Bone activation problem


I bought the bundle for the first two chapters of the Bone series and I played them on my laptop.

I tried to install them also on my desktop computer, but I recieved the message that my game has already been activated on the maximum number of

What should I do?

I sent an email to the support people last Saturday and I am still waiting for an answer.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    I responded to your email on Monday. You didn't get the response? Please check your spam folder. I will send you a PM right now with the email in it.
  • edited December 2006
    I am having problems activating the two bone games as well.

    I know that the email address and password are right cause I used them to log onto the digital river order details screen.

    I have sent you an email containing my details and my hardware figerprinty thing.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    The email address / password thing won't work for anyone upgrading to the new version of Bone, so don't worry about that. You need an activation key.

    We've got some support emails queued up and are responding to them as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!
  • edited December 2006
    Emily wrote: »
    The email address / password thing won't work for anyone upgrading to the new version of Bone, so don't worry about that. You need an activation key.

    We've got some support emails queued up and are responding to them as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!

    Ok thanks.

    Think i'll have another play through sam and max while I wait! :D

    I received the activation codes thanks, now to play them!
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