Games that would be more fun if they were Sam & Max games.

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Think of some games you've played. Now imagine what it would be like if you replaced the main character with Sam & Max.

I'd put them in American McGee's Alice, Serious Sam 2, & Conker's Bad Fur Day.


  • edited January 2010
    I reckon Pokemon would be immensely improved.
  • edited January 2010
    I reckon Pokemon would be immensely improved.

    Max use kidney remover frip
    Sam, use water bottle you found in trash earlier to put out Charizard's flames:D
  • edited January 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Think of some games you've played. Now imagine what it would be like if you replaced the main character with Sam & Max.

    I'd put them in American McGee's Alice, Serious Sam 2, & Conker's Bad Fur Day.

    I really dont think they'd improve Alice, that game was awesone and good one the 'creepy' scale. Conker was awesome in it's own right too, though I coudl see an area based on their world with them in it. They could fit in well.

    Never played or even heard anything about Serious Sam series... (only reason I know it exists is bc it was on sale @ steam recently)
    I reckon Pokemon would be immensely improved.

    This! QFT!
  • edited January 2010
    I reckon Pokemon would be immensely improved.

    YESS!!!!!!! ><

    I think it would be quite humorous to run around as Sam or Max instead of Link in the Legend of Zelda series. Maybe have Sam fill Link's role and Max can take the sidekick character who gives you hints. Or maybe he can be a form of weaponry or key item.

    Tomb Raider might be a little more interesting with Sam or Max replacing Lara Croft running around shooting things
  • edited January 2010
    Tomb Raider might be a little more interesting with Sam or Max replacing Lara Croft running around shooting things
    Imagine the sales, replace busty Lara with a six foot dog and lagamorph. You'd have a mob of dateless nerds at your door. :D
  • edited January 2010
    I want to say Phoenix Wright but it would probably end up being the same as the Sam and Max games we have now, just with less moving about.

    So I'll have to agree with pokemon. Max would make an interesting one, although somehow I doubt you'd be able to catch him.
  • edited January 2010
    Dante's Inferno. I just like the thought if Sam and Max traveling through the nine circles of hell.
  • edited January 2010
    Imagine the sales, replace busty Lara with a six foot dog and lagamorph. You'd have a mob of dateless nerds at your door. :D

    Aye, but they would have to track me down first. Guess living the middle of nowhere can have its benefits :rolleyes: Then again, as a female dateless nerd myself, it might be nice to have a mob of (I'm assuming male) dateless nerds at my door :p Unless if they are screaming for my head on a platter.

    Annnyways, I've once fancied the idea of seeing Sam and Max in the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • edited January 2010
    Army of Two. There's a lot of games like that where the characters sprout terrible one-liners, with a face so straight you'd think it was Jocelyn Wildenstein, but this one comes to mind as really needing that Sam and Max tongue-in-cheek attitude.

    Edit: That could be misread as Sam and Max sprouting terrible one-liners. What I mean is that, most FPS macho men run around saying ridiculous things, though without any notion that what they're saying is stupid. If the tone of those games was more tongue-in-cheek and then they sprouted bad one-liners, it'd be good. The Freelance Police sprout excellent dialogue. My bad.
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I really dont think they'd improve Alice, that game was awesone and good one the 'creepy' scale. Conker was awesome in it's own right too, though I coudl see an area based on their world with them in it. They could fit in well.

    This! QFT!

    We'll see if they can't improve Alice...Spicey Horse is making a sequal to it. & yes, it was awesome.
  • edited January 2010
    Annnyways, I've once fancied the idea of seeing Sam and Max in the Super Smash Bros. series.

    THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING EARLIER! Well, not exactly. I was thinking Smash Bros. Telltale Edition, with Sam & Max and Guybrush and Strong Bad and Bone and Wallace and Gromit and screw CSI and Leonard Steakcharmer...
  • edited January 2010
    I'm not sure Taletell has enough stand alone characters to make a fighting game, although they could always approach Capcom for a TTG Vs Capcom game. Now that I would pay good money to see.
  • edited January 2010
    THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING EARLIER! Well, not exactly. I was thinking Smash Bros. Telltale Edition, with Sam & Max and Guybrush and Strong Bad and Bone and Wallace and Gromit and screw CSI and Leonard Steakcharmer...

