Support not Supporting!

Hello all,

I downloaded the demo of Sam and Max Culture Shock two days with the unbridled enthusiasm to play the game. I'm sure this has been said before, but Sam and Max and DOTT, where the first games I was introduced to on a friends 286. It was the reason I bought my first computer (well the reason my parents bought me my first computer) which got me hooked on the dark side of gaming genres. Anyway...
So as excited, stupid people do, I slammed the left mouse button down over the big red sign saying "Purchase me!"

All went well (or so I thought) and I received a congratulations! email with my order ID. I entered my order ID and password, only to receive an error telling me "Your key/password is not valid" Thinking silly me!, I've probably entered it incorrectly ( being stupid and all...) I went about meticulously re-entering it over and over to no avail.

Giving up, with a tear in my ear errm... eye. I decided to swing an email over to activation support, being the next big red button to hit.
I received the automated response telling me the usual.
Tediously waiting years or what seemed it but really turned out to be a day, I decided to send one over to support as well.
Two days have now pasted with no reply, and all this poor, feeble uni student wants to do is bask in endorphin filled memories of simpler times. Why is it that Telltale hates uni students and there simple memories?

Is it the smell?



  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Hi Dylan,

    We try to answer support emails within 24 hours, but it's Thanksgiving weekend. Please cut us some slack. ;)

    I'm afraid I'm out of town and don't have access to the software that creates activation keys, so I can't help you with this right now. We do have someone monitoring the incoming support emails. Hopefully he'll get to your email sometime this weekend.

    EDIT: I can send you a password reminder to make sure you're entering the right password. I'll do that in a few minutes.

    EDIT2: Please send me a PM with your order number. I searched for the email address you used for the forum and am not finding any orders associated with it.

    EDIT3: Never mind, I found the email you sent to support. :)
  • edited November 2006

    you are a gem! thanks for the after hours help. You should demand extra pay for your efforts!.
    We try to answer support emails within 24 hours, but it's Thanksgiving weekend. Please cut us some slack.

    Ah! well you'll have to forgive my ignorance I was unaware of that, I'm located down under.

    p.s on a totally irrelevant note, this site isn't firefox/mozilla friendly

  • edited November 2006
    This site is developed using Firefox, actually.
  • edited November 2006
    tabacco wrote: »
    This site is developed using Firefox, actually.

    No your right, It was firefox on linux that was having the problem not firefox on windows.

    On Linux with firefox, the login screen doesn't show. And some links to images won't open.
  • MelMel
    edited November 2006
    drgonzo wrote: »
    No your right, It was firefox on linux that was having the problem not firefox on windows.

    On Linux with firefox, the login screen doesn't show. And some links to images won't open.

    Someone else was having some of your problems too:

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