Season 3 Payment Question

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
I may be missing this, but can we no longer pay on a per episode basis? Meaning, we either pay for the whole thing at once or we don't get anything?


  • edited March 2010
    It's only like this in preorder I assume.
    edited March 2010
    OK, I only ask because these guys state it's all or nothing:
  • edited March 2010
    That may be just for the PS3 version.

    Telltale has made all other PC episodes available for individual sale, but recently they've been waiting until close to the end of the season before doing so. For example, the episodes of ToMI were not available individually from Telltale until after Chapter 4 was released.
    edited March 2010
    Ah, I didn't know that (about the episodes being held up) as I played it on GameTap when it was new.

    Anyone from TellTale wanna jump in here and clear this up for PS3?
  • edited March 2010
    Wallace and Gromit didn't open up per-episode sales until...what was it, episode 3? Tales had a similar situation, where individual episodes weren't sold until later on. My guess is that, sadly, they're going to continue with holding back single-episode sales.
  • edited March 2010
    Wallace and Gromit didn't open up per-episode sales until...what was it, episode 3? Tales had a similar situation, where individual episodes weren't sold until later on. My guess is that, sadly, they're going to continue with holding back single-episode sales.

    Since they're going the way of having episodes be more like chapters than individual games, it makes sense though... Playing them out of order wouldn't be such a good idea.
    edited March 2010
    I'm just somewhat chagrined that they're asking people to pay up front for the entire run and not making the eps available, a la carte, as they're released from the get-go.

    After all, if they're going to go that route, it seems to me that they should just wait until the entire 'season' is complete and sell the whole lot at once, as one game, since this doesn't seem much like episodic gaming anymore, at least not how it is traditionally understood. (Yes, I know: nobody is making me 'donate' to the cause, but it just strikes me as a bit below board to ask for money and receiving no product in return, as if this is somehow a good thing ("save $5!!"), a la TT's marketing.)

    I guess my bigger concern is this trend will find its way into other DLC products (I think this is a foregone conclusion, actually) and I hate to see that, of all companies, TT is the trailblazer in this regard :(

    (As for Tales and Wallace, weren't both series a la carte on Wii and 360, respectively? Or were they also pay now, get content later?)

    Note: this isn't a financial concern as much a philosophical one, especially considering you could pony up for the first ep or two, find out you don't really care for it, and you're out the money anyway. (Yes, I know: then don't risk it but, again,it's mostly a philosophical concern.)
  • edited March 2010
    I was concerned about that when ToMI started, mostly because 1- I didn't have enough money at the time and 2- I never knew anything about MI at the time, so, I didn't want to throw my money away, when I had some.

    Personally, yes, I'm annoyed about the situation, but, I guess must some sort of reason behind. I'm just trusting in Telltale, because they were really nice when I had any kind of trouble, but, really, I would like they sell individual episodes since the beginning, instead of almost near the last episode.

    I already pre-orderer the Devil's Playhouse because I love Sam and Max, but I'm cautious about new franquises or something (Because, for some reason, Strong Bad bore me to hell...) and I don't want to pre-order or buy everything just because I can't grab a single episode for taste it. Thank godness, the Demos are good too, but still annoy me a little.
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah, buying the whole thing is a bad idea if you don't know if you'll like it. Fortunately telltale gives away free episodes all the time so you can try the first one once they become available separately.
    Preordering benefits aren't really important to you if you don't even know the series, the way I see it, and neither is waiting a bit so you can grab just one episode. So I'm fine with that.
    I think by selling them as a block they make it clear that it's one storyline and not unrelated episodes.
  • edited March 2010
    Pre-ordering is pre-ordering. It happens with "full" games too, with benefits, without you being able to know in most of the cases wheter you will like the game. Guilty in the case of Oblivion myself for example. If I knew what it would have been I never pre-ordered.

    So, yeah, only allowing to pre-order the entire season is rational and okay in my book. If you don't trust it try out a single episode. So in that regard, yeah, I agree individual purchasable episodes should be available from day #1, not when 3 months have passed...
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