Money, Money, Money

edited March 2010 in General Chat
Ugh, all these new announcements make so many of us just go and spend so much money. I don't know of any other company that can make me just throw my money at them as much as TTG can. But the weird thing is, I don't feel bad about it at all, in fact, I actually feel good about it. I feel like I'm actually contributing to the continuation of a part of my childhood that needs to live on even if it's only surviving through this one company. And for that reason, and I'm sure you guys love all the times that we've said this to you, I sincerely thank you for what you're doing. You've actually made me excited about PC gaming again.


  • edited March 2010
    Yeah, it's a good thing I've been budgeting for it since I finished ToMI and saw the Sam&Max 2010 thing.
  • edited March 2010
    I'm a consumer whore!

    Seriously, though, Telltale is awesome and every cent I've given them has been well worth it. Besides, the tarot cards are proof of how awesome they are. With how many other companies could you go on their forums, whine for months about a product you want, and actually get it?
  • edited March 2010
    I'm lucky: shipping is really expensive here, so I'm automatically out for a lot of things. Still, I did miss out on that cool Space Wolf t-shirt. :( Oh Space Wolf. And those Sam and Max sketchbooks. Oh Effigy Mound and Other Book.
  • edited March 2010
    They're so good to their customers. They listen to our requests, have sales, give out coupons, do free shipping every once in a while and their customer service is really good too.

    Not to mention the options we have when buying their games. Buy the DVD and you get the downloads for free (including the Mac ones if available). Or, get the downloads and you only have to pay shipping for the DVD. Great stuff!
    Besides, the tarot cards are proof of how awesome they are. With how many other companies could you go on their forums, whine for months about a product you want, and actually get it?
    Absolutely. I was really happy to see those appear in the store. Telltale are cool like that. :D
  • edited March 2010
    I get that same feeling about TTG, it's a company that treats their customers well and makes awesome games. I want to see more of that kind of games out there, so I don't have a problem at all spending my money with you guys and "supporting the cause". Sort of.

    Great stuff indeed!
  • edited March 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    I'm lucky: shipping is really expensive here, so I'm automatically out for a lot of things. Still, I did miss out on that cool Space Wolf t-shirt. :( Oh Space Wolf. And those Sam and Max sketchbooks. Oh Effigy Mound and Other Book.

    Consider that for orders of more than 50$, the shipping is free, even for international orders! :D
  • edited March 2010
    The shipping thing is awesome, bought me a t-shirt, TOMI special edition and Sam and Max :)
  • edited March 2010
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    Consider that for orders of more than 50$, the shipping is free, even for international orders! :D

    Bet I still have to pay HM Revenue and Customs something to get it into the country though. Damn bureaucratic money-pinching civil service.
  • edited March 2010
    Thornado wrote: »
    The shipping thing is awesome, bought me a t-shirt, TOMI special edition and Sam and Max :)

    T-shirt! Mug! Buttons #1! ...aaaand Deluxe edition! :D:D

    And Sam & Max Season 3, ça va sans dire... :p

    ... Games budget is screaming red this month! :p

    S@bre wrote: »
    Bet I still have to pay HM Revenue and Customs something to get it into the country though. Damn bureaucratic money-pinching civil service.

    Well, it's the same for all Europe... trade agreements and VAT and all the rest, it's part of our economy... and it's not as the Customs keep the money for itself, you know, it's part of state fiscal revenues... unless UK is very peculiar about it, I don't know :p

    And think here in Italy we have 20% vat!
  • edited March 2010
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    Consider that for orders of more than 50$, the shipping is free, even for international orders! :D

    I wouldn't trust our national post to find their own address. :( It's meant that I had to skip out on some cool stuff, even though I've been around since early 2007, but I'd rather not fork over some moolah and just have my stuff get lost in transit.
  • edited March 2010
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    ça va sans dire... :p

    Oooh, you say it in French in Italy?

    (It means "it goes without saying" by the way)
  • edited March 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    I wouldn't trust our national post to find their own address. :( It's meant that I had to skip out on some cool stuff, even though I've been around since early 2007, but I'd rather not fork over some moolah and just have my stuff get lost in transit.

    Duh? Aren't you maybe exaggerating a little the problem untrusting your post so much? :o
    Where do you live, Kroms? :)

    Avistew wrote: »
    Oooh, you say it in French in Italy?

    (It means "it goes without saying" by the way)

    Ah Ah ah :D ... Not really, only the pretentious Italian arseholes who want to sound very refined and brag about the little French they can speak... like me in that message :D ;)

    More seriously: no, it's not really common at all, it's simply one of the most internationally known French sentences, as far as I know, like "rien ne va plus", "c'est plus facile", "parbleu" ...and of course "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soire?" :D:p

    French language do is stereotypically associated with "pretentious refinement" though... also lack of bidets, but that's another story :p... Just one of the pointless stereotypes between adjacent countries of course :)

    Indeed I personally appreciated a lot the typical French "sincere and proud republicanism", so to say, the sense of the state as a community, the laicality... or at least it seems so from here, by comparison... any country has its own problems or course, together with cross-country common problems... but I really think in Italy we could use some more of that ;)

    Ok, I've gone utterly and completely off-topic, sorry :D :p
  • edited March 2010
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    ...and of course "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soire?" :D:p

    It's "soir", although that's an easy mistake to make.
    I want to say for the record that this sentence never makes any sense at all. As in, it doesn't make any sense that someone would say it. It translates roughly to "will you sleep with me tonight if you please?" or something. You're saying "vous" to the person and using reversed verbs ("Voulez-vous" instead of "vous voulez" or "est-ce que vous voulez") both of which are pretty formal.
    The use of "vous" could be explained by it being more than one person, but not the way the verb is conjugated.

