Season 3 on dvd?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I want to play season 3 right when it comes out but i want it on dvd.If i buy it now will I get a dvd later or have to option to buy it for a discounted price?


  • edited March 2010
    I want to play season 3 right when it comes out but i want it on dvd.If i buy it now will I get a dvd later or have to option to buy it for a discounted price?

    You will get the DVD for free if you preorder, but you will have to pay shipping for the DVD.
    You'll have to order the DVD itself when it comes out, it won't be shipped automatically, but it will show as costing 0$ in your shopping cart.
  • edited March 2010
    Sweet thanks alot
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