About the S&M2010 audio hints and what could it mean....

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Well, as many of you may know, hints were released with the S&M2010 webpage outside the pictures in form of lines of dialogue from some weird guy.

Two of those lines keep sounding sround the corners of my mind: The one where he says that "You are in control" and the one about "No longer being able to randomly push buttons to sumon comic mischief". So for me it can hint two possible outcomes:

A) (This mostly comes from the first line I said) Probably we will be able to alter the storyline or even change the ending depending of what we do.

B) (This one mostly comes from the second) The one I fear the most. Could it be possible TTG will break the "taboo of adventure games" making us being able to get a GAME OVER?

Could it be A? Could it be B? Could it be none of them and I'm overeacting too much....probably. Still, what do you think they could mean?


  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2010
    Those are more likely references to direct control (WASD keys/Click&Drag) over old interfaces like verbs (which were mostly like buttons) and icons (same thing, clicking buttons)

    Telltale staff has already stated that S&M:2010 will feature WASD keys and Click&Drag over the old point&click interface.
  • edited January 2010
    I think most people believe that "You are in control" means that they will be using the new direct-control scheme they have been using for Tales of Monkey Island and Wallace and Gromit where you directly control Sam's movements instead of pointing and clicking to move.

    That was actually confirmed in the "Click and Drag in future games" thread in the Sam & Max discussion forum.

    The "no longer being able to randomly push buttons to summon comic mischief" might mean that they improved the puzzles so that you can't just randomly solve them by clicking any random option and stumbling on the answer. That was something people complained about in the games. Maybe.
  • edited January 2010
    Altering the storyline seems unlikely. Choosing a way to develop the story from possible variations, meh, maybe.

    Usage of WASD keys and click-and-drag, my bet is on this one. Sorry.

    Thinking about getting a GAME OVER in my Sam and Max... Well, I hope not.
  • edited January 2010
    Wel, that's a relief. Now I can rest calm
  • edited January 2010
    ....I miss point and click...
  • edited January 2010
    Point and Click is pretty good for 2D games, but Monkey Island/Wallace and Paul had a better system. That 3D wheel in TOMI was really good once you got used to it, and the arrows/wasd work well too.

    But yeah, I think it's the same as the old ones in terms of gameplay. Not that that's bad, I loved Sam and Max. I thought it was funnier than TOMI.
  • edited January 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    Point and Click is pretty good for 2D games, but Monkey Island/Wallace and Paul had a better system. That 3D wheel in TOMI was really good once you got used to it, and the arrows/wasd work well too.

    But yeah, I think it's the same as the old ones in terms of gameplay. Not that that's bad, I loved Sam and Max. I thought it was funnier than TOMI.

    Really? The wheel was quite frustrating for me. Though WASDing the character around wasn't so bad. Actually, it made controlling the characters more natural.

    Anyway, I'm actually hoping that the game might offer a different style of storytelling than other Telltale games. I dunno, maybe multiple endings? Like a very good ending, a good ending, a bad ending, a very bad ending, and a UFO ending.
  • edited January 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Really? The wheel was quite frustrating for me. Though WASDing the character around wasn't so bad. Actually, it made controlling the characters more natural.

    Anyway, I'm actually hoping that the game might offer a different style of storytelling than other Telltale games. I dunno, maybe multiple endings? Like a very good ending, a good ending, a bad ending, a very bad ending, and a UFO ending.

    I like the idea of multiple endings, but in practice it makes sequels a lot harder because they'd have to pick one ending as the canon they continue in the next season or sequel. One example I can think of is Deux Ex which had three different endings, and for Deux Ex Invisible War they had to imagine that all three endings combined happened in order to continue the storyline. ~A bit weird but it worked.

    EDIT: I just remembered Secret of Monkey Island also had multiple endings. I never knew until someone mentioned it here and I tried it in Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition. If you didn't sink your ship accidentally with the rock catapult, then Carla, Otis and Meathook would sail with you back to Melee Island. In Escape From Monkey Island, they had to pick an ending to go with in the storyline and went with the sunken ship and Carla, Otis and Meathood stranded on Monkey Island instead version.
  • edited January 2010
    B) (This one mostly comes from the second) The one I fear the most. Could it be possible TTG will break the "taboo of adventure games" making us being able to get a GAME OVER?

    Well, it is not a taboo... you could die even in the first Monkey Island.
    Spoiler, how to for the curious:
    Wait ten minutes underwater.
  • edited January 2010
    If they did have multiple endings, they should pick one ending for a sequel. The Commisioner mentions Invisable War, which to most Deus Ex fans and myself was a terrible game. With all the endings part of canon it just felt like my choices in the last game had no effect, that no matter what ending I picked it just lead to the same result.
  • edited January 2010
    If they did have multiple endings, they should pick one ending for a sequel. The Commisioner mentions Invisable War, which to most Deus Ex fans and myself was a terrible game. With all the endings part of canon it just felt like my choices in the last game had no effect, that no matter what ending I picked it just lead to the same result.

    I thought it was OK. Deux Ex seemed bigger and more badass, but I enjoyed the sequel enough. I just wish the choices had more effect as well. My favourite character was NG Resonance. Who wouldn't like an information gathering spy AI masquerading as a pop star? :)

    I hope Deus Ex 3 will be good! I think it comes out this year...
  • edited January 2010
    You should try out The Nameless Mod then (http://www.thenamelessmod.com), it's like Deus Ex 1.5. Some say it's even better than DX.

    Maybe it means this time we can control Max (is hopeful).
    No idea for the second.
  • edited January 2010
    When it says "you are in control", it was obviously referring to the direct neurological control we'll have over Sam (and hopefully Max). By hooking up a specialized USB cord to your lobes, all movements and interactions (including what to say) will be directed through your thoughts, as if you were Sam. I say it's about time someone utilizes this emerging yet obscure piece of gaming technology.

    *has seen Avatar too many times*

    In seriousness, I'm more looking forward to the new season than to whatever kind of control we'll have, although the keyboard method would be a welcome addition for me. Clicking aimlessly around over and over again can make me feel like I have carpel tunnel after a while...
  • edited January 2010
    You should try out The Nameless Mod then (http://www.thenamelessmod.com), it's like Deus Ex 1.5. Some say it's even better than DX.

    Maybe it means this time we can control Max (is hopeful).
    No idea for the second.

    Yeah I played, it's a pretty good mod if you don't mind all the bugs.
  • edited January 2010
    They pretty much all got worked out with the 1.0.4 patch though.
  • edited January 2010
    I say it's about time someone utilizes this emerging yet obscure piece of gaming technology.

    Have you heard of... the Neural Impulse Actuator by OCZ?

    This is not a joke, it's a real product. I have one :)
  • edited January 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Really? The wheel was quite frustrating for me. Though WASDing the character around wasn't so bad.

    This made me think of the strong bad roomisode. "I need to WASD myself closer..."
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