Graphic/video card?
Okay, I've been delaying it for a long time, but with Sam&Max 3 coming out, it's getting more pressing.
Plus there seem to be a lot of people on the forums right now, so... More chance someone can help me I guess!
First, background: when I bought my desktop computer (so that I could play Monkey island), I also bought a video card because the one included only met the minimum requirements.
When I tried to install it I realised it wasn't compatible. I looked into it and there are apparently lots of different cards that connect differently to your computer, and different sizes as well (the one I got simply didn't fit inside my computer. It was too big).
I've already bought one card I can't use. Since then I've been too terrified of buying a wrong one again. How do I know which I can get? I have no clue at all. I know lots of people here know about computers so I'm hoping you might help me. the only thing I know to do is build one from the parts, but I've never had to select the parts myself so I'm lost on that one.
Any help is appreciated. Feel free to ask questions, but be aware you'll probably have to explain me how I can get the information you're asking for.
Plus there seem to be a lot of people on the forums right now, so... More chance someone can help me I guess!
First, background: when I bought my desktop computer (so that I could play Monkey island), I also bought a video card because the one included only met the minimum requirements.
When I tried to install it I realised it wasn't compatible. I looked into it and there are apparently lots of different cards that connect differently to your computer, and different sizes as well (the one I got simply didn't fit inside my computer. It was too big).
I've already bought one card I can't use. Since then I've been too terrified of buying a wrong one again. How do I know which I can get? I have no clue at all. I know lots of people here know about computers so I'm hoping you might help me. the only thing I know to do is build one from the parts, but I've never had to select the parts myself so I'm lost on that one.
Any help is appreciated. Feel free to ask questions, but be aware you'll probably have to explain me how I can get the information you're asking for.
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Also, how many watts is your power supply, do you have a pci, agp or pci express slot in your motherboard? The size of your case may be another factor we need to consider.
I'm not sure. It depends :P I want a good graphic card, so my budget is whatever that will cost. I'm more concerned about knowing which type will be compatible with my computer. Then I'll start looking for one, making sure it follows the requirements.
You mean from the wall, right? I live in Canada, so however many watts are available there.
That's one of the things I don't know how to check. I've looked at it but I can't tell, I was wondering if there was a way to know from inside the computer. You know, asking it to tell me or something.
I can measure it. It's a horizontal one, standard from what I can tell. If you need specific measurements I can take them.
Okay, well the latest graphics cards available are the ATI Radeon HD 5970 (I think) and the Nvidia GTX 295 (i think).
The ATI card needs a very powerful computer to run, and from what you're telling me, that may not be the card for you.
When I say the power supply, I mean the big block-like thing inside your computer. It should say on it how many watts the power supply is.
Now, I think it would be a good idea to tell us your measurements, but I think that part will have to be left to someone more computer savvy than I am.
As far as I know, you can't get your computer to tell you what kind of slot you have in your computer. There are distinct differences between the different ones, but again I wont be the one to explain.
No, no! This is all going too fast!
I can't get my computer to tell me about the power supply thing either? I have to open it and look?
Yep, that's what I'm saying. That's the only way you're gonna know. Maybe you could show us a photo of the inside of your computer?
EDIT: Okay. I took some pictures.
Tell me if you need different ones.
(For some reason the second one is all small... Hope it's still big enough)
Also, 240w (Although you can see that in one of the pics). And I haven't found something to measure with yet.
Well, looks like a video card isn't the only thing you'll need upgrading. Your power supply seems quite old, and won't be able to handle any of the recent graphics cards.Sorry!
Btw, you seem to have a PCI-Express slot, so that means you should be able to use a good graphics card.
So 240w isn't enough, eh? What would I need if, say, I wanted to run Tales on the highest quality?
I also want to buy more RAM but that shouldn't be a problem since there is room left.
Good news about the PCI-Express thing, although if I still can't use the cards because of the power supply thing, that's not that helpful :S
Argh, I have no idea these things were so complicated -_-' I should stick to console, at least you don't need to change their components constantly >.>
Well, its all about the power the card uses from the power supply to run.
Most cards need 400w or more to run. I have a 550w power supply, so you could get that, which could run an Nvidia GTX 260 pretty well. Or if you don't want to spend that much, you could get the ATI Radeon HD 4850, which is actually what I'm waiting for in the mail. There is a vid on youtube that shows Tales running maxed at 1680x1050 smooth as butter with this card.
EDIT: Ozzie > Thanks, I'll take a look.
if I buy a new power supply, do I run the risk of getting the wrong size, like with the video card, or are they all absolutely the same and fitting in every desktop computer?
Yeah, its the same situation. I hate to say it, but you might be looking at getting a new case, as well. Heck, you might as well get a new computer. Also, would you mind telling me what CPU you have?
