Season One Stupidly Cheap? $4.99

edited February 2010 in Sam & Max
Whoa. Buying. Deal ends on the 31st.


  • edited January 2010
    A brilliant cheap you can buy it for your friends & coworkers, so cheap you mom can't say no, & then you're hooked & want more.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    A brilliant cheap you can buy it for your friends & coworkers, so cheap you mom can't say no, & then you're hooked & want more.

    So cheap you even want to buy it for your enemies!
  • edited January 2010
    Max. He's like crack, only he's small and white and dangerous and okay he's exactly like crack.
  • edited January 2010
    Max. My anti-drug. So powerful it makes me want to impulsively buy the ridiculously discounted first season just for the mere rush of buying Sam and Max stuff, disregarding the fact that I already own it :p

    A perfect opportunity to introduce a friend, relative, enemy, or doppelganger to the series. I was thinking about getting a friend the Wii version of the season but with this discount, I just might get her this instead.
  • vEXvEX
    edited January 2010
    Well, I'm not all to found of Sam & Max, but hey, for less than $5 I'll sure give it a chance! Plus I get more value for the shipping cost when the Tales DVD arrives.
  • edited January 2010
    So cheap, its even cheap in devaluated third-world money like mine.
  • edited January 2010
    Ignatius wrote: »
    So cheap, its even cheap in devaluated third-world money like mine.

  • edited January 2010
    I've never actually played Sam and Max. This gives me a PERFECT opportunity.

    How can Telltale stay in business with deals like that?
  • edited January 2010
    Purchased. Doesn't work. Windows 7 64-bit. It doesn't seem to recognize my serial.
  • edited January 2010
    Purchased. Doesn't work. Windows 7 64-bit. It doesn't seem to recognize my serial.

    There's a post in the support forum about it. But send a mail a first.
    I've never actually played Sam and Max. This gives me a PERFECT opportunity.

    How can Telltale stay in business with deals like that?

    I'm sure this is a Marketing movement for the 3rd Season more than a deal. And, hey, it's working =P
  • edited January 2010
    hey quick question, is this a disc or a digital download?
  • edited January 2010
    twig wrote: »
    hey quick question, is this a disc or a digital download?

    Download, but disc comes with just cost of shipping.
  • edited January 2010
    Where can I select "physical copy" during purchase?
  • edited January 2010
    twig wrote: »
    Where can I select "physical copy" during purchase?

    In this particular case, I think you have to do it twice. First you order the Season, and then, in another order, the Disk. But I hope somebody who actually knows come along and tell us if is that simple.
  • edited January 2010
    I hope thats the case, because I'm holding out for the DVD rather than the actual download copy.
  • edited January 2010
    I've never actually played Sam and Max. This gives me a PERFECT opportunity.

    How can Telltale stay in business with deals like that?

    This just in. Telltale has too many great deals. Telltale files bankruptcy.
  • edited January 2010
    I've never actually played Sam and Max. This gives me a PERFECT opportunity.

    How can Telltale stay in business with deals like that?

    If you were a horse on a harness, Telltale would be they guy riding a wagon, dangling a carrot on a fishing pole (Sam & Max for $5) in front of you to keep the carriage (money wagon) going. If you want more carrot, you have to buy them.
  • edited January 2010
    Can someone who's bought the game on the special please confirm something for me?

    If you go here, and click on "Already bought the season, and now you want the bonus disc? Click here!"

    Does it allow you to get the disc?

    If someone can let me know asap it will be much appreciated, not long left for me to get it.
  • edited January 2010
    I've already played all the Sam & Max games but I didn't buy them on here so I could get the Disc. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get it but the shipping is going to cost me $15 D: I don't really want to spend $20 dollars just for the convenience of having the games on a Disc with a few extras, oh well.
  • edited January 2010
    I just had to buy it at that price.
  • edited January 2010
    Can someone who's bought the game on the special please confirm something for me?
    I had the same question so I bought the game to try it and it didn't work! (It says "INVALID NUMBER")
    I am very disappointed, I'll send an email to , but since it's the weekend I don't expect a reply before monday
    Torrunt wrote: »
    I've already played all the Sam & Max games but I didn't buy them on here so I could get the Disc. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get it but the shipping is going to cost me $15 D: I don't really want to spend $20 dollars just for the convenience of having the games on a Disc with a few extras, oh well.
    I thought exactly the same thing, but since I'm gonna pay the shipping for my Monkey Island DVD anyway, and I suppose that the shipping cost for 2 DVDs is not twice the cost for one, I bought it. But as I said before, it seems that you can't have the DVD with the $5 season
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks for clearing it up for me, I won't have to freak out trying to find someone with a credit card now.
  • edited January 2010
    Billy wrote: »
    it didn't work! (It says "INVALID NUMBER")

    Ok, my bad, it DOES work!
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks for clearing it up for me, I won't have to freak out trying to find someone with a credit card now.

    hey, I don't want to be the reason why you did not buy the games, so yes you can have the DVD for free if you buy the $5 season, now go steal your mom's credit card and buy it!
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    Thanks for clearing it up for me, I won't have to freak out trying to find someone with a credit card now.

