St. Valentine others love to celebrate it others hate. What are your plans?

edited February 2010 in General Chat
Well im out of money but i have a relationship w/ my girlfriend for 6 yrs. We plan to hang out and maybe go eat or sightseeing, or maybe go to the beach (Where i live the temperature is 80 to 90 degrees F).

But i was wondering what you guys plan out on doing in St. Valentines and if smeone will reveal their love to someone.


  • edited February 2010
    What's a valentine, anyways? Is it like a card that tells someone you have feelings for them, or a joke? I remember they let us make cute little paper cards at school, and then banned them in and any Valentine's-related activities in second grade (too bad, because I really wanted to tell this girl I liked her in 3rd grade). So I've never known what Valentine's is, except that it's the day I see cheesy hearts, girls with fluttering eyes and men who seem to have forgotten how to step their eyes from rolling.

    To me, Valentine has always been an amusing time of year, because I've never been on a date on Valentine's Day. I've had girlfriends, sure - but either they're away on Valentine's (their family decides to go on a trip), or we just happen to break up a few weeks before. In one case, one day before, only to make-up the day after.

    Anyways, the only tradition I have on Valentine's is eat a large bag of vinegar chips, find myself amused at how people react to it ("Love should be celebrated EVERY DAY!"/"Stupid-ass conformity!"/"Happy Singles Day!"), and then spend the day reading, of all things. So, you know.

    Wish I'd get a card, though. Stupid school. They banned Halloween the year afterwards.
  • edited February 2010
    The same thing I do every year - try to take over the world!!!
  • edited February 2010
    today, since i'm in school and Valentine's Day is on a weekend, i plan to give a great big hug to all the girls in my school that i like. i also made a valentine comic. that's pretty funny too.
  • edited February 2010
    My husband has the 14th off this year, so we've decided to have a pic-nic, by which I mean eat sushi in bed (you're not getting me out in the snow, no siree).

    But we do that relatively often so I'm not sure if it counts as a "special plan" or not.
  • edited February 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    What's a valentine, anyways?

    I think that Valentine, Mother's day and Dad's day are there to promote consumer behavior to spend, spend, and more spending in gifts. Stores live for the holiday seasons. But anyway I also cant admit that Valentine's Day provides the opportunity to express your feelings in a creative way to the person you like the most.

    You can take that day to buy some roses and give it to all your friends or if you are feeling in a flirty mood go and give it to the most beautifull girls you encounter in the day.
  • edited February 2010
    I just can't get up any feelings about V-Day one way or another. I literally don't care about it, even though I thoroughly dislike mindless consumerism. Then again it seems like most of the time when I hear people talk about it, it's to bash the day, and talk about how it sucks not to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Also, and this might sound weird, it seems like guys complain about it way more than women do. Maybe because it's marketed more towards men? I mean, no guys don't stereotypically want a dozen red roses or a diamond heart pendant, but it is guys who generally buy them.
  • edited February 2010
    Same as always: Game.
  • edited February 2010
    I'm quite anti-V-Day, as I've ranted before in another thread. Consumerism and "mandated romance days" aside, I just strongly dislike everything about it.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very much into the whole "romantic" thing. It's my main driving force in life. But when it becomes an obligation, there's something wrong. I mean, more power to those who enjoy it. I don't judge. I simply hate how it's marketed toward people, as if there's something fundamentally wrong with you if you aren't rushing home with a bouquet and a box of chocolates in your hands.

    And god forbid you go out in public on V-Day without a significant other. Suddenly you're showered with looks of pity as far as the eye can see as everybody assumes that you're some down-on-his-luck loser instead of just some guy out for a walk.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Also, and this might sound weird, it seems like guys complain about it way more than women do. Maybe because it's marketed more towards men? I mean, no guys don't stereotypically want a dozen red roses or a diamond heart pendant, but it is guys who generally buy them.

    Or maybe guys complain about it because there are so many lonely men out there who get couples shoved in their face that day.

    Also, I hate Valentines Day.
  • edited February 2010
    My only gripe about Valentine is the fact you can go out alone that day because you want.

