Devil's Playhouse Main Theme

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Assuming that it's the piece of music that's playing whilst the narrator actually says the title of the game, it's really really good, I particularly enjoyed the wee theremin thingy over the main hook, it made it for me

Now i'm hella excited for the title sequence!!


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    The sci-fi/action themes are all really nice. Jared outdid himself.
  • edited March 2010
    It's really cool how much it feels like it fits Sam and Max, even with all the instrumental jazz characterizing the score of past seasons.
  • edited March 2010
    TellTale always provided great music for they're games and i'm sure this one won't disapoint! OMG i can't wait...
  • edited March 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    The sci-fi/action themes are all really nice. Jared outdid himself.

    I hate to hear that. Unlike you, I still have to wait a month, dammit!

    Now, seriously, just the trailer music make my day yesterday ^^. Even 30 aftershocks didn't stole it's awesomeness. In fact, I rip an MP3 of the trailer to hear that song all the time.
  • edited March 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I hate to hear that. Unlike you, I still have to wait a month, dammit!

    Now, seriously, just the trailer music make my day yesterday ^^. Even 30 aftershocks didn't stole it's awesomeness. In fact, I rip an MP3 of the trailer to hear that song all the time.

    Sharing is caring
  • edited March 2010
    Sharing is caring

    It's the whole trailer, including the voices and everything my friend, no big deal. You can rip it using any youtube to mp3 converter online =P
  • edited March 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Jared outdid himself.

    Well i'll see ;) For a composer in video games I have unrelastically high expectations, but Jared helps keep Sam & Max one of the most stylish games out there.

    Plus you guys seem to really dig the musical vibe he creates (or maybe it's the other way around) but either way I still count Sam & Max's opening sequence (of any series you guys have done) to be one of the if not the classiest examples out there.

    I mean seriously when the only game score you have that challenged you (in my own cretinous opinion) is Hans 'f-ing' Zimmer's in Modern Warfare 2 you know you're on to a damn good thing. Who else can you say to "all right, give us an acapella based/swinging song that we wrote about the lighter side of war and conflict" and he'll go "I'm on it! And dammit i'll sing it!"

    Sorry, I think I have a bit of a man crush on this dude, needless to say, my ears are excited
  • edited March 2010
    I want a real MP3 of this song. I keep watching the trailer just to hear it.
  • edited March 2010
    Best Sam and Max theme ever. And that's including Hit The Road and the TV show.
  • edited March 2010
    What I really love which I've noticed as I've been playing back thru season 1, is how really well the music is synched with the dialog. All the little drum fills after jokes and so on, it really is put together incredibly cleverly. Jared totally knows what he's doing :)
  • edited March 2010
    I have a bromance for Jared, his music is incredible. I want to talk to him in the Dispatch, and I'm learning to play The Office on piano.
  • edited March 2010
    I have a bromance for Jared

    I pretty much want to marry everyone at telltale.
    I'm being told that's illegal though.
  • edited March 2010
    I have to say that the thing that pretty much single-handily drew me into Sam and Max was the music in the season 2 trailer. Everything else came afterwards.
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I pretty much want to marry everyone at telltale.
    I'm being told that's illegal though.

    Yeah, just pick one, that's legal. But hands off Jared! He's MINE!! (Jared, I'm not actually creepy. Please come to my house and I will show you to my non-creepy basement and non-creepy rope collection)
  • edited March 2010
    I want to say that before Sam and Max I don't even remember noticing that videogames had music in them.

    Except for Stan's theme. But that's all.
  • edited March 2010
    For shame.

    I usually prefer videogame and movie music above the stuff churned out and sold on CD's, so I definitely noticed all ;).
  • edited March 2010
    I know, and people here seem to be really fond of the music, so I'm probably going to be booed, but...

    For instance, MI1, honestly don't remember it having any music or any other sounds. MI2 I realise it must have had some because I remember Stan's theme in his store, but I don't remember anything else. Same with MI3. MI4 well I don't even remember it having voices, or most of the plot, really. I forced myself to finish it, then got rid of it and never touched it again.

    But the first three I've played lots of times. I just didn't pay any attention to sounds. But playing Sam 1 Max (telltale's Sam and Max) I started to take notice. Mostly because of the songs I have to admit.

    Actually, it's the same with voice acting. Most of the games I don't even remember if it had voices or not. But in telltale's games, the voice acting is so well done that it becomes part of the experience instead of being something pasted on the game as an afterthought.

    Anyway, I think Jared is brilliant.
  • edited March 2010
    You know what I heard has a good video game soundtrack? That re-release of Pokemon Gold and Silver. I want it!
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I know, and people here seem to be really fond of the music, so I'm probably going to be booed, but...

    For instance, MI1, honestly don't remember it having any music or any other sounds. MI2 I realise it must have had some because I remember Stan's theme in his store, but I don't remember anything else. Same with MI3. MI4 well I don't even remember it having voices, or most of the plot, really. I forced myself to finish it, then got rid of it and never touched it again.

    Um, how long has it been since you've played the first three MI games? I'm just asking because, well, I can't understand how someone could forget the music in them. For me, its part of what drew me in, so...I can't even grasp the concept. It's madness!
  • edited March 2010
    I heard the music in the trailer and I immediately thought, "Welp, better save up for the soundtrack." :D
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »

    But the first three I've played lots of times. I just didn't pay any attention to sounds. But playing Sam 1 Max (telltale's Sam and Max) I started to take notice. Mostly because of the songs I have to admit.

    Just so long as you play back through them all to appreciate the music this time :)
  • edited March 2010
    Um, how long has it been since you've played the first three MI games?

    Hum... Wow, I'm not getting any younger O.O. Sorry, just realised it must have been about 8 years or so at least...
    serializer wrote: »
    Just so long as you play back through them all to appreciate the music this time :)

    I wish. I keep trying to but there is no sound with scummVM, plus as far as MI2 is concerned it crashed right after the first cutscene. I'd have to actually fix it and I'm so lazy... Plus I have many things I have to do and I'd rather spend my time on them (who said "which is why you're spending your time on forums?")

    I think the "problem" is that I don't pay attention to background stuff. Background music, background noises,backgrounds themselves... That's why I hate doing backgrounds. It takes the most time and as far as I'm concerned nobody ever notices they're there.
    I keep thinking that with the first one, I might have played it without sound, because I really thought it had none. But it seems a stretch that it would have happened every single time. Plus, I feel the same for MI2 but I know I played it with sound, because I used to go to Stan's previously owned coffins over and over again just to listen to the music.

    It makes me feel (and look) bad, you know, people are all talking about how great the transition is between something and something else thanks to IMUSE and I'm all "wait, these games had sound?"

    But I don't usually remember music if it doesn't have lyrics, so I think that's a big part of it.
  • edited March 2010
    Illuminate yourself:
  • edited March 2010
    I have the same problem with music. I love the music in Sam & Max, but I didn't even notice that the Soda Poppers had theme music until
    the very end of my second playthrough of both seasons. Or maybe my third
    . And when people started talking about how great the music in the trailer was, my reaction was "the trailer had music?"

    Now that I've paid attention it to, I think it's great and it keeps getting stuck in my head, but I didn't notice it at all at first.
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