We Can Play As Max!

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
...for parts anyway. Take a look at this quote from The Devil's Playhouse FAQ...
Max's newfound psychic abilities give you a whole new way to interact with the world around you, and see the world through the eyes of a psychotic, empowered rabbit.

Yay, funtime!


  • edited March 2010
    Yeah. I've seen little (I try to avoid spoilers), but I read that it was more about using Max's new-found talents creatively than just combining random items.

    That idea of exploring a mechanic as far as it will go, plus the AI that speaks through that red spherical eye, make me think that the game will be a bit like Portal, in the sense that you:

    1. Have to think outside the box to proceed;
    2. Are essentially using a limited set of skills to proceed;
    3. Are being introduced to these skills slowly.

    The game begins with
    the dynamic duo trapped in a cage
    , and I'd be surprised if they didn't have to use every, or almost every skill they know to remove themselves from that situation. CMI was similar like that.
  • edited March 2010
    I got the impression that the opening cutscene was
    a psychic vision experienced by Sam and Max after Max gets future vision, and that the game starts on the street. I have the feeling that the spaceship thing is the last puzzle in the episode, or happens halfway through
  • edited March 2010
    The way I see it happening is that you get a weird child's toy that resembles a wheel, and using activates Max's powers. So either we get to play as Max or we get the usual "You can only play Sam" this time around. Which once again ticks off millions of fans and the person who is writing this post.
  • edited March 2010
    You get this first person view thing as Max, I think.

    I just watched the 30 minute gameplay demo, and I was wrong,
    the spaceship thing is the first puzzle. Once you solve it, then it's revealed to be a psychic vision and you're back on the street
  • edited March 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    The way I see it happening is that you get a weird child's toy that resembles a wheel, and using activates Max's powers. So either we get to play as Max or we get the usual "You can only play Sam" this time around. Which once again ticks off millions of fans and the person who is writing this post.

    Like a viewmaster? Also, where's the gameplay video?
  • edited March 2010
    Like a viewmaster? Also, where's the gameplay video?

    Here. <---(NOTE: Spoilers that will shatter your mind)
  • edited March 2010
    I don't want to watch it if I find out what happens at the start of the game. It will ruin it. Better to just wait a month and get it then.
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