What are you looking forward to in S3?

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Apart from the obvious more Sam and Max, what are you looking forward to in the upcoming season 3?

Personally, I hope there's more snazzy musical numbers. The ones from Season 1 and 2 are really catchy.


  • edited January 2010
    Seconded. I actually missed the fact that there are less of them in Season 2 (I can only think of the Friendly Demon song and the Mariachi song, while in Season 1 there is almost one song per episode).
  • edited January 2010
    What I'm most looking forward to is the writing. With each passing episode of the last two seasons the writing only got better and better. I can't wait to see how they top it :)

    That and the opening theme. It is near impossible to accurately project into words the exuberant feeling I get from hearing the it the very first time the past two seasons :D
  • edited January 2010
    Im hoping with the success of ToMI and lucas arts renewed interest in adventure games maybe they will want to involve them selves with Sam n Max again.

    The animation in Tales of Monkey Island was great and it wouldnt hurt to see that level of animation added to Sam n Max. Then again im sure after their success they ll have a much less canned feel to them the third time and a larger budget :)

    either way its just awesome they have completely resurrected the entire point and click adventure.

    for that alone the third season is already a purchase in my eyes.

    I would love to see them run into conroy bumpus from the original Sam n Max. Conroy could be trying to exact revenge or something

    I would just like to see more places to go per episode and reuse a location in a later part of the episode to unlock the next stage. The lack of areas made the game feel to small at points.
  • edited January 2010
    What I'm looking forward to (and actually expecting) is more great music by Jared Emerson-Johnson and the improvements Telltale's games have seen since the last season (camera angles, more detailed graphics etc).

    I'm hoping that it will have a more coherent plot than Season 2. Not necessarily as closely tied together as the Monkey Island episodes were, but I thought the overarching story was too unclear and far-fetched in Beyond Time and Space.
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2010
    I vote for:
    -Craziness, wackiness and a complete set of long winded phrases spoken by Sam and completely random-albeit-somewhat-relevant-but-irreverent replies and non-sequitur by Max.
    -Jared's music (But please, we need the theme song somewhere, starting credits preferred)
    -A new villain, to make fun, poke and ultimately destroy (violently preferred), and we should be able to do all of that in that order (but feel free to experiment)

    Summing up: I just want "Sam and Max: 2010"
  • edited January 2010
    more Jared music goodness, more crazy/snappy dialogue (or, at times, trialogue :D ), more insane puzzles, and the graphics engine behind Tales. I think it'll be hard to be disappointed!
  • edited January 2010
    madness. destruction. end of the world.
  • edited January 2010
    I want a playable Max.
    Other than that, I'm sure whatever Telltale comes up with will be great.
  • edited January 2010
    Why would you want LA to get involved in the Sam and Max games? It's not like anyone who worked on "Hit the Road" is working there.

    And I want there to be Space Gorillas in season three, otherwise I will be very disappointed and might even write a stern letter to someone, possibly even Telltale! Oh, and piano-playing cockroaches, and Max having psychic powers.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    I'm looking forward to MORE SLAW!

    Oh wait, wrong board.

    More hilarity and bizarre adventures (which is pretty much a given). And another one for more awesome music! And the intro animation for Season 2 was just about the best thing ever, I'd like to see something just as cool for Season 3. And at least one new character. And a pony. And my own superyacht. And more wishes. And...
  • edited January 2010
    I'm looking forward to more Sam and more Max. I want to see more of them.
  • edited January 2010
    I'm also looking forward to
    the Game. You just lost it.
  • edited January 2010
    I want a pony! A talking pony, that can fly!
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2010
    Better yet,
    a possessed DeSoto (And we know it can fly to the moon!)
  • edited January 2010
    Isn't that given? I don't see S&M de-demonizing their car.
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2010
    Why should they. A possessed DeSoto it's Max's dream come true and Sam just love the DeSoto....
  • edited January 2010
    That's why I think it'll still be possessed. Plus it might be an actual character now, and not just something to cover in decals. Nice weather we've been having, isn't it?
  • edited January 2010
    More craziness from Bosco.

    "THEM!" "Aaaaah!"
  • edited January 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    i want a playable max.
    Other than that, i'm sure whatever telltale comes up with will be great.
  • edited January 2010
    i want to actually use the gun on the bad guy for once
  • edited January 2010
    I hope, it will be like S1 and S2 ...not too hard and not too easy. and of course again with a insane plot :)
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