    Seriously, it doesn't make any sense that someone rude enough to ask that question would go so politely about it. Would make much more sense for them to ask "tu baises ?"
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    French language do is stereotypically associated with "pretentious refinement" though... also lack of bidets, but that's another story :p...

    I miss bidets. They're so neat and hygienic.
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    Ok, I've gone utterly and completely off-topic, sorry :D :p

    No worries. That's pretty standard here after all.
  • edited March 2010
    Thornado wrote: »
    The shipping thing is awesome, bought me a t-shirt, TOMI special edition and Sam and Max :)

    I got pretty much the same thing as you, except I'm a small men's size so I got the mug.
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Seriously, it doesn't make any sense that someone rude enough to ask that question would go so politely about it. Would make much more sense for them to ask "tu baises ?"

    Mais non! (Oh, there's also "mais non!" in the list :D)

    I think it's intended to be said tenderly to a person you know very very well, your significant other usually, pretending formality, as a part of the foreplay, while you two are already in great intimacy :)

    "Like to screw?" is very rude instead! :D

    Avistew wrote: »
    I miss bidets. They're so neat and hygienic.

    In Italy you can't have a bathroom without, it's considered some sort of nasty foolishness :D

    When people that has been abroad wants to cheaply despise the place, they commonly resort to something like: "They haven't bidets! Dirty dirty people!"

    ... Or, if they are the aforementioned pretentious arsholes: "They haven't bidets! Parvenus!" :D:D:D

    "Parvenu" in the list. :p

    Avistew wrote: »
    No worries. That's pretty standard here after all.

    I suspect we are establishing a new record, though :p
  • edited March 2010
    I got pretty much the same thing as you, except I'm a small men's size so I got the mug.

    I noted when I ordered mine that it's availabe also in men's small: it's not listed in the blurp, but in the Purchase Options it's present! (I'm always undecided with S and M with american sizes... I'm a M- :p)

    Since it's not available yet, I'm sure the always friendly support team will help if you prefer to change your order ;)
  • edited March 2010
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    Mais non! (Oh, there's also "mais non!" in the list :D)

    I think it's intended to be said tenderly to a person you know very very well, your significant other usually, pretending formality, as a part of the foreplay, while you two are already in great intimacy :)

    "Like to screw?" is very rude instead! :D

    Rude, but it is actually used :P
    Personally, just asking the question would ruin it all for me. After that, asking it in a rude way is not ruining it any more than asking period. I mean, you don't go "wanna have sex?" You snuggle. Is you ask, chances are you'll be breaking the whole thing and not do anything.

    And the "ce soir" part makes even less sense. It sounds like you're asking the person if they'll be willing to have sex with you later this evening. It sounds desperate or whorish.

    GozzoMan wrote: »
    ... Or, if they are the aforementioned pretentious arsholes: "They haven't bidets! Parvenus!" :D:D:D

    "Parvenu" in the list. :p

    (So is bidet, by the way :P)
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Rude, but it is actually used :P
    Personally, just asking the question would ruin it all for me. After that, asking it in a rude way is not ruining it any more than asking period. I mean, you don't go "wanna have sex?" You snuggle. Is you ask, chances are you'll be breaking the whole thing and not do anything.

    I think we're really straying waaaay too much off-topic (and possibly breaking the user agreement)... but let me add just this for the pleasure of the argument: it depends, on how you say it and when (I mean, how far into the snuggling ;) in fact it has to be purely rethorical and playful, not really asking)... and on the proper snigger and Casanova face... :D

    I have experimental evidence of it working rather well to entice her even more ;)

    But only if she's already enticed and a pure play, as said above, else I would agree with you: explicitly asking (really asking, not playing) is a big faux-pas.... "faux-pas" in the list!! :D

    And of course it depends on the people involved: people are different, not everyone likes to talk during love, or have the same turn-ons in general :)

    I really did not know about the "ce soire" part, I thought it could mean "now" if it's already evening...

    EDIT: Sorry, "ce soir"... :D

    EDIT: Oh! I forgot a most important part! It turns me on being able to have her feel like smiling back slyly and sweetly answer "Oui, monsieur..." :D:D:D:D:D J'adore! (Both in the list :p:p)
    Avistew wrote: »
    (So is bidet, by the way :P)

    Oh, right!! :D

    EDIT: Actually no! "Bidet" is from French but it's actually part of the Italian dictionary now! Everyone call it bidet in Italy, not only the aforementioned pretentious arseholes! :D
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Obligatory heartwarming response:

    Gawwww, you guys! It never gets old to hear it. We are thrilled that you like it just as much as we do, and that's why we're here right now. We do it 'cause we dig it. And then even moreso because you dig it too.


    ps- you should hear how happy Shauntron was that everyone liked his trailer. We're humans here, you know! Being genuinely proud of our work and having others enjoy it is high praise.
  • edited March 2010
    D'aww. Everyone, group hug on Nikki!
  • edited March 2010
    *joins group hug*
  • edited March 2010
    To be honest, Telltale's great community and great treatment of costumers is probably why I've stuck around long past the release of SBCG4AP. I believe that Telltale is definitely a great company to use as a model for new ones.

    So even after all the Strong Bad hype has come and gone, I'm still here, and now the bizarrely awesome Sam & Max 3 trailer has me wanting to preorder it. Keep it up Telltale, and I'll be around a lot longer. ;)
  • edited March 2010
    *group hug!*
  • edited March 2010
    *group hug!*

    You're the best, TTG! :)
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