looking for animation software{paperless animation}
I just got a new computer and I'm currently looking for an animation software capable of doing not only 2D animation, but paperless animation. I'm trying to make a point-and click video game for all you fellow telltale members. So whats good for paperless animation? Recommendations would be nice.
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Uhm... Like Adobe Flash?
Or are we in an era where we don't even know what paper is or how traditional animations were created?
which one day I will clean up so I can actually use it (Pencil has vector-based animation, too, but I haven't learned how to use it).
Also, if you use GIMP, there is a pretty good animation plugin that uses layers.
But if you're making an adventure game I'd suggest using AGS:
...and using layers in GIMP to make animation sprites.
Good luck!
Both pretty easy to learn
I also have Anime Studio, but I haven't messed around with it too much yet...
You can also use ye olde pencil & paper
I didn't mean to create the pictures, since I'd probably do that with Inkscape, but to turn it into an animation, by putting the pictures after on another, or maybe being able to change only part of it (like import a picture of the arm moving without having to change the rest).
Since My needs would be rather basic I was hoping there would be a free (or cheap) program for that. Since it's just for fun I don't see myself spending hundreds on dollars on it.
Set the framerate to 12 f/s so that you work on doubles, that way you don't have to draw 24 pics for a sec
Photoshop isn't very free though :P
I'll see if I can learn how to do it with GIMP. I really dislike GIMP though, it's so complicated (unless I'm stupid. Although it could also be both). But there has to be tutorials out there.
I thought there were special programs for that but if a general image program can do it, I'll try that instead. Thanks
Free apps:
Pencil (Windows, Linux, Mac)
Plastic Animation Paper (Windows, Linux, Mac) http://plasticanimationpaper.dk/
Toonboom - Studio (personal) / Animate (pro/personal) /Harmony (pro) - (Windows, Mac)
http://www.toonboom.com (trial available)
Digicel Flipbook (Windows, Mac)
http://www.digicelinc.com/index.htm (trial available)
TVPaint (Windows, Mac, Linux?)
http://www.tvpaint.com/ (trial available)
Adobe Flash & Crude Photoshop Animation (Windows, Mac)
http://www.adobe.com (trials available)
Preston Blair, Cartoon Animation - every professional animator has probably read/studied this book at sometime in their career: http://www.amazon.com/Cartoon-Animation-Collectors-Preston-Blair/dp/1560100842
Richard Williams, Animator's Survival Guide - same goes for this one, now in a curiously "expanded edition".. http://www.amazon.com/Animators-Survival-Kit-Revised-Principles-Classical/dp/0571238343/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, The Illusion of Life - Filled to the brim with animation information, techniques, lectures etc. If you're serious, get this book, and read it all the way through... http://www.amazon.com/Illusion-Life-Disney-Animation/dp/0786860707/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_c
Eric Goldberg, Cartoon Animation - This book is great, it's simple, it's geared towards beginners and intermediates, but it has lots of stuff to see, great to get this book with one of the others.. http://www.amazon.com/Character-Animation-Crash-Course-Goldberg/dp/1879505975/ref=pd_sim_b_5
Anyways, hope that helps! If you're really serious about it, learn lots and most of all
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to record lines it a way that doesn't sound terrible. I really have no acting talent.
- Physical size - being the first one
- Levels of pressure sensitivity - second level
- Quick buttons (buttons and slide-things on the outside)
- Available Accessories
- Screen built in (cintiqs)
For a tablet for the hobbiest and intro-geared, I'd recommend the Bamboo, the larger ones, the 9x6, which is a good intro size, 512 pen sensitivity, which isn't bad, but if you're looking for thick-to-thin, you'll have to be a little lighter and do some fiddling.
But, if you're looking for long term and want to go pro, I'd recommend starting with the intuos4 medium, as they're quite nice, especially with the digital read-outs on the left-hand side and the 2048 levels (super-sensitive, can do thick-to-thin in a nice gradual form).
And... if you really want to use this for professional purposes, then I recommend the Cintiq, and depending upon your area of expertise, either size is cool. I personally use the 12wx and love it to death, without feeling hampered by size. Just be aware that there will be colour differences.
Oh yes, and be sure to shop around for the one you're interested in. If you're a student, seek out student-based pricing for tablets, there are some great deals out there.
Hope that helps!
Edit: I don't know why the link on my last post won't work, I'll try it here:
Oooh, a wireless tablet! It looks to be the same as the medium one except for a few differences: size, medium is 8.8 x 5.5 whereas this one is just 8 x 5. I'm sure the difference isn't too bad. I can't say about wireless tablets, I just hope Wacom makes them reliable.
Best of luck! Cheers!