    In the other side, with this days where everyone is always busy and running, a day that practically force you to do something with your couple is not always that bad.

    Anyway, in Valentine I'll be working as a slave of my mom carring stuff for her vacation. With my sister too, of course.
  • edited February 2010
    You know, it's weird. When I was single, I was always happy to see couples holding hands, or kissing, or anything. It has never bothered me at all, it made me feel a bit better, actually, when I was down and stuff. Warmed up my heart, I was all "awww", that kind of stuff.
    I don't get how it could upset anyone to see that other people are happy :confused: Would be much worse if they were not.

    This being said, V-Day is the day to stay home as far as I'm concerned. Cancel all the plans you had, your favourite restaurant will be packed, your favourite park will be full, your favourite street will be crowded. It's definitely better to spend the day home, be it yours or a friend's.
  • edited February 2010
    I only know that I know at least three guys and two girls who complain about it for the reasons I mentioned. When you put it that way, it seems really selfish though.
  • edited February 2010
    I am going to sit at home. Alone. At talk to other people on TTG who are enjoy the serenity of pleasant loneliness also.
  • edited February 2010
    When you put it that way, it seems really selfish though.

    I wasn't trying to tell anyone they were selfish. I just don't understand the feeling. I guess I'm just lucky that I never felt that way, since it can't be a nice feeling.

    Tom> Can I hope to see you on wave? Eating sushi isn't going to take ALL of my day.
  • edited February 2010
    I'm going to stay at home and eat ice cream by the gallons while watching reruns of Sex and the City, lamenting that I'm still single.

    Actually, as it turns out, my cousin was born on Valentine's Day, so I'm going to a birthday party at a park. She turns 13 this year (THE AGE OF DEATH) so I get to be around awkward teens, hooray!
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I don't get how it could upset anyone to see that other people are happy :confused: Would be much worse if they were not.
    Seeing happy people make me depressed, seeing depressed people makes me happier.

    Does that make me twisted?
  • edited February 2010
    I dislike valentines day because I have no idea where romance came into the story of St. Valentine.

    plus I have never had a girlfriend on valentines day. it's too comercial now anyway
  • edited February 2010
    I'm just going to ignore it, like I always do.
  • edited February 2010
    Seeing happy people make me depressed, seeing depressed people makes me happier.

    Does that make me twisted?

    I dunno. It's not like you try to make people depressed for your own enjoyment. Hopefully.
    If you can't be happy without seeing other people unhappy, or if when you're happy seeing that other people are happy too takes away from your enjoyment, then... Yeah, maybe you have a problem there.

    Otherwise, it just sucks to be you I guess.
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I don't get how it could upset anyone to see that other people are happy :confused: Would be much worse if they were not.

    Well, it does not upset me to see others being happy, either. I take pleasure in seeing others having fun together. Yet I always get a bad feeling seeing couples kissing. It's like a cold chain of envy that closes around my heart, strangling it - making me realise I never felt that kind of love and making me fear I never will.
  • edited February 2010
    Iryon wrote: »
    Well, it does not upset me to see others being happy, either. I take pleasure in seeing others having fun together. Yet I always get a bad feeling seeing couples kissing. It's like a cold chain of envy that closes around my heart, strangling it - making me realise I never felt that kind of love and making me fear I never will.

    :( That's sad.
    I guess it's because I was never worried about not finding anyone. I wasn't looking or anything. I was like, well, I'm happy on my own, if later in my life I'm happy with someone else, that works too, but it's not a requirement, you know what I mean?
    I mean, I've been in love and stuff, and wanted to be with that specific person, but I've never wanted to be with someone without having anyone in mind.

    Anyways, we can't know what's going to happen so I can't tell you "I'm sure you will", because, well, I'm not. But I hope you will, and be happy and stuff.
  • edited February 2010
    I think i'll poop.

    But maybe i won't.
  • edited February 2010
    The same thing I do every year - try to take over the world!!!

    ditto! unfortunately My sidekick always muddles things up!
  • edited February 2010
    You really should poop every day. It's better for your colon.

