 2010 page is an announcement of what the next game will be. It's Sam and Max, coming 2010. I'm guessing they're cooking up a really cool trailer or something to release soon to really whet our appetites for the new game.
  • edited January 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I say "Two thousand and ten", personally. I think it will only change next century, but I could be wrong.

    There is a theory that the spelling varies according to the rhytim. "Two thousand and ten" is more rhytmic than "twenty ten". Though, I believe "twenty eleven" will beat "two thousand and eleven" next year.
  • edited January 2010
    RoadRunner wrote: »
    They're pissed now? I guess that means they'll just hold up releasing the game. That will show us "buggers" when we can't buy the game, and TellTale makes no money. That makes no sense whatsoever.

    Haven't they heard of marketing? Advertising? You know, getting the word out about the product? Maybe building a little anticipation? I'm personally about ready to delete the TellTale bookmark from my browser and give up. I may check back in a year or two to see if they've released anything. And the way that TellTale's been handling it so far, I'll be able to buy the game at a discount.

  • edited January 2010

    From all the seriousness and everything. Sheesh...
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    There is a theory that the spelling varies according to the rhytim. "Two thousand and ten" is more rhytmic than "twenty ten". Though, I believe "twenty eleven" will beat "two thousand and eleven" next year.

    But then, would it go back to "two thousands and twelve"?
  • edited January 2010
    Dunno, I kinda like "twenty twelve"...
  • edited January 2010
    It's "Two hundred and one oh", obviously.
  • edited January 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    ...I think Ashton was joking.
    And RoadRunner, it's been less than a month since their last game was released. Give it some time. Have a little patience. They've told us that Sam & Max is (are) coming. You can't expect them to just release it at this very moment.

    I'm not asking for the game to be released, just a formal announcement, or even an announcement of an announcement:

    "We will be announcing the date of our next release on January 31st"

    ...or something like that. This complete and total silence is frustrating, and frustrated consumers become ex-consumers.

    I've stood by TellTale and bought every one of their games as soon as they came out, even the ones I wasn't sure I would like, just so they would keep producing. I won't be doing that any more.

    TellTale has now produced Sam & Max (2 seasons), Strong Bad, Wallace & Gromit, and now Monkey Island. You can't expect me to believe that they don't have some idea when they'll be ready to release the first episode of the next series, or at least have some idea of about when it will be ready. All I ask is that they tell us something. Yeah, I was excited when I saw the Sam & Max 2010 link at the end of ToMI, but it turned out to be a dud.

    I realize that my MBA is in technical management, not marketing, but even I can see that this silence is not helping TellTale's cause. There's a huge difference between anticipation and frustration; TellTale's has passed that junction.
  • edited January 2010
    What? It's been a little over a month since their last game was released, which is also when they made the first tentative announcement of what their next game series would be. Most game companies don't even mention their next project until months after their last game was released, and even after they do release info on the project it's usually a year or two before any official release date is announced. Telltale releases information faster than just about any game company out there. No offense, but it seems like your expectations are a little bit unrealistic.
  • edited January 2010
    I think his expectatives raised too high when ToMI were announced (With pre-orders and everything) before Wallace and Gromit even finished (Which was in fact just because to make it at the same time with the Remake) so, I guess some people was expecting the release of the next game even before ToMI finished. And since that didn't happen, they are frustrated.

    But I think we are just anxious after the teaser and we want to know more fast. Some people react better to have to wait, others don't.
  • edited January 2010
    I don't think many of us care as much as RoadRunner about when the next game comes out. Sam and Max season 3 will be coming out. That's enough for me, I don't care if it takes till December, the fact I know it's coming out this year is good enough.

    Although, if it ends up being delayed to 2011 I'll be a little pissy.
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, I don't care about the exact date. I wouldn't mind having an exact date, but I realise that Telltale just doesn't have one, and they'd rather not give one than try giving one, but be unable to meet that deadline.

    Sure it's frustrating not to know. I'm sure it's frustrating for them more than for us. (I'm not frustrated at all by this specific thing but I have been in the past with other similar things).

    Personally, I can wait the e-mail or whatever that will give me the exact date. Hopefully it will be a preorder thing so I can preorder it, and forget about it unti the first episode comes out.
    (Not actually forget, just... Not be a bother and ask "are we there yet?" every other day on the forum)
  • edited January 2010
    RoadRunner wrote: »

    I'm not asking for the game to be released, just a formal announcement, or even an announcement of an announcement:

    "We will be announcing the date of our next release on January 31st"

    ...or something like that. This complete and total silence is frustrating, and frustrated consumers become ex-consumers.

    I've stood by TellTale and bought every one of their games as soon as they came out, even the ones I wasn't sure I would like, just so they would keep producing. I won't be doing that any more.

    TellTale has now produced Sam & Max (2 seasons), Strong Bad, Wallace & Gromit, and now Monkey Island. You can't expect me to believe that they don't have some idea when they'll be ready to release the first episode of the next series, or at least have some idea of about when it will be ready. All I ask is that they tell us something. Yeah, I was excited when I saw the Sam & Max 2010 link at the end of ToMI, but it turned out to be a dud.

    I realize that my MBA is in technical management, not marketing, but even I can see that this silence is not helping TellTale's cause. There's a huge difference between anticipation and frustration; TellTale's has passed that junction.

