Games TellTale needs to make

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
-Sam and Max: Beyond Time And Space! (Wii Version*)

-Sam and Max Season Three

-Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People 2

Plz make them or I'll cry :(

*I know Sam & Max 2 is coming to Wii, but it was planned to come out in 2009, and its 2010. O.O


  • edited January 2010
    There is a season 3 of Sam and Max coming this year. I'm not sure about Strong bad though.
  • edited January 2010
    Strong Bad will likely NOT have a sequil. I dont know how many times it has to be explained, (This is the 4th time _I_ have explained it and I know others had done so too) but the creator had to do _all_ the voices for the series (minus 1 iirc) so it was a serious strain on their voice, time, and work, so they are not really interested in doing a S2 (that's not to say it will never happen, but it's not anything in the immediate future)
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Strong Bad will likely NOT have a sequil. I dont know how many times it has to be explained, (This is the 4th time _I_ have explained it and I know others had done so too) but the creator had to do _all_ the voices for the series (minus 1 iirc) so it was a serious strain on their voice, time, and work, so they are not really interested in doing a S2 (that's not to say it will never happen, but it's not anything in the immediate future)

    How strange. You know, the same guy has done more than... 400+ toons in his site, complete with voice acting. His throat should've been torn apart.

    Seriously though, it's kind of obvious that this is not the real (and "only") reason if they decide not making another season. The sales show us that Strong Bad's fame is really less, compared to the other franchises of Telltale. Making another season is risky. Also Strong Bad is one of the most criticized works of Telltale (Bone being the other, still they're way above average). Also a SBCG4AP:2 is kind of unneeded. As there is no continuation between episodes, making a second season would be the same as continuing the same series from Episode 6. They're making it up to go, meaning they are less concerned about the consistancy. Complete with graphics that require minor polishing, doing a second season is dead easy for them (the only strain can be the voices). If they ever want to do a second season, that'd because they want to relax a little before working on a much bigger project that requires more work (such as Sam and Max 2010?).
  • edited January 2010
    I didn't want to say anything about Strong Bad cause I wasn't sure but I didn't think it would be first in line for a sequel. The reviews weren't exactly singing it's praises, and if I'm being honest having played the free Episode 5 (thanks to Trogday) I didn't like it. The jokes didn't do it for me and moving about was... disorienting, at least in the field.
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    I didn't want to say anything about Strong Bad cause I wasn't sure but I didn't think it would be first in line for a sequel. The reviews weren't exactly singing it's praises, and if I'm being honest having played the free Episode 5 (thanks to Trogday) I didn't like it. The jokes didn't do it for me and moving about was... disorienting, at least in the field.

    Agreed. I didn't feel like I was in that world the episode introduced me.
  • edited January 2010
    -Sam and Max: Beyond Time And Space! (Wii Version*)

    -Sam and Max Season Three

    -Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People 2

    Plz make them or I'll cry :(

    *I know Sam & Max 2 is coming to Wii, but it was planned to come out in 2009, and its 2010. O.O
    You forgot about Manic Mansion III: Day of the Mansion, Wallace & Gromit's Grandest Adventures (although due to low sales and popularity I doubt this'll happen, but it was really enjoyable for me, on par with S&M Season 1) and Sam and Max: 2011. :p
  • edited January 2010
    You forgot about Manic Mansion III: Day of the Mansion

    I'd love to see TTG get the rights to make a new MM series. (And I get the feeling most people would)

    On a side note, shoudlnt this be in the GC area instead of the S+M area?
  • edited January 2010
    Telltale also should (and probably will) make TOMI season 2. Plus, they als o need to make S&M 2012, S&m 2013 S&M 2014................ S&M 2050.........S&m 2293..........S&M 1000000.........S&M 100000000000000.......... s&m 999999999999999999999999999. I think you get the idea! :p
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    How strange. You know, the same guy has done more than... 400+ toons in his site, complete with voice acting. His throat should've been torn apart.
    Not really. The toons are pretty short. A single episode has more dialogue than probably months of toons.
  • edited January 2010
    I wonder if in the future they've ever be able to get the go-ahead from licence owners to revive old favorites. Ren & Stinpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Beetlejuice, Invader Zim....
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Strong Bad will likely NOT have a sequil. I dont know how many times it has to be explained, (This is the 4th time _I_ have explained it and I know others had done so too) but the creator had to do _all_ the voices for the series (minus 1 iirc) so it was a serious strain on their voice, time, and work, so they are not really interested in doing a S2 (that's not to say it will never happen, but it's not anything in the immediate future)