    I guess if you feel like you "should" have a significant other as a prerequisite for happiness, Valentine's day could get you down. But I think it's possible to be happy "alone". (Although why people say they're "alone" when they have plenty of family and friends I've never understood ...) Not that I don't hope to find someone "some day", but for me the person, not the relationship, is the important thing.

    Hmm, yeah, I'm so perfectly clear there, aren't I? Okay, just as ShaggE says he doesn't like V-Day since it turns romance into an obligation, I don't like the idea that I "have" to have a "man" to be happy. Yes, I would love to get married and have children, but only if I find the right guy. If I don't find him, I don't want to bother, because, really, what's the point?
  • edited February 2010
    Iryon wrote: »
    Well, it does not upset me to see others being happy, either. I take pleasure in seeing others having fun together. Yet I always get a bad feeling seeing couples kissing. It's like a cold chain of envy that closes around my heart, strangling it - making me realise I never felt that kind of love and making me fear I never will.

    Well put, and I think that's my main beef with V-Day. I *have* been in that kind of love, and so it's like watching people wolf down Thanksgiving dinner while you're starving. You know exactly what you're missing, and it makes you want it back that much more.

    On the other hand, I believe that not only is there somebody for everyone, but there are several potential somebodies for everyone. So really, it's just a matter of time and effort.

    (yeah, I just jumped from pessimist to optimist in a single post. February does this to me. :p)
  • edited February 2010
    Seeing happy people make me depressed, seeing depressed people makes me happier.

    Does that make me twisted?

    This coming from a guy who hunts an imaginary animal hassat. I think the answer is quite easy. :p
  • edited February 2010
    If someone says they can be completely happy being alone, they're lying.
  • edited February 2010
    If someone says they can be completely happy being alone, they're lying.

    Define "alone"?
    I spent most of my life trying to be alone. When I finally was, believe me, I was more than happy. But I had a cat, so does that mean I wasn't actually alone?
  • edited February 2010
    I still don't really understand why people dislike "Valentine's Day" as in, the actual holiday. If you feel berated about it for not being in a relationship it's mostly the fault of the people around you or yourself for letting it get to you. It's commercialized yes, but so is Christmas and Christmas is still a very happy time to be with your family whether or not it's commercialized. Companies love jumping on any holiday and we should accept that.

    I don't see why you have to be in a relationship to enjoy the holiday either. Sure Valentine's Day was fun when I was in relationships, but when I'm not I like to hang with friends and do things like eat candy and watch V-Day specials. This one time my friend and I decided to go out that day and she joked that to not embarrass ourselves in front of the couples there, we should at least pretend to be lezzies. So we wore matching outfits and held hands the whole time in main street. We were the cutest couple there even though we were fake. :3 It was pretty funny.
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Define "alone"?
    I spent most of my life trying to be alone. When I finally was, believe me, I was more than happy. But I had a cat, so does that mean I wasn't actually alone?

    No. It doesn't. You're also on a forum talking to other people, so you're still not alone. I define alone as "not having contact with a living creature".

    Just because someone FEELS alone, they probably are NOT alone. If they were no one would ever know, because they would be alone.
  • edited February 2010
    If someone says they can be completely happy being alone, they're lying.

    You calling me a liar bub? Alone is so... peaceful. It gives time to think. Granted, I couldn't be alone forever, but the moments of alone-ness I get are worth more than gold to me.
  • edited February 2010
    That's a cute story, Pecan :)

    I usually don't do anything special on V-Day, but when I was 13, I did. I bought myself a gift (come to think of it, it's the only Valentine gift I've ever given OR received), because this way I was giving it to the person who supported me the most and who would always be there for me. That was so cheesy lol. But it was great. Of course I was 13, so it's not like I was even thinking about relationships at the time, I was only really interested in guys (beyond crushes) when I was 19 or so, but I had a wonderful day on my own, treating myself out and stuff.

    I have talked about it before, and people's reactions always seem to be that it's sad or even pathetic... I don't get it, I had a blast. I always prefer going to the movies or restaurant on my own anyways, if I have a date (romantic or with friends) I prefer staying home and playing video/card/board games or something.

    No. It doesn't. You're also on a forum talking to other people, so you're still not alone. I define alone as "not having contact with a living creature".