    When they announced Tales of Monkey Island you could purchase the season straight away and the 1st episode was released one month later. That seemed to be quite successful. I wouldn't be surprised if they employed a similar strategy for the next season of Sam & Max. Also remember..patience is a sharp razor to swallow...
  • edited January 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Personally, I can wait the e-mail or whatever that will give me the exact date. Hopefully it will be a preorder thing so I can preorder it, and forget about it unti the first episode comes out.
    (Not actually forget, just... Not be a bother and ask "are we there yet?" every other day on the forum)

    I hope the release it (all) before Dec so STEAM will have it on sale for Xmas :D (unfortunately I suspect it wont be done by then, but, hey, I can dream, right?)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    While I don't like to speculate at dates (for darn good reasons!) I think you can be pretty confident that all of Season 3 will be finished in time for the christmas steam sales.
  • edited January 2010
    Will wrote: »
    While I don't like to speculate at dates (for darn good reasons!) I think you can be pretty confident that all of Season 3 will be finished in time for the christmas steam sales.
    Well, now it's jinxed. The last time a rough release timeframe was mentioned by Telltale Staff, Tales of Monkey Island happened. And while I'm not complaining, with our luck we now won't see Season Three until 2012. =P
  • edited January 2010
    And while I'm not complaining, with our luck we now won't see Season Three until 2012. =P

    THAT is WHY the world will end ^^!
    Will wrote: »
    While I don't like to speculate at dates (for darn good reasons!) I think you can be pretty confident that all of Season 3 will be finished in time for the christmas steam sales.

    Just a clarification: The christmas of which year?
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    As for announcements, we're doing the season-planning process a little differently this time around, which means we're learning as we go. Though we have goals set, we won't be making any hints or announcements until we are absolutely certain of their validity. Yes, Sam and Max 2010 is on the way! And yes, the website says "2010" for a reason. Stay alert for some updates; when we know, you'll know.
  • edited January 2010
    Will wrote: »
    While I don't like to speculate at dates (for darn good reasons!) I think you can be pretty confident that all of Season 3 will be finished in time for the christmas steam sales.

    That would be great! (that also just narrowed down the release date - 5 eppisodes 1 month appart, to be ready for xmas sale it has to be done by Nov, so Nov, Oct, Sept, Aug, July.

    The release date for Ep 1 cant be later than July 31st!
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    That would be great! (that also just narrowed down the release date - 5 eppisodes 1 month appart, to be ready for xmas sale it has to be done by Nov, so Nov, Oct, Sept, Aug, July.

    The release date for Ep 1 cant be later than July 31st!
    Unless the episodes are now going to be weekly! Or bi-monthly! Or some other crazy timeframe!

    Also, it is just an estimate.

    Also, I'm pretty sure we all expected we'd see it before July.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Psh, the way Steam sales work, even if the game came out on Dec 25 we could still have a Christmas sale for it.
  • edited January 2010
    Unless the episodes are now going to be weekly! (...) Also, I'm pretty sure we all expected we'd see it before July.

    lol what an idea - Release 1 puzzle per week! :p

    most people seem to think Feb. But that was the month given last year when they thought they'd release it. I'm thinking much later...
    Will wrote: »
    Psh, the way Steam sales work, even if the game came out on Dec 25 we could still have a Christmas sale for it.

    acctually your right... though I dont know if that's a good or a bad thing... o_O
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    lol what an idea - Release 1 puzzle per week! :p
    Well, it'd be different. Ha!
    Ashton wrote:
    most people seem to think Feb. But that was the month given last year when they thought they'd release it. I'm thinking much later...
    February seems a bit early. I mean, I wouldn't rule it out or anything, but my guess is more March/April than June/July. Wouldn't be surprised if I was completely wrong, it just seems like advertising half a year ahead of time when we basically got the last game a couple months after it was announced seems a bit odd.
  • edited January 2010
    No, I know! This year, they'll intersperse series! One month will be Sam and Max, the next month will be "CSI: This Time, It's Episodic!", then Sam and Max again, and so on and so on for infinity. I mean ten months.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    There is a theory that the spelling varies according to the rhytim. "Two thousand and ten" is more rhytmic than "twenty ten". Though, I believe "twenty eleven" will beat "two thousand and eleven" next year.

    I prefer "two zero one zero" cos it sounds more binary. :D
  • edited January 2010
    And while I'm not complaining, with our luck we now won't see Season Three until 2012. =P

    Whose luck? Don't tarnish the rest of us with YOUR bad luck brush!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    I prefer "two zero one zero" cos it sounds more binary. :D

    That's a joke, right??
  • edited January 2010
    He did technically say "more binary", not just "binary". But yeah ... on the plus side, I learned a new word, ternary!
  • edited January 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    Whose luck? Don't tarnish the rest of us with YOUR bad luck brush!

    Yeah! If _anyone_ is going to bring the fiery wrath of the gods down upon us, it will be ME! *twisted grin* (is it just me or did that sound like soemthing Max would say?)
  • edited January 2010
    I do love steam sales, that's how I got my Season 1 and 2 of Sam and Max. Although now I feel bad for waiting so long to play them.

    On a somewhat related note, who loses money when steam puts stuff on sale? Is it them, the company who made the game? Both?
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    On a somewhat related note, who loses money when steam puts stuff on sale? Is it them, the company who made the game? Both?

    From what I understand, it's STEAM, the way most DD (Digital Distribution) systems work, is the creator is paid X ammount per download, no matter how high or low the price.

    Though it *could* be a %-of-cost, everything I've read says *traditionally* it's X-per-download.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    No no no, when steam puts something on sale, everyone makes money. As for the details though, I don't know.
  • edited January 2010
    Well, except me.
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