    Apart from Guybrush and Sam & Max (as one playable character and one that follows him, like Ice Climbers) I don't think other characters will work for such a thing. I mean, Guybrush has a lot of signature moves (swordfighting, chicken with pulley in the middle) that could be used in a fighting game. Sam also has a bunch (including using his gun or Max in various ways). Other characters are kinda new for the adventure gaming, so they're not that legendary and they don't have signature elements that stuck up to their names.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Apart from Guybrush and Sam & Max (as one playable character and one that follows him, like Ice Climbers) I don't think other characters will work for such a thing. I mean, Guybrush has a lot of signature moves (swordfighting, chicken with pulley in the middle) that could be used in a fighting game. Sam also has a bunch (including using his gun or Max in various ways). Other characters are kinda new for the adventure gaming, so they're not that legendary and they don't have signature elements that stuck up to their names.

    I dont know enough about SB to comment, though with W+G they could use wacky inventions int heir attacks (which I suspect woudl mostly be ranged)

    I'd love to see a fighter that was pure farse. It's been a long time since there's been one made that had the only purpose of making you laugh at the insanity and wackyness of the moves.
  • edited January 2010
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »

    That's a platformer and a character, not a fighter. I mean a WHOLE GAME fighter that's nothing but insanity, parody, and absurdity.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Other characters are kinda new for the adventure gaming, so they're not that legendary and they don't have signature elements that stuck up to their names.
    They still have signature characteristics in their original medium, though. You don't need to be an adventure game character for that.

    I don't know if Banjo-Kazooie would be improved if Sam and Max were the main characters, but it would be funny. Sam already looks a little bit like Banjo, and he plays the banjo, wears no shoes and always hangs around with his naked best friend whom he occasionally uses as a weapon.

    Pity they wouldn't be able to get up that slope leading to the second room of Grunty's Lair.
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    I'm not sure Taletell has enough stand alone characters to make a fighting game, although they could always approach Capcom for a TTG Vs Capcom game. Now that I would pay good money to see.

    Or TellTale vs Nintendo. I can just see Sam & Max pulling guns on Sonic & Mario, saying "Now stand still while I shoot you."
  • edited January 2010
    Geez, about %70 of all games would be better off with them as the main characters. Like some of the top games, The Sims - imagine seeing how they live throughout the course of an average week, Need for Speed - racing and running from the cops in the desoto, Harry Potter game - could you imagine what Max would get up to if he were able to wield a magic wand?
  • edited January 2010
    Cooking Mama.
  • edited January 2010
    Trauma Center....

    "Our Bewildering Universe" immediately comes to mind...
  • edited January 2010
    Left 4 Dead. Play as Sam, Max, Bosco, or Sybil as you fight your way through a horde of zombies.
  • edited January 2010

    You may think it may be interesting when you first hear it. But when you try to visualize it in your mind...

    It's wrong.
  • edited January 2010
    So it's perfect.
  • edited January 2010
    Geez, about %70 of all games would be better off with them as the main characters. Like some of the top games, The Sims - imagine seeing how they live throughout the course of an average week, Need for Speed - racing and running from the cops in the desoto, Harry Potter game - could you imagine what Max would get up to if he were able to wield a magic wand?


    I imagine that Max would most highly enjoy being in FPS or open-world games like Unreal Tournament or Grand Theft Auto. Considering he's a "hyperkinetic rabbity-thing with a taste for mayhem," being given a BFG9000 and told to shoot anything that moves would make his day.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »

    You may think it may be interesting when you first hear it. But when you try to visualize it in your mind...

    It's wrong.

    ...oh my god. Pure genius.
  • edited January 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »

    I imagine that Max would most highly enjoy being in FPS or open-world games like Unreal Tournament or Grand Theft Auto. Considering he's a "hyperkinetic rabbity-thing with a taste for mayhem," being given a BFG9000 and told to shoot anything that moves would make his day.

    ME: alright Max, here ya go, go nuts.
    MAX: wait, really? you are trusting ME with extremely destructive weapons?
    ME: a-yup
    MAX: okay! DIE MONSTERS DIE! *Starts shooting BFG9000 rapidly and randomly*

    that said, Final Fantasy. think about it
  • edited January 2010

    The idea of Max jumping out and punching Breen in one of his propaganda broadcasts, citing a hatred of plot exposition, would be perfect.
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