    You can use Paypal as well. I just bought it twice as a gift.
    You never know when you meet someone nice who would enjoy playing games in English.
  • edited January 2010
    In my country Paypal requires a credit card, it's a pretty useless service to me. :(

    Parents don't have credit cards either. Looks like I'll just have to pass on this.
  • edited January 2010

    Got it for my friend who didn't really want to play it.

    Yep. Now he HAS to play. Thanks Telltale!
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »

    Got it for my friend who didn't really want to play it.

    Yep. Now he HAS to play. Thanks Telltale!

    LOL, nice work!
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks guys.
    I just tried it and it works.

    1. buy the $4.95 downloadable season 1
    2. go to and enter your order number
    3. follow through with another order and pay for just postage
  • edited January 2010
    this just in. telltale gives/almost gives away too may free games. they go up 10 awesome points. then file for bankrupsy.
  • edited January 2010
    this just in. telltale gives/almost gives away too may free games. they go up 10 awesome points. then file for bankrupsy.
    Well at least it isn't bankruptcy! :D
  • edited January 2010
    I just had a thought...

    There are people who will buy the games because they're good, and others who will buy the games because they're cheap.

    As far as the discount deals go, I don't actually think that the discounts will cut too much into the gamers-who'd-pay-full-price-anyway crowd. It's really just about selling more units by appealing to cheapskates.

    It's been said that they're using the deals as a hook to get you in on the upcoming games, and I agree. But also I would say that their overhead on selling games cheap is minimal when dealing with online downloads, since all they would have to worry a bout is available bandwidth for their site. Sure, they have to pay employees for current projects and pay to run their offices and stuff, but they don't have to pay to cut the DVD's, package them, ship them to a distributor who then ships them to a retailer who then sells it to you at a subsantial markup... when all you do is download the game from them directly. Now, I'm not sure how much they would actually sell hard copies of games to distributors/retailers for, but I think that it would be much less than full price anyway.

    True, those who do want DVD's only pay shipping to buy hard copies of games from Telltale, but TTG neither has to sell said DVD's in bulk, which would drop the price, nor do they have to constantly discount said games by selling to distributors.

    What I'm getting at is that:
    1) I'd rather pay Telltale directly for my games than give a cut to them and a cut to Gamestop or Wal-Mart (incidentally, I did see S&M:Season 1 at Wal-Mart and it's ~$35, of which I'm sure TTG gets only half or less than that),

    and 2) They don't sell their games to distributors/retailers for $30 anyway, and even when they do sell to them, they have to sell hard copies (and in bulk) so their overhead is higher and they get a smaller cut than just selling it directly to us on the net.

    Suffice it to say, eliminating the middleman saves them alot of money, so that they can afford to lure in cheapskates as a hook to get them into buying later stuff for standard price.
  • edited February 2010
    I already have the retail 2-CD set (got it at Best Buy for $10 a few years ago), and even I caved and bought again at this price for two reasons:

    a) Ability to order the DVD for only an extra $5 and change. It looks to have a lot of good content on it, and the chance I'll be able to get it any cheaper than this is beyond slim.

    b) If I ever play through the season again, I won't need to keep a CD in the drive. That's beyond annoying.

  • edited February 2010
    This starving college student was able to spoil her best friend, another Sam and Max fan, whilst saving money to support her instinctive habit of indulging on edible products and attending pricey universities (and snagging a game or two once in a blue moon). Thanks Telltale! :)
  • edited February 2010
    Darnit TellTale, why couldn't you run this sale throughout your Mac announcement? I would have purchased it back in January had I known that I'd be able to play it on my Mac. (As opposed to not being able to play it at all.)
  • edited February 2010
    Although this won't help out Mac users nor anyone wanting to get the game through Telltale, I have to point out that the the retail version of Season 1 is going for less than ten bucks right now on Amazon.
  • edited February 2010
    Just a note that although it's being sold via Amazon's site, that's buying from CDRomUSA. That being said, I've bought things from them before, and have had no problem.

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