    Just because someone FEELS alone, they probably are NOT alone. If they were no one would ever know, because they would be alone.

    Oh, I see what you mean. Like, no contact with anyone or any creature, ever. Yeah, people who like that must be rare, although they might exist (hermits and stuff). But people have different definitions for "alone", I think.
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Oh, I see what you mean. Like, no contact with anyone or any creature, ever. Yeah, people who like that must be rare, although they might exist (hermits and stuff). But people have different definitions for "alone", I think.

    Now I'm a hermit?! I love being alone! It's so peaceful. I would not say I am alone right now (as I am on the forums) but I consider alone no contact with living creatures, nor anything (such as TV shows, movies, or the sorts) that take the place of them.
  • edited February 2010
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Now I'm a hermit?! I love being alone! It's so peaceful. I would not say I am alone right now (as I am on the forums) but I consider alone no contact with living creatures, nor anything (such as TV shows, movies, or the sorts) that take the place of them.

    We're all alone sometimes, for short amounts of times. I think Fawful referred to longer periods of time, like no contact with any living thing for days on hands or something.
    Because being alone for a few hours happens to everyone every day, doesn't it? Well, not necessarily when you're living with someone else, I guess, but still, it's nothing too unusual.
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    We're all alone sometimes, for short amounts of times. I think Fawful referred to longer periods of time, like no contact with any living thing for days on hands or something.
    Because being alone for a few hours happens to everyone every day, doesn't it? Well, not necessarily when you're living with someone else, I guess, but still, it's nothing too unusual.

    That happens to everyone. I'm saying that people who say that being alone, as in period, makes them happy are lying, mostly to themselves. I think if you believe it hard enough, you can lie to yourself about anything.
  • edited February 2010
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    Companies love jumping on any holiday and we should accept that.

    Ah, but V-Day is almost entirely commercialization. Far more so than most other holidays.

    I guess one could argue that Christmas and Easter were commercialized by Christianity, re-purposed from their original forms to sell the hot new religion in town, but that's a can of worms I am going to leave closed, plzkthx.
  • edited February 2010
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    Christmas is still a very happy time to be with your family whether or not it's commercialized. Companies love jumping on any holiday and we should accept that.
    Christmas sucks too. Fake forced happyness, like it's some crime not to be, annoying jingles all the darn time, forced to spend time with family. Yay, what a fun...

    Here's a fun fact for you: X-Mas is pretty much the day with the most suicides each year. Happy holiday, eh?
    This coming from a guy who hunts an imaginary animal hassat. I think the answer is quite easy.
    I am totally perfectly "normal"?
  • edited February 2010
    that is a very disturbing fact, please wash it from my brain with pictures of kittens.
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    Someone asked my Valentine's plans. I told them: sleep.

    I know people often consider it a commercialized holiday, or "single's awareness day" but I heartily disagree. It is not meant to be a day for just one person, or around a classroom. It should be a celebration of love, the mere fact that it exists in this world is enough. Whether you currently have it or you don't, it is there to be celebrated and made light of. This is the one day you can not take it for granted- you love your pet, your car, your favorite band, video games, anything. Is that not something to celebrate?

    No matter the cause or my current romantic involvement, I try to make people especially happy on Valentine's Day. It's an excuse to dress festive and show people they're appreciated, even if it's just giving them some chocolate.

    Speaking of that, it seems there's Valentine's Day cupcakes in the kitchen. Telltale, I love you. BRB SUGAR.
  • edited February 2010
    The most commercialized holiday is actually Mother's Day. It wasn't quite invented by the greeting card companies but they snatched it up so fast that the woman that invented it spent the rest of her life protesting the commercialization of it?in the 1920s (see: At least holidays like Christmas and Easter came out of traditional festivals common in most early cultures (mid-winter and spring fertility respectively)

    My favorite Valentines Day ever was when all my single friends decided to go to the pub (since all the regular restaurants are slammed and it's impossible to get a decent meal - my least favorite part of the day). All my friends in couples heard how much fun we were having and eventually all trickled in to join in.

    And I agree with nik, I'll be sleeping. And then beer.
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