Monkey Island Treasure Hunt prizes won't open.

edited March 2010 in Site Support
I tried opening some of the treasure hunt prizes, as they had some coupons etc. in them, but clicking on the claim prize button just redirects me to a Monkey Island page with no content in it, except the commercial for the "free" Monkey Island dvd copy, that suggests I pay 18 euros for shipping.

Could you look into this?


  • edited March 2010
    With the increased activity in this forum I guess it would be to expected, but in the past 2 days I already seen 5 of these threads.

    The coupons have expired...
  • edited March 2010
    I noticed you posting that as a reply to someone else. His question was about not receiving benefit from the coupons, whereas mine is about not being able to open the prizes I got from the treasure hunt. These do include the coupons, but are not limited to them, as there were also other prizes. I do appreciate your concern about the forum being filled up with similar threads, but this isn't the same question as any of the previous ones you answered. I'd appreciate if you'd read my message before giving me the same reply as you did for the others, as this isn't related to their problem.
  • edited March 2010
    Right, sorry about that. Didn't knew the other bonus content pages were blanked out as well. Yeah, that could use fixing, and maybe instead of a blank page "the coupon is expired" helps levitate some new threads made here about the subjects.
  • edited March 2010
    Aye, that might help. As for the expiration of the coupons: I don't really agree with them making coupons from treasure rewards expire, as when first opened, they didn't include an expiration date. This led me to the conclusion that these coupons could be saved for later.
  • edited March 2010
    I was wondering about this too. I understand that the coupons would no longer be there but none of the prizes seem to work at all. I'll probably still complete the maps though... just because LOL.
  • edited March 2010
    Yes, I didn't remember seeing an expiration date either. Had I known it would expire at the end of the year, I would have used it on something else. But my problem is the same...I just get a blank page for all of the prizes.
  • edited March 2010
    Yes, I didn't remember seeing an expiration date either. Had I known it would expire at the end of the year, I would have used it on something else. But my problem is the same...I just get a blank page for all of the prizes.

    Aye, was saving my coupons for Sam & Max. Guess I'll just borrow it from a friend rather than buy it - good for business, yeah?
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