Dvd drm?



  • edited April 2010
    Never gonna happen.
    Never say never...
  • edited April 2010
    Honestly, can anybody REALLY see it happening? At the very most we'll probably get a collection release of all the Monkey Island games some time after they're all rereleased. Even that I doubt.
  • edited April 2010

    For as long as there are still people just like me, that cling to physical products...
  • edited April 2010
    To be honest, personally I'd much rather have a web-based activation thing than the kinds of starforce etc. Maybe securom isn't as bad though, I'll have to do a bit of research before installing from the disc.
  • edited April 2010

    For as long as there are still people just like me, that cling to physical products...
    Small, niche products will still not get a physical release. Obscenely good products, too. P.B. Winterbottom, And Yet It Moves, Strange Attractors, The Maw, Plain Sight, et cetera. Besides, the vast majority of physically-distributed games have restrictions on them anyway, including limited online activation.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    I think if we had something as intrusive as Starforce on our games, I would just quit the company and walk out the door. I had to format a hard drive once because of it! But yeah, we like things simple here.
  • edited April 2010
    Small, niche products will still not get a physical release.

    You are saying my Sam&Max Season DVD's are a lie? :eek:

    (The only game I ever bought without getting a physical copy is Audiosurf, and that's pretty much an online-game anyway).
  • edited April 2010

    You are saying my Sam&Max Season DVD's are a lie? :eek:
    Certainly not ALL niche releases won't get a disc-based release. World of Goo and Machinarium got disc releases, after all. But it's far cheaper to distribute online, and many of my favorite games in recent years have been download-only. The Sam and Max discs are actually an incentive for me because my favorite games getting discs is actually quite rare.
  • edited April 2010
    Just because TTG are willing to do it doesn't mean LucasArts is. They may be excited about MI again but I still don't see them shelling out for boxed distribution. After all, why didn't they do that when SMI:SE first came out?
  • edited April 2010
    Because MI:SE isn't big enough for boxrelease (and it's cheap, so that would mean the regular cut for inbetween people would be extremely small, probably not worth it for them to stock up).

    However not having massive box-releases (for example neither S&M seasons ever hit the shops here) TTG still sends out DVD's, so, why knows, they might do the same for us that want it if LA sees a market in it.
    Might not be "free" like ToMI, but I really don't care paying a bit more for it to not use Steam and have a hard-disk with diskcheck instead of online activation.
  • edited April 2010
    Will wrote: »
    Oh hai.


    You may begin your rejoicing. Sorry it took so long for you to rejoice.
    Wow, when I saw this thread was suddenly up to 9 pages I thought "Oh no, it must be bad news followed by many pages of complaining". I'm very relieved to see that it isn't.

  • edited April 2010
    Because MI:SE isn't big enough for boxrelease (and it's cheap, so that would mean the regular cut for inbetween people would be extremely small, probably not worth it for them to stock up).

    If you're talking about disk-size you couldn't be more wrong. If you're talking about popularity, you still couldn't be more wrong. But that's my point. LucasArts don't think it's that big. Or else that would have announced retail releases by now. Like I said, the only thing I see happening is a Special Edition Collection type of thing, but even that I have trouble believing.

    Just because you want something really bad doesn't mean it'll happen. I've learned that far too much. Especially with LucasArts.
    However not having massive box-releases (for example neither S&M seasons ever hit the shops here) TTG still sends out DVD's, so, why knows, they might do the same for us that want it if LA sees a market in it.
    Might not be "free" like ToMI, but I really don't care paying a bit more for it to not use Steam and have a hard-disk with diskcheck instead of online activation.

    Most people are content with digital downloads. That's just the fact of the matter. The number of people who'd be interested in a retail release is probably a lot lower than you'd think. Especially for a remake of an old game.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, that's why there won't be a retail release. I agree with that.

    But that doesn't exclude TTG DVD's, since we all know they *ARE* rather popular amongst the fans.
    And making it 'on demand' excludes them from making copies from people who do not care (like you) yet enough for people who do care (like me).

    (Just look at the many ToMI DVD shipping complain threads to see many people still care for physical DVD's)
  • edited April 2010
    How presumptuous of you. I didn't say anything about TTG's games. I was talking about the Special Editions. And I never said I didn't want boxed releases. I ordered the DVD of TMI myself.
  • edited April 2010
    How presumptuous of you. I didn't say anything about TTG's games. I was talking about the Special Editions. And I never said I didn't want boxed releases. I ordered the DVD of TMI myself.
    I'm pretty sure Hassat Hunter was referring to Telltale releasing a disc for the Special Editions. Which I also think is a fairly unlikely stretch, but whatever.
  • edited April 2010
  • edited April 2010
    Oh. Well yeah, that's still unlikely even if LucasArts releases their own boxed versions.
  • edited April 2010
    I wonder...

    If TTG is going to sell SMI:SE copies, would TTG also be responsible for making DVD copies, if there were any available for sale from them? Who would be responsible for the overhead required to make the discs?

    Wait, I was typing that and thought... what about Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People? I bought SBCG4AP and ordered the DVD hard copy from TTG. Who is responsible for the overhead required to sell hard copies if I were to have bought SBCG4AP from homestarrunnerstore.com?
  • edited April 2010
    Will wrote: »
    I think if we had something as intrusive as Starforce on our games, I would just quit the company and walk out the door. I had to format a hard drive once because of it! But yeah, we like things simple here.
    Good to know, I can accept this as evidence that it will be fine :)
  • edited April 2010
    What does Starforce do anyway?
  • edited April 2010
    What does Starforce do anyway?

    they poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto houses
  • edited April 2010
    and delivered a plague unto houses

    Yeah, you don't want to mess around with house plague.
  • edited April 2010
    My three discs of copper, I think the reason the W&G DVD uses the online activation method is, as has been mentioned elsewhere, was for convenience sake. I would hazard a guess that TTG "ran out of time" regarding getting the DVD ready so took the individual downloadable installers and wrote what amounts to a shell script to install them all. Again not out of spite or anything, just out of ease.
  • edited April 2010
    What does Starforce do anyway?

  • edited April 2010
    Wikipedia is your friend! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starforce
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