Fright of the Bumblebees

edited February 2010 in Game Support
My game locks up when I go to town to solve the "bee situation". The only exit is ctrl-alt-del. Looking at the YouTube video of what should be happening shows me that there is a cut scene that should be happening before I start solving the town bee section. I DO NOT get that cut scene. Maybe my disc is defective. My purchase was the four episode boxed version from Best Buy for $19.99.

I have reinstalled and also started over, with no change. The folks at the support forum were very kind, but could not help. I've also reported my glitch to Product Support. I can't think of anything else to do.

Does anyone have a saved game from after the bees in town are taken care of?

Any help is appreciated. :)



  • edited January 2010
    Cyd, sadly I don't believe the save games from the downloaded versions (which is what I believe nearly everyone here is running) work with the disc versions. Who is the actual publisher of the retail version for that? I would try and get ahold of them if you can.

    Looks like it's U&I Entertainment.
  • CydCyd
    edited January 2010
    jweir wrote: »
    Cyd, sadly I don't believe the save games from the downloaded versions (which is what I believe nearly everyone here is running) work with the disc versions. Who is the actual publisher of the retail version for that? I would try and get ahold of them if you can.

    Looks like it's U&I Entertainment.

    The Publisher is TellTale Games with Aardman. I've contacted Support. I guess I have to wait and see. I still might try to exchange it at Best Buy for another copy. I think Best does that if you are exchanging for the same game.

    Episode two and episode three have played very well.

    Thanks for your reply. :D

  • edited February 2010
    I have the same exact problem, so doubt if there is a problem with your disk. Just bought the Grand Adventures at Best Buy today. The game played with no problems to this point. Anyone with any ideas to fix greatly appreciated. I will attempt to contact support.

  • edited February 2010
    I too have the same issue. I got my copy of the game at Wal-Mart. It's getting to be annoying. It's almost as if it's trying to react as if Wallace were the one in control when it's not. Then again, I guess it would have locked up when I went to splash or look at the red mailbox... I'm gonna give this episode a break till I can get a bit more info on exactly what's going on with this.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited February 2010
    Please read about the issue and continue posting in this thread.

    As a workaround for now try deleting the file Will mentions here.
This discussion has been closed.