episode continuity on TOMI DVD
Will the DVD just continue from chapter to chapter. or will you have to manually choose the episode you want to play?
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Aw, I hope not. Getting kicked back out to the menu screen 4 times throughout the game would be kind of annoying. Fade-outs would be better.
There are fadeouts at the end of the chapter. And each episode is really long, you won't be able to finish the game in one sitting. Most people will have a break between episodes anyway, so it will work well.
Yeah, I'm not saying I'm gonna play it in one sitting, but I'll probably spill over multiple chapters.
I'm just being picky
I assume you are sworn to secrecy on telling us how it's going to work? OR maybe you have to use spoiler tags?
I wouldn't mind, if i didn't have to look at the same credits after each chapter. I've seen them countless times already!
No continious full game, due to technical issues, but they would take it into consideration for future projects (S&M3?).
The Telltale Tool, the engine that powers every TTG game, is updated all the time. Sometimes daily. That means no two episodes are running exactly the same code. Programming that works fine in Launch of the Screaming Narwhal might make Guybrush walk straight through the scenery two revisions later, never mind the differences that would pile up through six months of changes. Combining all five episodes into one executable would require getting them all running on the same engine, which would be an enormous amount of work - programmers would have to go through their old code line by line and update it so it would work properly with the latest Telltale Tool, and then they'd have to test the game, start to finish, from scratch. And brother, that is not a fun prospect.
It'd be nice to have all five chapters run as parts of one single executable like the other games, but it's a huge amount of work for what is, in perspective, not much benefit.
The code would just have to find the name of it's own executable in the list and launch the next one (and quit its own process) when you've complete the episode instead of dropping you back to the menu.
Not a daunting task, but I guess it would make quite a few people here happy...
np: Contriva - Goodbye (8 Eyes ('96 - '99))
I know I could just save at the beginning of each episode, but I'd rather not.
Well, they could still have the launcher. All it would take is making it so that the next game launches without user input. I'm no programmer, but I doubt that'd be difficult.
Oh yeah, that could work. Or they could possibly have an option of 'play full game' alongside each episode's icon.
Not exactly what I meant, but that would actually be perfect
Actually, I think this would be great for S&M3 if already added. Make it load a mainscreen (instead of launcher), and all chapters you don't have are grayed out. Then just click on any if you want to begin in that chapter, or load your save. If the next chapter is available it automatically goes there when you are done with the previous chapter.
I am sure if it technologically is possible with the TTG tool though.
Yeah, I suppose some discs have the option to play each one back to back, but I'd argue that the action that takes place in these games would compare more to the type of transitions between the Pirates of the Caribbean films. We get tons of action and plot/character development per episode. Certainly more than 22-44 minutes that you'd expect from a TV show.
This is less like a normal TV series and more like a Mini-Series. That means you'd probably have to switch discs if you were actually watching this as a show.
To have to launch the next one manually seems like a very small thing--and to have to wait seems completely in line with what you'd expect from a real "series".