    Don't put words in the Chapman's mouths. I neither seen nor heard that they are "not interested" in S2. So unless you have a solid reference for this, don't make definitive statements like this.

    That's not to say that it will or won't happen, but it really gets annoying when people start stating things like they are fact when they are really just conjecture.
  • edited January 2010
    Will wrote: »
    Don't put words in the Chapman's mouths. I neither seen nor heard that they are "not interested" in S2. So unless you have a solid reference for this, don't make definitive statements like this.

    That's not to say that it will or won't happen, but it really gets annoying when people start stating things like they are fact when they are really just conjecture.

    I'm requoting from somone else. I know for a fact it was somone from TTG that said the strain on the VA's voice was very bad (and I believe they said this was one deterrant for a S2 happening but that might hav ebeen speculation, I dont remember for sure)

    I appoligize, but with these same idea being spread around so much it's very hard to keep straight what was official and what wasnt. I didnt realize I had made the "no S2 for SBCgFAP" sound so definitive, sorry about that.
  • edited January 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    I wonder if in the future they've ever be able to get the go-ahead from licence owners to revive old favorites. Ren & Stinpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Beetlejuice, Invader Zim....

    THOSE WOULD BE AWESOME! Though the Rocko game woudl be very... odd... in my opinion... and Invader Zim would be like S+M without Sam :D

    As much as I'd love to see a Beatlegeuse game, I dont think it'll happen simply due to technical reasons. Him being a shapeshifter (and doing it so often just to illustrate his conversations) it woudl be a strain to program/animate unless there were very specific rules on what forms he coudl take...
  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I'm requoting from somone else. I know for a fact it was somone from TTG that said the strain on the VA's voice was very bad (and I believe they said this was one deterrant for a S2 happening but that might hav ebeen speculation, I dont remember for sure)

    That was Emily "Fromerly of the Telltale Team" Morganti (or Morgantini? I forget... it was in the credits of one game I was morganti, and one i saw morgantini...)
  • edited January 2010
    (or Morgantini? I forget... it was in the credits of one game I was morganti, and one i saw morgantini...)
    Are you sure that wasn't someone else, like this person?
  • edited January 2010
    Since no one has added Loom to the list of games needing to be made, I thought I'd do it. I'd really like to see the story of the Great Guilds completed. One season of Strong Bad was enough for me but I would still play a second one, in case they'd do one.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Oh, the strain on Matt's voice is certainly true. Just don't take that information and jump to conclusions.

    As for who posted the information, it probably came from Emily Morganti (not to be confused with graphics programmer Carlo Morgantini).
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Not really. The toons are pretty short. A single episode has more dialogue than probably months of toons.

    Yeah. You really cannot comprehend how much recording time it must take to do an episode. All the different dialog paths, variations on stuff they say. Not to mention re-takes and so forth. Whereas the toons are just occasionally-released shorts.

    I'm not too fussed about Strong Bad - S1 was fun, but the joke was wearing a bit thin by the last episode, I really don't know if there's much mileage left in it. I think TTG could spend their time far more productively (and rewardingly) on another project; for instance, Tales of the Tentacle. Or maybe a completely original production. But seriously, Tales of the Tentacle.
  • edited January 2010
    serializer wrote: »

    I'm not too fussed about Strong Bad - S1 was fun, but the joke was wearing a bit thin by the last episode, I really don't know if there's much mileage left in it.

    Don't be too sure, TTG manages to pull out some pretty unguessable stuff out of their games, some things could be put into it, but it's up to Telltale and the BCs too really decide that.
  • edited January 2010
    Telltale should make a series based on this.
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