PS3 Preorder

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I read somewhere on the site there would be Pre orders for the PS3 version of Sam and Max: Devils Playhouse. I was just wondering when the pre orders would start, and how they would work. (I've never pre ordered a PSN game before) Do we download the game and unlock it on the release date? Does it magically appear in our downloads list on the release date? Does someone dressed up as max come to our door and deliver it on a hard drive?


  • edited March 2010
    The press release says that preorders are "expected to begin March 18th on the PlayStation Network."

    I don't think the mechanics of the preorder process have been announced, though.
  • edited March 2010
    I want to make sure someone from TTG sees this. How will the preorder work?
  • joeldeejoeldee Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010

    The pre-order is due to show up in the PlayStation store this Thursday, Mar 18, provided that all stays on track.

    This is actually the very first time that they've done a pre-order on the PlayStation store!

    You won't download the actual game at pre-order time. You're getting the pass which'll get the game delivered to you as soon as it becomes available.

    - Joel, Telltale
  • edited March 2010
    joeldee wrote: »

    The pre-order is due to show up in the PlayStation store this Thursday, Mar 18, provided that all stays on track.

    This is actually the very first time that they've done a pre-order on the PlayStation store!

    You won't download the actual game at pre-order time. You're getting the pass which'll get the game delivered to you as soon as it becomes available.

    - Joel, Telltale

    Interesting that Sony are doing this for you guys on something other than a Digital Magazine, that shows some faith and respect!
  • edited March 2010
    joeldee wrote: »

    The pre-order is due to show up in the PlayStation store this Thursday, Mar 18, provided that all stays on track.

    This is actually the very first time that they've done a pre-order on the PlayStation store!

    You won't download the actual game at pre-order time. You're getting the pass which'll get the game delivered to you as soon as it becomes available.

    - Joel, Telltale

    So when you preorder on PSN you get some sort of codes and as the episodes get released you put the codes in for each game right? :o
  • edited March 2010
    Ebanista wrote: »
    So when you preorder on PSN you get some sort of codes and as the episodes get released you put the codes in for each game right? :o

    I think that the games will show up on your download list. Codes are only used when you buy things in the real world and activate them online.
  • edited March 2010
    joeldee wrote: »

    The pre-order is due to show up in the PlayStation store this Thursday, Mar 18, provided that all stays on track.

    This is actually the very first time that they've done a pre-order on the PlayStation store!

    You won't download the actual game at pre-order time. You're getting the pass which'll get the game delivered to you as soon as it becomes available.

    - Joel, Telltale

    will it be on the UK store same day? or week after :-)
  • edited March 2010
    We will have to see the US update tonight to make conclusions about the release. But I have faith in Sony so that episode 1 will hit the store on april 15th worldwide.
  • edited March 2010
    As much as I'd like to run out and make that pre-order purchase right now, I don't have the money to afford it. Is it possible that you can still purchase the season even after the first episode is released, so that you can get whatever episodes are currently out and still get the later episodes for free?
  • edited March 2010
    Noaxzl wrote: »
    As much as I'd like to run out and make that pre-order purchase right now, I don't have the money to afford it. Is it possible that you can still purchase the season even after the first episode is released, so that you can get whatever episodes are currently out and still get the later episodes for free?

    Well, you don't get the later episodes for free, but you can pay for all of them at once and not pay again (except for shipping for your DVD once it's out).
    You'd just lose the preorder benefits (a free episode, access to the special subforum).
    Otherwise it would be the same as preordering, yes.
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