Also, I only just bought the computer to play Tales. I can't justify getting a new one until a couple of years or so. These things cost a lot and it's only for playing telltale games... If I buy a new one every game or Season, that's one expensive game I'll be buying!
*sigh* I'm guessing I'll just have to see if I can play Sam&Max, and if I can't, well I'll play it in a couple of years when I have a better computer. I'm okay with buying some parts, but replacing the whole thing when I've only used it for Tales? I don't think so.
Well, the CPU is your central processing unit, which is the part of the computer which processes everything-memory, video card,etc.
Your case just seems to be too small to fit a large video card. The power supply, on the hand, is a different story. My 550w power supply is not very big, but nonetheless, you'll need a new case. So, maybe you might be able to tell me what your CPU is? Is it an Intel, AMD?
Follow DjNDB's instructions in this post to learn how to do it.
Dang, why didn't I think of that. You flippin genious!
EDIT: I took another picture and thought I'd share it while the computer is powering up.
My power supply is a totally weird shape! Is that normal? Will that make it harder to find one the right shape?
EDIT2: added the file.
Well, your CPU is definitely quite old, you need to get an Intel Dual Core CPU of at least 2ghz. I'm not sure about the power supply, though.
Your power supply is a big problem, though. That's a very nonstandard shape -- I suspect that only HP makes a replacement that will fit your computer case. And I don't think they make replacements with a heftier wattage.
You might be able to use a low-power, low-profile graphics card. Do you have a computer or electronics store nearby with a liberal return policy?
I'll talk about it with my husband but I don't think we'll upgrade anything at all if it all needs to be replaced. I guess we'll just live a few years behind. When our current computer breaks down or something and needs to be replaced, we'll go for one that can play games better. Or maybe we'll switch to playing the console versions of the games... They're looking less and less like computer games and more and more like console ports anyways.
Thanks for your help, everyone
Yeah, that's thing with an old CPU like that. It would bottleneck the games if you have a newer graphics card. Oh, and btw, the System requirements for S&M are the Same as Tales (At the bottom of the Devil's Playhouse page).
Good news if I can still play S&M, I hope I'll be able to play a few more games after that. Although this whole thing makes me frustrated with computers in general. Why don't they have standardised stuff? It's like they're making it hard on purpose.
It's possible it might bottleneck the card, but if she bought, for example, a low-power ATI 4550, I think that would be able to handle the game without overloading the CPU and without needing to replace her power supply. But I've never used any of ATI's low-power cards, so I can't speak from experience (hence my question about whether her local stores would take back a graphics card purchase without a restocking fee).
Yeah, but a 240w power supply still seems very low to me, even for a low power card. How much wattage do you need for a low powered 4550?
In addition, manufactures like Dell and HP will often use custom, nonstandard parts -- especially on "slim-line" computers that are not designed to be upgraded. I build all of my systems myself, and I've come to detest working with computers like yours. They're basically disposable after a few years.
I mean, how much do you need in your power supply to run it?
EDIT: I checked out the links, and you actually need 300w power supply for the 4550, and 400w for the 4650.
Well, do you actually have a graphics card in your pc? By the looks of things in the photos you've shown, its doesn't look like it. Anyway, you should be able to play the game quite well.
When I tried to put it in I realised the problem (and from what you've been telling me it probably wouldn't have worked anyways), but since I don't have a store I wanted to order a new card and, well, was pretty sure I'd get the wrong one if I didn't get some good advice. I didn't know who to ask at the time.
The only thing I want is to be able to keep playing the new games. It's okay if it's on the lowest settings. I wanted to buy a card to get some "advance", you know, not have to worry about upgrading for a while.
Well, apparently the 4550 can play Tales at the highest quality setting.
Oh. I don't even need something THAT good.
Does that change whether I can play Devil's Playhouse? Can you tell from my zip file?
It shouldn't be that much of a change, so yeah, you should be able to run it fine.
The other low profile cards (that's apparently was cards made for horizontal cases are called) seem to be more like 128MB, which doesn't sound like a lot.
Um, yeah, that card is probably well over 10 years old. That's not gonna do the job.
Yeah, I wish you luck. If worse comes to worse, TigerDirect have already-built pcs that are really well specced that you can get for under 500 bucks.
There are PCs that cost more than 500 bucks?
Oh my.
I have a budget of 50 bucks per month (for both my husband and me, not each) for entertainment (includes books, games, movies, eating out, etc).
So 500 bucks means a year... Or more. Not sure I'd be able to afford it :S
Better start saving up I guess :P
EDIT: I didn't mean to sound cheap. I'm okay with saving up for a year or more. I just want to make sure whatever I'm buying will be used for longer than it took me to save up for it.